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  • Deep thoughts from a smart guy
  • Glenn Greenwald, a gay man, turns on transpeople
  • To Vax or Not To Vax. What does the Math say?
  • U.N. climate change report sounds 'code red for humanity'
  • Protest against vaccine mandates in L.A. turns violent; one person stabbed
  • In the interests of women, should the US invade the following countries and force them to ban Sharia?
  • At Sturgis, they're selling Nazi hats along with Trump hats
  • Afghanistan: Turn off Fox and MSNBC
  • Osama bin Laden wrote the playbook
  • Judge orders OAN to pay Rachel Maddow $250K for attorney's fees
  • Many critics of Afghanistan pullout appearing on political shows have ties to the defense industry
  • The war in Afghanistan cost Americans $300 million a day for the last 20 years
  • FBI and DHS warn that White supremacists are a bigger threat to the US than Islamic terrorists
  • This is interesting. Published by the NIH (National Institute of Health)
  • A War's Epitaph: For Two Decades, Americans Told One Lie After Another About What They Were Doing in Afghanistan
  • Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan
  • Interesting article from Nov 17, 2020 that confirms my suspicions
  • Prediction: The US will pivot to Ukraine
  • War! What is it good for?
  • Our apartment maintenance manager died from COVID
  • My unvaxed brother is in the hospital with COVID
  • Newsmax Anchor Loses It
  • Here's why Americans pay the world's highest prescription drug prices
  • Right-Wing Conspiracy Rally Collapses Under Weight Of Right-Wing Conspiracies
  • Lindsey Graham found Trump election fraud arguments suitable for 'third grade'
  • How about starting a Class Action Lawsuit against COVID-19 vaccine disinfo distributors?
  • There is no Executive Privilege when it comes to Sedition
  • 9 Vaccinated Nursing Home Residents Die After Montana Lets Healthcare Workers Go Unvaccinated
  • "Moderates" are destroying the Dems' chances in 2022 and 2024
  • Obama fought to keep wages in Haiti to 31 cents an hour
  • We're being pitted against each other by foreign troll farms for profit
  • The Bloodless Coup of 2024
  • What has to happen in a person's life to make them believe crazy shit like this?
  • Bill Maher: The Slow Moving Coup
  • Spineless
  • Why is this allowed in a supposed democracy?
  • Manchin Freaks Out After Sanders Pens Op-Ed in West Virginia Paper
  • Noam Chomsky: The GOP Is a "Group of Radical Sadists"
  • Trumpery
  • Time for a national divorce?
  • Bannon Caught Fleeing US Disguised As Man Who Recently Took Shower
  • The GOP's voter fraud poster boy has just been charged with voter fraud
  • Yes, We Are a Laughing Stock
  • A majority of young adults 18-29 in the U.S. live with their parents for the first time since the Great Depression
  • The unofficial official Kyle Rittenhouse discussion page
  • Bill Maher's guests last night were Adam Schiff and Tavis Smiley
  • Is "Free Market" Capitalism slowly dissolving America's sovereignty?
  • Republicans have already gained enough seats through gerrymandering alone to "win" control of the House
  • Wow, I wonder how many fans Tulsi Gabbard lost with that tweet
  • A Memorial to the Terrorists
  • Warming Events Could Destabilize The Antarctic Ice Sheet In Ten Years
  • Disney+ Drops Simpsons Episode in Hong Kong Because of Tiananmen Square Joke
  • 16 out of 17 US states with the highest per capita COVID case rates have Republican governors
  • New Darwin Award nominee
  • "It is my belief that the United States is in possession of exotic material"
  • Georgia election workers sue Gateway Pundit over false accusations of election fraud
  • New Evidence Suggests Trump DOJ Official Conspired With White House to Overturn 2020 Election
  • Earthquake swarm off coast of northern Oregon
  • Tornadoes!!!
  • Georgia Republicans purge Black Democrats from county election boards
  • Is Marjorie Taylor-Greene the dumbest person alive?
  • Sheri and I are now Tucsonans
  • Amazon places profits above the safety of its employees
  • Trump yearns for a return to the time when Israel "owned" and had "absolute power over Congress"
  • Civilian Casualty Files Reveal that US Hid Thousands Of Deaths in Middle East Air War
  • Striking Kellogg's workers get increased wages and improved benefits after 3-month strike
  • The Christmas song "Do You Hear What I Hear" is an allegory about nuclear annihilation
  • Chris Mellon: Based On What We Know About UAPs, Aliens Are The Best Explanation
  • Putin has decreed that males between the ages of 18 and 60 cannot leave Ukraine
  • Republican voters' confused and contradictory stances on Biden and Ukraine
  • Antiwar journalist thinks it's time for NATO and the US to invoke NFZ
  • Fox News poll: 56% of voters would confirm Judge Jackson to Supreme Court
  • "Putin's Regime Is Going to End Very Soon": The Oligarch Jailed by Putin Speaks
  • Bath Salt Conservativism
  • FOIA Request Reveals Pentagon Reports of ‘Radiation Burns’ and ‘Unaccounted for Pregnancies’ After Contact With UFOs
  • U.N. climate change report says we're on the path to an 'unlivable' planet. WE DID IT!
  • John Boehner had told Biden's sister that she should advise him to sit out the 2020 presidential race, called politics a 'blood sport,' book says
  • Bitcoin proselytizers
  • China War With U.S. on the Horizon, Chief Propagandist Says
  • Mallory McMorrow should run for president
  • Would someone explain to me why Gov. DeSantis banned something like 52 math textbooks because the books supposedly teach CRT?
  • Vote for Mike Lee. Because voting is bad.
  • Macron leading Trump knock-off by 12 in latest poll
  • The new McCarthyism, like the original, is about destroying public institutions
  • Do you think those parents would be raising a stink if a hetero teacher talked to the kids about their significant other?
  • Russian court dissolves country’s main LGBTQ rights organization
  • Excellent primer on UAP
  • 2004 Nimitz Encounter: 10-20 UAPs spotted, 6.8 miles/sec, 5000 Gs, no sound, no sonic boom
  • I guess that Gov. DeSantis never watched Bugs Bunny
  • Why Bernie's Scandinavia argument doesn't work
  • It's a big club, and you ain't in it!
  • Trevor Noah knocks it out of the park at the annual White House correspondents' dinner
  • Excoriating review of Biden... from the left
  • The antichrist wanted BLM protestors to be shot
  • "It's a cult": Mike Huckabee introduces "The Kids Guide to President Trump"
  • Kirsten Gillibrand is pissed off at the DoD
  • America Needs a Divorce
  • European countries have sensible abortion laws
  • The Crazy Ones
  • Servant of the People
  • Why are the Democrats such pansy asses about subpoenas?
  • Israel kills another Palestinian journalist
  • Livestream of Tuesday's Congressional UAP hearing
  • Oklahoma passes bill banning most abortions after conception
  • Buh-Bye Bad Blues
  • Creepy US PSYOPS Mission Patches with Occult Images
  • David Perdue plays the race card
  • Senate fails to advance domestic terrorism bill over GOP opposition
  • Surviving Death
  • One percent of the population are psychopaths
  • The Christofascist warning by a former evangelical Christian
  • Amy Coney Barrett's Former Religious Group Was Accused of Child Sexual Abuse
  • Joe Manchin's solution: Raise the age requirement from 18-21
  • Here's a real-life situation friends of ours are going through right now
  • Gun Violence: I think Bill Maher may have a valid point
  • Climate change is devastating America's western states
  • I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but...
  • What Ordinary Republicans Think About January 6
  • World swimming bans transgender athletes from women's events
  • UAPs and Continued Monitoring and Disruption of Nuclear Weapons - Are They Sending Us a Message?
  • Welcome to Texas, where you go back in time without the need for a time machine!
  • House GOP joins NRA in opposition to bipartisan Senate gun reform bill
  • Trump is having a meltdown
  • Over 100 "drones" "harassed" US warships in 2019; Pentagon still hasn't determined their origin
  • Hutchinson's decision to testify about Jan. 6 highlights Trump's 'mob boss' tactic of paying witness lawyers
  • I'm a progressive, but sometimes I want to strangle people on the left.
  • Christofascism is alive and well in America
  • The 2:24 Tweet
  • Florida schools to let veterans teach without degrees
  • Is Ron DeSantis trying to get teachers killed?
  • 41 Republican Senators vote against expanding healthcare to 9/11 first responders and veterans
  • The ongoing investigation into the UAP phenomenon led by Luis Elizondo and Christopher Mellon
  • Nate Silver | The Political Environment Might Be Improving for Democrats
  • "It was freakin' huge!"
  • White nationalist PM of Hungary Viktor Orban received a standing ovation after his speech at CPAC yesterday
  • "This is mass murder of civilians on a scale not seen in Europe since World War II."
  • Eric Trump faceplants
  • Donald Trump, praising Chinese totalitarianism, July 22, 2022:
  • FBI search warrant shows Trump under investigation for potential obstruction of justice, Espionage Act violations
  • Woke-ism spreads to GOP
  • Defamation Suit About Election Falsehoods Puts Fox on Its Heels
  • Trump labeled "flight risk"; passports seized
  • Trump: 'It’s not theirs, it’s mine'
  • Weisselberg pleads guilty
  • Congress implies UFOs have non-human origins
  • Trump Had > 300 Classified Documents
  • Is convenience worth giving up your privacy for?
  • He who lives by the Trump dies by the Trump
  • 'Doomsday glacier,' which could raise sea level by several feet, is holding on 'by its fingernails,' scientists say
  • Americans give Democrats significantly higher marks for pandemic management than Republicans
  • Russian politicians lash out at Vladi
  • Another Fed Judge Laughs a Trump Lawsuit Out Of Court
  • Senate Republicans to introduce nationwide abortion ban
  • Interesting story sbout how a MAGA school board incumbent was defeated in Idaho
  • This is why we need Roe
  • Q-Trump
  • Petraeus predicts the US would destroy Russia's military in Ukraine and sink its naval fleet if it used nuclear weapons
  • Christian Walker's Excoriating Tweets to his Dad Herschel
  • Why adverse weather events are increasing
  • "Their plan is to literally kill people’"
  • Republicans activists in AZ targeted in lawsuit; Republican operatives in OH plead guilty in voter suppression scheme
  • GOP Admins Had 38 Times More Criminal Convictions Than Democrats, 1961-2016
  • Edgar Mitchell: Truman convened a very high level committee to examine the alien, or UFO phenomenon
  • Trevor Noah exposes Kari Lake as a fake MAGA
  • If you know four Republicans...
  • Bill Maher delivers American democracy's epitath
  • Maps in Four States Were Ruled Illegal Gerrymanders. They’re Being Used Anyway.
  • Nate Silver / FiveThirtyEight: The Case for a Democratic Surprise on Election Night
  • Israel and US vote to keep Cuba impoverished
  • Apprehensions and expulsions registered by the US border patrol have skyrocketed under Biden
  • The news is getting hard to watch
  • Donald Trump eats dog turds
  • The Great GOP Civil War, 2022 - ?
  • Republicans already pulling out all the stops against Warnock
  • How badly election deniers cost the GOP, in 9 stats
  • Will Trump Announce?
  • Thomas Friedman: The Big Liar and His Lying Little Liars
  • Emirates Has Spent $154 Million on Lobbying US Since 2016, and Has Illegally Influenced US Politics: Intel Report
  • The things we do for oil
  • Florida Judge rules to protect Floridians from the governor's attack on the First Amendment
  • If you watch the World Cup which begins tomorrow...
  • Arizona election official forced to go into hiding after receiving death threats following Kari Lake’s defeat
  • That's it. I've had it with clickbait.
  • Dan Savage: "Unarmed queers in a gay bar in Colorado Springs were able to do what hundreds of armed men couldn't do in Uvalde."
  • Good news regarding Trump!
  • "Russia’s invasion is now an ongoing operation of mass murder"
  • US Expedites Hypersonic Deployment As China Equips Its Nuke Submarines With Missiles That Can Strike US
  • China's "Zero-COVID" Policy and the Riots that have followed
  • Self-described "Free Speech Absolutist" Elon Musk is Weak on the "Absolutist" Part
  • Gangs have virtually taken over Haiti and have created a Humanitarian Disaster
  • GOP county's refusal to certify election results could flip result of Arizona House seat...
  • It's Groundhog Day for the GOP
  • Right-wing extremists have a history of attacking power substations
  • Trump Organization Found Guilty of Tax Fraud
  • Germany has a Trump-like cult without the Trump figure
  • Supremes to hear case today that could upend American democracy
  • Is It Time to Revive the Berlin Airlift for Ukraine?
  • Special counsel subpoenas election officials in states where Trump tried to overturn results
  • Hts (SS Post Contributor): "[Raphael Warnock] is your typical Dem political plantation house boy... A good darkie! Yasir yasir, massah!"
  • Clarence Thomas’ Wife Pressured 29 Arizona Republicans to Overturn 2020 Election
  • Trans People's Personal Data Sought by Texas AG
  • Ron DeSantis announces his latest gimmick issue
  • Trump and the IRS: A massive tax cheat and a hapless, corrupt agency
  • God...
  • Predictably, MAGAs turn against Ukraine aid
  • Trump Melts Down over "Radical Left Democrats" and "Marxists"
  • So are y'all doing anything special tonight?
  • Greta Thunberg: "this is what happens when you don't recycle your pizza boxes"
  • Brazilian Court Revives Fraud Charges Against George Santos
  • Hundreds of Poor Losers Storm Congress, Presidential Palace and Supreme Court in Brazil
  • The average life expectancy in the US is 77...
  • Thousands of New Renewable Energy Jobs Coming to U.S.
  • FTC proposes a new rule banning non-compete agreements 
  • DeSantis Blocks AP African-American Studies Course for Breaking Florida's Anti-CRT Law
  • What should we think of the debt ceiling crisis?
  • Cracking Down on Criminal Cops
  • Balloongate: According to the State Dept, it was a spy balloon
  • Trump is suggesting that Ron DeSantis is a pedophile!
  • Super Bowl
  • Tucker Carlson: Trump is a "demonic force"
  • AAP Study: Young Adult Psychological Outcome After Puberty Suppression and Gender Reassignment
  • Sounds to me like DeSantis is waffling on Ukraine
  • Bomb Train: Toxic effects on residents; property values of homes jeopardized
  • SNL Cold Open from last night: Trump visits East Palestine OH
  • Dear President Carter
  • I could not in good conscience vote for the debt ceiling bill
  • Judge Aileen Cannon Can Absolutely Sink the Federal Prosecution of Trump
  • Judge Sides With Families Fighting Florida’s Ban on Gender Care for Minors
  • This Trump Tweet cracked me up
  • Student loan debt relief
  • Some GOPs & Dems are coming together on economic populism
  • Pharmaceutical companies and House Republicans have aligned to launch a full-scale attack on the new Medicare drug reforms
  • Climate Change - Record Heat
  • American Tune
  • Funny 'cuz it's true: the Outrage Industry
  • One of the main reasons for American discontent, in one graph
  • ‘Non-human intelligence’: Schumer proposes stunning new UFO legislation
  • “Immensely Invisible”: Immigrant Women in ICE Jails Face Sexual Abuse Despite Reforms, Report Reveals
  • Don't feed the trolls!
  • This is beautiful!
  • Four indictments against DJT related to Jan 6 handed down
  • 2023's Most & Least Stressed States
  • Trump has already broken a law his DC judge said he couldn't break and remain out on bail: ex-prosecutor (8/14/23)
  • Globaloney: Why the Democrats’ Love Affair With “Free Trade” Is Over
  • Corporate Liberal Media Propaganda and Joe Biden
  • Fox News commentators melt down over Taylor Swift! LOL!
  • What the only true Left TV/Radio source is saying about the situation in Gaza and Israel
  • Mary Lou Retton is fighting for her life
  • Democrats Splinter Over Israel as the Young, Diverse Left Rages at Biden
  • The Leader of the Republican Party Channels Hitler
  • Israeli children sing, "We will annihilate everyone in Gaza".
  • So what are you all thankful for?
  • Cassidy Hutchinson's dire warning
  • President Carter wrote a book called "Palestine: Peace not Apartheid"
  • Rachel Maddow interviewed Liz Cheney on last night's show
  • Rudy's has to cough up $148 mil 🎉
  • Bernie Sanders: "We cannot be complicit in the current approach of the Israeli government"
  • It's clear now that Biden isn't going to step down
  • New Lincoln Project ad goes viral
  • Schumer and Jefferies took that walk to the White House
  • AOC reveals why she hasn't backed calls to replace Biden

  • Donna's 0 results, ratings & comments
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