4. What is your race/ethnicity? American Indian/Alaskan Native
Asian/Pacific Islander
Other (combination)
5. Which of these diseases have your ancestors died of?
6. According to your doctor and/or medical charts what term best describes your weight? Underweight
Morbidly obese
7. Do you drink alcohol? Yes, like a fish
Yes, occasionally (a drink or two a day or less)
8. Do you smoke? Yes, like chimney
Yes, but on rare occasion
9. What best describes your level of physical activity? Inactive, sedentary--I'm a couch potato.
Moderate--I enjoy a walk or other light exercise.
Vigorous--I consider myself an athlete.
10. Are you now or do you plan to be employed in the following jobs?
11. What are your religious views/activities? Attend a house of worship regularly
Cult member
12. How much time do you spend in the car? Less than 30,0000 miles per year
More than 30,0000 miles per year
13. Are you diabetic? Yes
14. Which of these activities do you do?
15. What is your economic situation? Poor
Middle class
16. In your next life, what would you like to be?
A cowboy.
A baker.
An astronaut.
An actor.
A gardener.
A vacuum cleaner.
W.C. Fields.
A hypochondriac.
A criminal lawyer.
An auctioneer.
A farmer.
A teacher.
Donald Trump
A military leader.
A vulture.
An angel.
Nothing. I don't believe in an afterlife or god.
17. Aren't you glad that you survived Coronavirus?
Yes. The worst seems to be over. Here the most recent statistics on daily COVID deaths in the US. Before COVID, the average US death rate was about 7,700 per day. Currently, nearly all COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated and the unboosted.
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