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FL completes an unspeakable act
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Gabbard and Ratcliffe perjured themselves when giving testimony before Congress...
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Rep. Crockett refers to Greg Abbott, who is disabled, as ‘Governor Hot Wheels’
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Which lib journalist is the biggest hack? The RUTHLESS "Hack Madness 2025"
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The real reason for Trump's tariffs. Maybe.
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What does the Trump administration consider "war"?
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President selectors, pages, etc.
Around 23,000 Tucsonans Show Up for Bernie and AOC's FIGHT OLIGARCHY Tour
By Ponderer
March 23, 2025 7:39 am
Category: President

(5.0 from 2 votes)
Rules of the Post

Us among them.

It was a gloriously invigorating thing to be a part of. The energy was intensely charged. I am just glad that I was physically capable of pulling it off. Thank goodness we were able to sit in the bleachers and didn't have to stand. And the two hours we were in line was thankfully in the shade. We couldn't believe the constant hordes of people who were passing us to get to the end of the line. People were still streaming in well after we sat down, through two speakers, and half-way through AOC's speech. They were expecting only 4,000 or 5,000.

It just enriches my soul to no end to be on the right side of things. No matter how bad the wrong side makes everything for us.

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Comments on "Around 23,000 Tucsonans Show Up for Bernie and AOC's FIGHT OLIGARCHY Tour":

  1. by oldedude on March 23, 2025 9:57 am
    That already happened.
    pedojoe crime family was voted out of the orifice. We're clear of the criminals!

  2. by Ponderer on March 23, 2025 11:01 am

    "We're clear of the criminals!" -olde dude

    When the entire government is made up of willfully anti-constitutional criminals, as it is now, there is no longer any "crime" they can commit. Crime is now apparently deemed legal by this administration whilst it is committing it.

    Already countless instances of Trump wiping his fat orange ass with the Constitution on a near daily basis... and you think Biden was the criminal.


  3. by Curt_Anderson on March 23, 2025 11:03 am
    I am glad to know you were able to attend and see it. Could you tell if the crowd was mostly progressive or a political mix?

  4. by Ponderer on March 23, 2025 11:14 am

    Curt, it was pretty progressive/liberal. I was encouraged by the wide age range and mix of ethnicities that attended. So many young people actually active and handing things out to the line.

    There were no pro-Trump protesters anywhere to be seen.

    They wouldn'ta dared.

    We're going to try to get to the next event at our "Representative" Juan Ciscomani's office downtown soon. That MFer is a MFer. Did you catch his asinine comments in the news video clip about Bernie and AOC?

    He don't know them vewy well, do he?

  5. by HatetheSwamp on March 23, 2025 11:28 am

    "It just enriches my soul to no end to be on the right side of things. No matter how bad the wrong side makes everything for us."

    You just can't shred the sanctimony, can ya?

    Ole pb's loving the Dem locksteppers trying to figure out how to resurrect themselves after being drubbed in November 024.

    Clearly, the Bernie/AOC wing of the party’s a serious contender for the way forward. Gotta love watching Dems reach out to the working class voters who Trump has locked up since 016. I don't see a way forward for Dems without a message that will reach them.

  6. by oldedude on March 23, 2025 11:32 am
    Or the wrong message...

  7. by Navy2711 on March 23, 2025 11:52 am
    Great post, Ponderer! If there's a similar event near me, I'd like to go. It would be my first political rally.

  8. by Donna on March 23, 2025 12:44 pm

    Local news video (link below) about the "Fighting Oligarchy" rally in Tucson we attended yesterday with a couple of friends.

    If you stop it at the 10 seconds mark, look to the right of center midway up, and you'll see a bearded guy wearing a black shirt, dark sunglasses, and a round white button near his heart. Look at the row below him and a little to the right (his left). That's me wearing a blue sun hat, gray shirt, and dark sunglasses. Look to the right of me (my left) and you can see Sheri (Ponderer) wearing a gray sun hat and a purple shirt.

    All three speakers were outstanding. It was incredibly uplifting to be in the company of 23,000 outraged and fed-up Tucsonans.

    That was the second political event we've attended since Jan 20. There will be many more.

    View Video

  9. by Ponderer on March 23, 2025 1:38 pm

    "Great post, Ponderer! If there's a similar event near me, I'd like to go. It would be my first political rally." -Navy

    It's so encouraging to hear how many we've talked to are doing the same thing for the first time too, Navy.

    Do a search for the word Indivisible with your city's name after it. I'm sure they can hook you up. It's up to the people of this country to try to save it from King Donald the Felonious.

    I was kind of surprised that they came down to Tucson. I expected them to hit Phoenix. But Tucson was a solid hit for them. This is the Bluest city in the bluest county in a red state.

    You can follow to see where Bernie and AOC are going to be on their national Fight Oligarchy Tour. Maybe they'll come to your hometown!...

  10. by Ponderer on March 23, 2025 1:43 pm

    "We're clear of the criminals!" -olde dude

    Um... od... you helped elect a 34-count convicted felon to the presidency. I guess you musta forgot that somehow. You voted for a convicted criminal.

    This administration is All Criminal - All the Time.

  11. by HatetheSwamp on March 23, 2025 1:55 pm

    Stalin's justice, po. Bahaha. Which convinced moderate and independent common sense voters to vote for Trump to save democracy. Keehee hoo ha, ahhhhhhhh.

  12. by Ponderer on March 23, 2025 3:50 pm

    Some people wouldn't know real, American, Constitutional justice if it slapped them across the face thirty-four times.

  13. by oldedude on March 23, 2025 3:55 pm
    Um... od... you helped elect a 34-count convicted felon to the presidency. I guess you musta forgot that somehow. You voted for a convicted criminal.

    First, many of those were dropped because of illegal practices of the prosecution. And the rest of them have not been reviewed on appeal.

  14. by Ponderer on March 23, 2025 5:20 pm

    "First, many of those were dropped because of illegal practices of the prosecution." - od

    They were dropped, but not because of what you claimed. Who told you that?

    At the beginning of the year, Mr Trump faced a number of criminal charges connected to the two federal cases and others.

    But the Supreme Court ruled this summer that he could not be prosecuted for “official acts” taken as president, and now Mr Trump has been elected, almost all those charges have been dropped.

  15. by Donna on March 23, 2025 5:21 pm

    Mine ^

  16. by HatetheSwamp on March 23, 2025 5:26 pm

    "Some people wouldn't know real, American, Constitutional justice if it slapped them across the face thirty-four times."

    It's too bad, then, that so many moderate and independent common sense voters are stoopid. The more "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap's" DOJ ramped up the lawfare against Trump, the higher his polls rose.

  17. by ROB3RT on March 23, 2025 7:09 pm

    If we make the same mistakes as the last election, we will lose again. Nobody outside a leftist bubble gives a rat's ass about fighting the oligarchy. Voters don't seem to care much about democracy either. Trump won because of inflation and because the Democrats seemed too distracted by stupid shit like pronouns and protecting the rights of illegals.

    Let me give you another news flash -- Elon ain't the president. You're walking into a trap by going after Musk. If the economy goes tits up or DOGE cuts prove unpopular, Trump can easily cut Elon loose, blame him, pivot and move on. Bernie and AOC are making that a lot easier.

  18. by oldedude on March 23, 2025 8:19 pm
    ROB3RT- people/ VOTERS want to improve their LIVES. The dims don't support that.
    period. EOS. Their idea is trans superiority and DEI. Right now, that's what their running on. I can beat those hands down. Its not hard.
    they want:
    Security for their families
    respect(welcome Aretha! My shero!) R.E.S.P.E.C.T. BECAUSE SHE WANTED TO BE EQUAL! She was someone that talked to the "lessor than" American. Black, White, Latino, Asian. And the dims don't get it. Maybe some "individiduals"? but the linty of abuse from the left leaves them someone they never thought they'd like. The likes of "me." Someone that grew up in the MLKjr ERA. That wasn't black, but understood the message. Then we were all about "c'mon people, love one another" and all that other stuff. MLKjr made a substantial impact on that generation. This man was a great prophet of peace. The dims are fucking this WAY UP. Or you can have a war. And we are far more prepared than you. Trust me. We want peace. and...

  19. by Navy2711 on March 23, 2025 9:52 pm

    You're absolutely correct about this:

    "Trump won because of inflation and because the Democrats seemed too distracted by stupid shit like pronouns and protecting the rights of illegals."

    But in regard to this:

    "Nobody outside a leftist bubble gives a rat's ass about fighting the oligarchy."

    I don't think that correctly reflects the younger generations. (Millenials and younger.) If you spend any time on social media, any talk about politics from younger folks is about oligarchy. Twitter and TikTok are FLUSH with comments about having to work two jobs and still can't pay the rent because some rich white guy needs a second yacht. Young people are VERY aware of the upward shift of American wealth in the past few decades. They CONSTANTLY bash boomers for having had it "easy" - one job household, buy a house after just a few years saving for a down payment, good insurance, good retirement.

  20. by Curt_Anderson on March 23, 2025 10:38 pm
    I suppose every generation once they become consumers are jealous of preceding generations. It wasn't so great when we bought our home---a dilapidated fixer upper---in 1980. The interest rates were close to 20%. The unemployment rate was over 7%. We initially had a five-year balloon payment with the previous owners. After five years time the place was in good enough condition to get a conventional bank loan.

  21. by ROB3RT on March 23, 2025 10:50 pm


    Is this the social media that told us Kamala Harris was going to win last November's election in a landslide? (Wait, that wasn't social media, that was Donna. And now Donna's at it again, assuring us that flogging the oligarchy is the path to electoral victory.)

    I remember Claire Malone on the 538 podcast (and Dave Weigel at the Washington Post) telling us over and over that Joe Biden didn't have a chance of winning the nomination in 2020, that Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders all had a better shot at the nomination because they knew how to use social media, and all the buzz was for them.

    Well, the kids and their social media machine got that one wrong. And people who make the difference in elections don't spend a lot of time on their phones. They're too busy working two jobs.

    Here's the fundamental problem. Absolutely nobody outside a college town knows what an oligarchy is, what color it is or where to find it in the department store. It's a pretentious academic word that pretentious people use, and that completely turns off the kind of people who turned their back on the Democrats at voted for Trump last year. Liberal elites use words like "oligarchy" and "Latinx," but normal people do not. A huge number of Latinx voters went for Trump last year. Social media did not give me any warning this would happen!

    Notice how Curt asked above who showed up at the rally? Mostly lefties. Working class people don't trust AOC and Bernie. They want someone who's going to protect their retirement accounts, and that's probably not a socialist who wants to take away their employer-based health insurance.

    Now if you want a winning strategy, get rid of the socialists and base your message on protecting the middle class. I floated a word a couple weeks ago -- Trumpflation. That's what the Democrats need to do -- not necessarily the word, but the general idea. Keep the terminology simple, focus on basic cost of living issues, how Democrats will protect the ADA Medicare and Social Security, and when the economy goes in the toilet, pin the blame directly on Trump, not Elon Musk.

  22. by HatetheSwamp on March 24, 2025 3:35 am

    Robert: "Now if you want a winning strategy, get rid of the socialists and base your message on protecting the middle class."


    What Curt, the SSer who reports on what happens on Fox News, can tell you, is that, since ratings collapsed at MSNBC and CNN, Dems on the opposite end of the Dem spectrum from Bernie and AOC, are appearing on Fox shows... and doing very, very well. They speak the language that moderate and independent common sense voters speak. They care about what we care about

    I've mentioned Wes Moore. Also, John Fetterman.

    If, somehow, Bernie is the Dem nominee in 028, Dems will be as passionately committed as they were to the Dingbat.

    But, the small number of people in the margins settle elections. That's not Bernie.

  23. by Navy2711 on March 24, 2025 8:44 am
    1. "Is this the social media that told us Kamala Harris was going to win last November's election in a landslide?"

    I don't know, and I'm not sure how that applies. I'm not talking about social media's expertise.

    2. In regard to the rest of the post, you and I are in complete agreement. "Fight the oligarchy" is NOT the path to winning elections. But "Nobody outside a leftist bubble gives a rat's ass about fighting the oligarchy" is simply not accurate. Young people are very aware that oligarchy has resulted in a lower quality of life in comparison to earlier generations.

  24. by Navy2711 on March 24, 2025 9:00 am

    Your anecdote is noted. Today, a house costs 7.2 times the median annual household income. In the 70s, it was down to 3.6.

  25. by meagain on March 24, 2025 9:42 am
    I think "billionaires" is more in current use than "oligarchy." People understand that very well and it will soon resonate as Trump once again rewards them for their assistance.

    Socialism will flourish shortly by whatever Party name it is given. A reaction to the excesses of Trump and the billionaire coterie around him is inevitable.

  26. by Donna on March 24, 2025 4:56 pm

    "Is this the social media that told us Kamala Harris was going to win last November's election in a landslide? (Wait, that wasn't social media, that was Donna. And now Donna's at it again, assuring us that flogging the oligarchy is the path to electoral victory.)" - ROB3RT

    I never said any of that. You really need to go fuck yourself.

  27. by Donna on March 24, 2025 5:04 pm

    "Notice how Curt asked above who showed up at the rally? Mostly lefties. Working class people don't trust AOC and Bernie." - ROB3RT

    AOC won her first election by upsetting a centrist Democratic incumbent with mountains of campaign money - you know, one of your guys.

    You're old and out of touch.

  28. by ROB3RT on March 24, 2025 7:46 pm


    It looks like I owe you an apology. Only a classic idiot would have said over and over and over and over and over again that Harris was going to win in a landslide. You didn't say that, but someone else did. And that person was sitting next to you at the AOC/Bernie rally.

    So let's look at what the other ollygarky flogger had to say...

    * by Ponderer on August 5, 2024 10:14 am: "I said that my original prognostication that Biden would win in a landslide I tell ya what was now my prognostication that Harris would win in a landslide I'm tellin' ya what."

    * by Ponderer on August 18, 2024 8:21 am: "A Landslide I'm tellin' ya..."

    * by Ponderer on September 14, 2024 8:24 am: "Well, the Landslide she's gonna eventually beat him by should be plenty."

    * by Ponderer on September 17, 2024 8:00 am: "A Landslide I'm tellin' ya..."

    * by Ponderer on September 29, 2024 1:42 pm: "A Landslide I'm tellin' ya."

    So let me go ahead and fix that paragraph from above: "Is this the social media that told us Kamala Harris was going to win last November's election in a landslide? (Wait, that wasn't social media, that was Donna Ponderer . And now Donna's Ponderer's at it again, assuring us that flogging the oligarchy is the path to electoral victory.)"

    Feel better now?

    But let's be fair. You say a lot of stupid stuff, too. Here's fresh example: "AOC won her first election by upsetting a centrist Democratic incumbent with mountains of campaign money - you know, one of your guys."

    It was PRIMARY in a 50-point BLUE district. Big deal. No Republican had a chance of winning that district in a general election. It doesn't matter how much you run up the score in a deep blue district. What matters is winning a majority of seats.

    Let's see AOC try to win a general election in a swing district, and I'll be impressed. There's a reason the Squad all come from deep blue districts -- a swing district would never vote for someone that far left.

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