'Central Park 5' members sue Donald Trump over debate comments
By Donna October 21, 2024 4:39 pm Category: Law (0.0 from 0 votes)
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...During the debate, Trump was responding to a statement from Vice President Kamala Harris in which she revisited his full-page ad in The New York Times in the wake of the incident that called for the execution of the Central Park Five when he said the following: "[T]hey come up with things like what she just said going back many, many years when a lot of people including Mayor [Michael] Bloomberg agreed with me on the Central Park Five. They admitted -- they said, they pled guilty. And I said, well, if they pled guilty they badly hurt a person, killed a person ultimately. And if they pled guilty -- then they pled we're not guilty."
The lawsuit points out that Trump's statements were false in multiple respects -- noting none of the members of the Central Park Five ever entered guilty pleas in the case, none of the victims of the Central Park assaults were killed, and the mayor at the time of the assaults was Ed Koch -- who did not agree with Trump's position in the full-page ad.
They served sentences ranging from seven to thirteen years. I think that an appropriate punishment for Trump would be to throw that sociopathic asshole in prison for the total number of years the defendants collectively served.
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