Interview with Arizona Attorney General and former Republican, Kris Mayes: "This is a coup"
By Donna February 22, 2025 2:36 pm Category: Crime (5.0 from 1 vote)
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AZ AG Kris Hayes says that she switched parties because of Trump. Btw, Ponderer and I voted for her.
In this interview, she doesn't hold back. Five Attorneys General have sued Trump and she discusses each lawsuit.
"...And essentially what's going on, and I've said it before and I'll say it again - you know, this is a coup. This is a coup by Donald Trump against our constitution, against our way of governing ourselves, because they are violating over and over and over again not only the separation of powers, but also violating the court orders that we are getting. We have multiple federal judges who are saying to Donald Trump and Elon Musk stop this now, and yet we believe they are violating those orders."...
"If Elon Musk and Donald Trump had gotten their ways, that entire program, those efforts to go after the Mexican drug cartels would've been eliminated, defunded. And it just goes to the sort of, you know, ham-handed and completely incompetent way that they're going about this. Number one, as I said, it's unconstitutional. If the president wants to do this, he needs to go to Congress, to get Congress, because the power of the purse should do it. Number two, the way they're doing it is harming their own stated objectives - you know, Donald Trump campaigned on securing our border. I agree with him on that; we need to secure the border. But the way you do that is not by defunding the very law enforcement officers that are out there putting their lives on the line! You know, you do not improve public safety by firing firefighters in the middle of fire season in Arizona. And now we have a budget that's been put forward by the Republicans that will slash Medicaid and maybe even elements of Social Security. And then of course as you know, Americans and a lot of Arizonans are really upset about the intrusion into their personal information that is happening by DOGE. I can't tell you how many phone calls -- well I probably can, because we have been quantifying it -- how many phone calls we have gotten into this office from Republicans, Democrats, and independents who are REALLY MAD about the fact that their personal data has apparently been accessed by DOGE and some teenage hackers that Elon Musk hired."
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