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Popular Harry Potter selectors, quizzes, polls and other pages
  Popular Harry Potter Pages
Staff-Created Selectors
Type Title
Multi-ChoiceHarry Potter Spell Selector Have you ever been embarrassed because you attempted to cast a spell but used the wrong incantation? This selector will help!
Yes/No Selectors With Related Polls & Knowledge Quizzes
Type Title Related Polls Related Quizzes
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Character are you like?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Character are you most compatible with?
Yes/NoWhat's your Hogwarts House? (from Harry Potter)
Yes/NoHarry Potter wand selector (the wand chooses)
Yes/NoWhich patronus are you?
Yes/NoA More Meaningful Harry Potter House Sorter
Yes/NoHarry Potter Character Quiz
Yes/NoThe Harry Potter Match Maker (or Find your true HP love)
Yes/NoA que casa de Hogwarts pertenezco?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Character are you most likely to date?
Yes/NoWhat is your patronus?
Yes/NoWhat Class At Hogwarts Would YOU Be Best At?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter man is right for you?
Yes/NoWhat animagus type would YOU be?
Yes/NoA Really Intellectual Sorting Hat Quiz!
Yes/NoQuidditch Position Selector
Yes/NoHarry Potter Character Selector
Yes/NoSorting Hat
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Character Are You Most Like
Yes/NoWhat Harry Potter character are you?
Yes/NoYour Harry Potter boyfriend and what the other characters think about you
Yes/NoA look inside your mind!
Yes/NoThe Hogwarts Sorting Hat
Yes/NoHogwarts class selector
Yes/NoHarry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Character Selector *With some actually DIFFERENT, UNIQUE questions!*
Yes/NoHarry Potter Wand Lengths
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Character are you most like?
Yes/NoA que personaje de Harry Potter te pareces más?
Yes/NoWhat professor are you most like?
Yes/NoWhat animagus are you?
Yes/NoWhich HP spell are you?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Character Are You Most Like?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Character should be your boyfriend?
Yes/NoWhat Harry Potter Slash Couple Best Fits You?
Yes/NoAre you too Harry Potter Obsessed?
Yes/NoWhat Quidditch Position Should You Play?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Guy is Right For You?
Yes/NoHarry Potter Couple Selector
Yes/NoWhat Wizard Job Best Suits You?
Yes/NoThe Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWould you be in Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Gryffindor, or Hufflepuff?
Yes/NoWhich Hogwarts pet are you most suited for?
Yes/NoVery Detailed Quiz - Which Harry Potter Character Are You?
Yes/NoHarry Potter personality Quiz
Yes/NoSorting Hat Ritual
Yes/NoWhich HP character would have a crush on YOU?
Yes/NoWhat Harry Potter character would you be?
Yes/NoSorting Hat Quiz
Yes/NoWhat Harry Potter Character Are YOU most like?
Yes/NoWho Are You Muggle-Born, Half-Blood or Pure Blood?
Yes/NoWhat Hogwarts Student Would You Most Likely Go Out With?
Yes/No~*HaRrY PoTtEr ChArAcTeR SeLeCtOr*~
Yes/NoWhat Quidditch Player are you?
Yes/NoWhich Potter Person Are YOU??!!
Yes/NoHarry Potter House Selector
Yes/NoThe Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter character are YOU most likely to date?
Yes/NoThe Best Harry Potter Character Selector!
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Character are you most like???? Find out here!!!!!
Yes/NoWhich Hogwarts' Class Would you Be Good At?
Yes/NoMagical Menagerie Familar Selector
Yes/NoWhat Harry Potter couple do you REALLY ship?
Yes/NoVem är du i Harry Potter?
Yes/NoWho's your soulmate?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Girl character are you?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Character Are You?
Yes/NoWho's Your Perfect Harry Potter Guy?
Yes/NoSprechende Hut
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter character do you most look like?
Yes/NoWhich Marauder is your Man?
Yes/NoHarry Potter Character Compatibility
Yes/NoOn Which Ship Should You Sail?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Male Star Will You Most Likely Date?
Yes/NoWhat is your bloodline? (muggle born, half pure, muggle)
Yes/NoWhich Marauder Generation Harry Potter Character Are You?
Yes/NoHarry Potter Career Selector
Yes/NoHarry Potter personality test
Yes/NoWhich wand will choose you?
Yes/NoSecretly~ Which Harry Potter Character do you Like*Love?
Yes/NoWhich Hogwarts Teacher is your Soulmate?
Yes/NoWhich Founder Of Hogwarts Are You?
Yes/No¿Que chico de Harry Potter va mejor con vos?
Yes/NoAre you a Werewolf, Vampire or Human?
Yes/NoHarry Potter broom stick choser
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter female character is your soulmate?
Yes/NoWhich Death Eater of the Harry Potter series fits you?
Yes/NoWho's Your Harry Potter Love?
Yes/NoWhich Person Of Harry Potter:1 Are You Most Like?
Yes/NoHarry Potter Personality Test
Yes/NoWhat's your Bogart?
Yes/NoWho Are You In Harry Potter Land?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter girl are you?
Yes/NoWhich Weasley are you most like?
Yes/NoWhich Minor Harry Potter Character are You?
Yes/NoWhich Weasley are you most like?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter uberfic are you?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Dragon are you?
Yes/NoWhich Hogwarts Student Are You?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Character are you?
Yes/NoHarry Potter House Selector
Yes/NoQuidditch Teams
Yes/Noharry potter house quiz
Yes/NoHogwarts :What character are you most like?
Yes/NoWho's Your Hogwarts Double?
Yes/NoWhat family do you belong to?
Yes/NoThe Wand Chooses the Wizard
Yes/NoWhat Harry Potter magical creature are you
Yes/NoHarry Potter Character Personality Quiz
Yes/NoThe Harry Potter Love Selector
Yes/NoWich guy from Harry Potter would you date?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter professor are you?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter guy is right for you?
Yes/NoMoony, Wormtail, Padfoot or Prongs?
Yes/NoThe Marauder's Selector
Yes/NoWhich HP villain are you?
Yes/NoCual es tu amor de Harry Potter?(chicas)
Yes/NoWho is your HP secret crush?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter boy is your best partner?
Yes/NoThe Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWhich random Harry Potter character are you?
Yes/NoWhat Wizarding School would you be put in?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter character are you most compatable with?
Yes/NoWhat is your inner animal?
Yes/NoHarry Potter Wand Selector
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter book are you?
Yes/NoWhat Career Would Best Suit YOU at Hogwarts?
Yes/NoWhich is the wand for you?
Yes/NoThe Hogwarts Sorting Hat!
Yes/NoWho is your Harry Potter Alter Ego?
Yes/Nothe real you of Harry Potter (teacher edition)
Yes/NoHow Evil Are You - A Harry Potter Quiz
Yes/NoWho is your perfect Harry Potter match? (male)
Yes/NoHarry Potter Character Selector
Yes/NoWhat Magical Creature are You Most Like??
Yes/NoWhich Marauder Are You?
Yes/NoWhich Hogwarts House should You be In?
Yes/NoWelcome! To Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft
Yes/NoWhat Harry Potter Pet Are You?
Yes/NoHarry Potter love selector
Yes/NoHogwarts House Chooser
Yes/NoThe Definitive Online Sorting Hat
Yes/NoIf You Went to Hogwarts, Who Would Be Your Crush?
Yes/NoWhich Hogwarts House Do You Belong In?
Yes/NoHarry Potter Fans Guild Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWhich 'First Generation' Harry Potter Charactor are you most like?
Yes/NoHogwarts Schoolhouse Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter School For You?
Yes/NoWhat is your made up Harry Potter name?
Yes/NoHogwarts House Selector
Yes/NoWhich Slytherin sorcerer are you?
Yes/NoWhich Gryffindor Character are you most like?
Yes/NoWhich Hogwarts House Would the Sorting Hat Put You In?
Yes/NoHarry Potter Test
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Candy are you?
Yes/NoPolyjuice Potion Sorting!
Yes/NoWhich Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher are YOU?
Yes/NoHarry Potter Slash Pairing
Yes/NoWhat would Harry Potter Say the First Time He Meets You ?
Yes/NoWhich Ghost Are You?
Yes/NoWhich character is your soulmate?
Yes/NoWhat magical creature are you?
Yes/NoPerfect Harry Potter Match
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Character are u?
Yes/NoWhich Hogwarts qudditch player are you?
Yes/NoWhich BCOH Death Eater are you?
Yes/NoWhich Marauder-Time Character are you?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Marauder Are You?
Yes/NoWhich House Do You Belong in?
Yes/NoWhich Defence against the Dark Arts Teacher are you?
Yes/NoWhich HP character would u most likely date?
Yes/NoWhat book character are you like the most?
Yes/NoWhat Harry Potter character are you?
Yes/Nothe real you of Harry Potter (student edition)
Yes/NoAre you a powerful or weak witch or wizard.
Yes/NoWhose your perfect Potter Fella ? (For Girls)
Yes/NoHarry Potter House Sorter
Yes/NoHogwarts School of W & W Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWhich Wizarding Profession Would You Be?
Yes/NoMagical Job
Yes/NoCompatibility between a Hot Harry Potter Character Selector
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Character Are You? (With Half-Blood Prince Characters)
Yes/Nowhat famous wizard are you?
Yes/NoWhat Quidditch position are you?
Yes/NoWhat Hogwart's Professor are you most like?
Yes/NoWhich Pernese dragon would you ride?
Yes/NoWhat Marauder time Kid Are You?
Yes/NoThe Totally Important-Life-Depending-Animagi Quiz
Yes/NoHarry Potter Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Animal Are You?
Yes/NoThe not Slytherin Sorting Hat quiz
Yes/NoWhich Quidditch Ball are you?
Yes/NoDo you have what it takes to face a Basilisk?
Yes/NoYet Another Sorting Hat
Yes/NoHogwarts House Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWhich Unforgivable Curse Are You?
Yes/NoWhich Unforgivable Curse Are You
Yes/NoWhich Wand for You
Yes/NoWitches Quiz
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter character are you most like?
Yes/NoHarry Potter Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWhat kind of half-human are you?
Yes/NoWhich HP Slash Pairing do you Ship For?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Man Is For You?
Yes/NoWhich Potter girl is right for you?
Yes/Nowhich harry potter character do you relate to the most?
Yes/NoWhat Animagus Are You?
Yes/NoHogwarts Best Buddy
Yes/Noharry potter caracter
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Person are YOU Most Like?
Yes/NoAre You Obsessed With Harry Potter? (Be Honest!)
Yes/NoWho are you most like in Harry Potter's world?
Yes/NoWhich * slash fanfic * couple do you favor?
Yes/NoThe best Harry Potter personality test EVER!!!!!!!!!!
Yes/NoWho are you in Harry's Dorm
Yes/NoWhat Harry Potter Couple are you?
Yes/NoMugglenet Personality Quiz- Which Character Are You?
Yes/NoSorting Hat Ceremony
Yes/NoWhich 1975 Character Are You?
Yes/NoWho Am I?
Yes/NoHow big of a Harry Potter fan are you?
Yes/NoThe Sorting Hat
Yes/NoAre you obsessed with Harry Potter?
Yes/NoWho do you love? And will he like you back?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter character are you?
Yes/NoQuais são suas chances com Rupert Grint?
Yes/NoHogwarts School Forever Sorting Hat
Yes/NoHarry Potter Fan Fic Sorting Hat
Yes/NoHow Obsessed With Harry Potter Are You?
Yes/NoSorting Hat
Yes/NoHarry Potter Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWhat is your patronus?
Yes/NoThe Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWhat Hogwarts House are you?
Yes/NoWhat Profession Will You Be Most Sucessful In?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Character are You? (Student edition)
Yes/NoWhat Spell-Casting Style Are You?
Yes/NoYour Perfect [ Prefect?] Wizard
Yes/NoHarry Potter blind date
Yes/NoHarry Potter Selector
Yes/NoIvy's Wands
Yes/NoAnimagus Time
Yes/NoSorting Hat
Yes/NoHogwarts sorting hat
Yes/NoWhat fantasy book do you belong in?
Yes/NoWho is your Harry Potter Sugar Daddy?
Yes/NoNot Another Which Harry Potter Character are you? quiz
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter/LOTR guy is meant for you?
Yes/NoFind your perfect HP Man!
Yes/NoWhich Footsteps Character are you?
Yes/NoFind you ideal date!
Yes/NoHogwarts House
Yes/NoHarry Potter
Yes/NoWhich Weasley Are YOU?
Yes/NoWhich Sirius Black are you?
Yes/NoAre you a Harry Potter Fan?
Yes/NoTiger, Hawk, Dragon, or Horse?
Yes/NoPolyjuice Potion Sorting Hat
Yes/NoThe Harry Potter Sorting Hat
Yes/NoHarry Potter Sorting hat
Yes/NoWhich Triwizard Champion Are You
Yes/NoWho You should date if you were a harry potter charecter.
Yes/NoWhich Harry potter character are you most like?
Yes/NoThe Chosen One
Yes/NoHarry Potter Magical Creatures Selector
Yes/NoA (Hopefully Original) House Selector
Yes/NoTransfiguration Quiz
Yes/Nowhat character could be are you? who do u like?
Yes/NoTide or Bleach - How would you survive in the Muggle world?
Yes/NoThe Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWhich Professor are you
Yes/NoWhich 'The Truth' Character Are You?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter animagi are you?
Yes/NoLop-Lop's Harry Potter Character Selector: Who are YOU most like?
Yes/NoWhich Harry potter character are you most like?
Yes/Nowhat harry potter male is the best for you?
Yes/NoWhat school would you do best at?
Yes/NoHarry Potter Morals
Yes/NoSortin Hat
Yes/NoWhich wand works for you?
Yes/Nowhich slytherin are you most compatible with?
Yes/NoWhat Harry Potter character are you?
Yes/NoWho Are You In Hogwarts?
Yes/NoHarry Potter kids and you.
Yes/NoHarry Potter Character Sorting
Yes/NoWhich Quidditch Position will you play?
Yes/NoWhat Room in Hogwart's are you Most Like?
Yes/NoWhich Hogwarts Founder are You?
Yes/NoWhat kind of Harry Potter fan are YOU?
Yes/NoWhich Marauder are you??
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Charictor Are You Most Compatible With?
Yes/NoHarry Potter Candy
Yes/NoSorting Hat
Yes/NoHarry Potter Character That Fits You Most
Yes/Noharry potter character quiz
Yes/NoHP Personalities
Yes/NoWhat HP Kid are you?
Yes/NoHarry Potter Houses
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Character Are You Most Like?
Yes/NoWhich is Your Best Hogwarts Subject
Yes/NoWhat Deatheater are YOU most like?
Yes/NoWhat Harry Potter Character Are You????
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Character Are You
Yes/NoHarry Potter Magical Creature Selector
Yes/NoThe Hogwarts Sorting Hat
Yes/NoHarry Potter House Selector
Yes/NoWhat's your inner beastliness?
Yes/NoWhich Unconventional HP Ship Are You?
Yes/NoPotter Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter character are you?
Yes/NoMoSt AcCuRaTe SoRtInG qUiZ on tHe WeB
Yes/No~Which Marauder Are You~
Yes/NoHarry Potter Character Matcher
Yes/NoThe Best HP Character Selecter on EARTH!
Yes/NoWhich of the four houses do you belong in?
Yes/NoWhat Harry Potter book is your favorite?
Yes/NoHarry Potter: Which object would be best for you?
Yes/NoWho's Your Hogwarts Man?!
Yes/NoWhich Hogwarts House?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter character are you?
Yes/NoWhich is your Hogwarts house?
Yes/NoWho is your HP male soulmate?
Yes/NoSorting Hat--According to Your Favorite Style Of Music
Yes/NoThe Best Quiz In The World To Take To Find Out Which Harry Potter Character You Are
Yes/NoHarry Potter Character Selector
Yes/NoHarry Potter Quiz
Yes/NoWhat Hogwarts Professor are you compatible with
Yes/NoWho are you? Harry or Voldemort
Yes/NoA more original which harry potter character are you selector with a really long title
Yes/NoWhat Harry Potter Character are you Best Compatible With?
Yes/NoThe Hogwarts Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Family Do You Belong In?
Yes/NoHarry Potter Character Quiz
Yes/NoH2G2 Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWhat's your /real/ house?
Yes/No2009 which potter character are you
Yes/NoThe Sorting Hat Test
Yes/NoMarauder Time!
Yes/NoYour Sorting Hat: Which Hogwarts House would you be in?
Yes/NoFor I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat!
Yes/NoWhere do you find yourself in the Royal Court?
Yes/Nowhat hogwarts house u r best sutied for
Yes/NoLop-Lop's Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWhich HEX Ravenclaw Leader Are You
Yes/NoThe Harry Potter Sorting Hat
Yes/Nowhich Quiddich Position do u play?
Yes/NoY'all Ball Dress Selector
Yes/NoWhich character of the Harry Potter Trio are you?
Yes/NoWhich guy Harry Potter charactor are you destined to be with
Yes/NoWhich Marauder Are You?
Yes/NoThe only INSIGHTFUL Harry Potter Character Selector
Yes/NoHarry Potter or Lord of the Rings?
Yes/NoHarry Potter Character Quiz
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Character are you like? With new characters.
Yes/NoWich Weasley Character are you???
Yes/NoWhich Harry POtter Character Are You?
Yes/NoHPDB Sorting Hat Ritual
Yes/NoWhich Hogwart's student (from Harry Potter) would you be?
Yes/NoHarry Potter best Match
Yes/NoWhich House will you be sorted in?
Yes/NoWhich Animagus form is yours?
Yes/NoYour wand? or Their Wand?
Yes/NoThe Sorting Hat
Yes/NoSorting Hat
Yes/NoHarry Potter Personalities
Yes/NoWhich character from Godcake's Harry Potter RP do you date?
Yes/NoWhich house would be your Hogwarts family?
Yes/NoWhich Pair of Socks are YOU most like???
Yes/NoWhich Hogwarts scene are you?
Yes/NoHarry Potter Quizes
Yes/NoThe Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWhat Harry Potter class are YOU going to succeed in?
Yes/NoWhich magical creature are you?
Yes/NoThe Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWhich Hogwarts House Do You TRULY Belong in?
Yes/NoWhich Hogwarts Student Are You?
Yes/Nowhat Daniel Radcliffe are u Quiz
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Character Are You?
Yes/NoHogwarts Xpressing House Selector
Yes/NoThe Sorting Hat
Yes/NoHogwarts Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter character are you most like?
Yes/NoFantastic Beasts and Where to Find them
Yes/NoThe Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWhich two kink couple are you?
Yes/NoThe OOTP Harry Potter quiz
Yes/NoCouple Selector
Yes/NoThe Sorting Hat
Yes/NoThe MROM Hogwarts House Selector
Yes/NoWhat would your fate in the Wizardry World be?
Yes/NoThe Sorting Hat
Yes/NoThe Hogwarts Sorting Hat
Yes/NoCould You Be A Death Eater?
Yes/NoHarry Potter Character Quiz
Yes/NoElcevedrin School of Sorcery
Yes/NoHarry Potter
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Character's Should Go Together?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Character Are YOU Most Like?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Character are YOU?
Yes/NoSorting Hat!
Yes/NoWhat Harry Potter dragon do you fight in the Tri-Wizard Tornament?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Character are you?
Yes/NoHarry Potter Character
Yes/NoHarry Potter Person Quiz
Yes/NoWhich Percy are you?
Yes/NoThe Sorting Hat
Yes/NoOrder Of The PheonixRP Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWho Are You With Harry Potter?
Yes/Nowhat house do you belong in?
Yes/NoCursed by a Character Quiz
Yes/NoAre you like Harry Potter?
Yes/NoThe Sorting Hat
Yes/NoSorting Hat- Ill show you where you ought to be
Yes/NoWhat House at Hogwarts would you be in?
Yes/NoHarry Potter character selector
Yes/NoDark Creature Selector
Yes/NoAnimagus selector 1
Yes/NoWhat Creature Are You?
Yes/NoHarry Potter Hubby Seclector
Yes/NoWelcome to the Best Harry Potter Selector EVER!
Yes/NoHarry Potter Character you are most like
Yes/NoThe OTHER Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWhat Harry Potter Character are You?
Yes/Nowhat Harry potter friend are you
Yes/NoWhat wizard or witch are you?
Yes/NoWhat House Are You In?
Yes/NoHarry Potter!
Yes/NoWhich Couples Float Your Boat
Yes/NoThe Sorting Hat
Yes/NoSorting Hat
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter character has the same toothbrush color as you?
Yes/NoHarry Potter and the Indigo Genuii
Yes/NoWhat Harry Potter Character Are You Most Like?
Yes/NoMinor HP Character
Yes/NoWhich Hogwarts House do you belong in?
Yes/NoWhich Order Member Are You
Yes/NoThe Sorting Hat Awaits ...
Yes/NoHogwarts Sorting Hat
Yes/NoThe Sorting Hat
Yes/NoTFHP Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWhat painted pet are you
Yes/NoQuidditch Position
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Character Are You?
Yes/NoHarry Potter character selector
Yes/NoThe Sorting Hat
Yes/NoSorting Hat
Yes/NoHarry Potter Shamans
Yes/NoHarry Potter Selector
Yes/NoThe Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter Character Are You Like?
Yes/NoThe Sorting Hat
Yes/NoSara's House Quiz
Yes/NoThe Sorting Hat by Choices
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter character are you most like?
Yes/NoLost for a Name? Get one Now!! Hogwarts!
Yes/Noa really deep test - what harry potter character are you?
Yes/NoHarry Potter House Selection
Yes/NoWhich member of the Order of the Phoenix are you?
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter child are you?
Yes/Nowhat hogwarts student are you?
Yes/NoYour Harry Potter Match!
Yes/NoDo you love Harry Potter?
Yes/NoSorting Hat
Yes/NoHarry Potter Character Selector
Yes/NoAUHP Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWhat HH Character are you?
Yes/NoJob Futures!
Yes/NoWhich Marauder are you?
Yes/NoHogwarts :: A Virtual Adventure Sorting Page
Yes/NoAdults in ''Harry Potter'' character selector
Yes/NoWho at Hogwarts would you kug?
Yes/NoDo you have it in you to face Voldemort?
Yes/NoAre you Obsessed enough with Harry Potter?
Yes/NoHarry Potter Charecter Selecter
Yes/NoWhich HP Charactor Are You?
Yes/NoHarry Potter Character Selector
Yes/NoThe Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWelcome. To which House do you belong?
Yes/NoSorting Hat
Yes/NoYour Harry potter world quiz
Yes/NoWhat Character from Third Year or Fourth Year are You?
Yes/NoHarry Potter
Yes/NoHarry Potter Kid Quiz
Yes/NoThe Wise Sorting Hat
Yes/NoWhat is your place at Hogwarts?
Yes/NoDo you belong in Harry Potter or Charmed?
Yes/No>ArE u A tRuE hArRy PoTtEr FaNaTiC<
Yes/Noharry potter girl test(just 4 girls!!)
Yes/NoHarry Potter Character Quiz (Revised)
Yes/NoWhich Harry Potter character are YOU most like?
Yes/NoSorting Hat Selector
Yes/NoHarry Potter Character Selector
Yes/No.::The Sorting Hat::.
Yes/No¿De qué casa soy?
Yes/NoHarry Potter: Sorting Hat a la ISCA BBS Style
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