Best Fit Church Selector 3 from 130 votes.
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A Religion Selector by Roger G. Jamin, created September 2008.
The purpose of this selector is to help the seeker find the church or religious organization that best fit to his/her belief system. The author, with all carefulness, did not influence the result to have bias to any religious group. It is his objective that the seeker find comfort with the belief system he/she has with the resulting best fit church.
Read each item carefully. Select your preference, then use the sliding bar to indicate the strength or intensity of your preference. Move the sliding button to the far right if you strongly support your preference. Move the sliding button to the far left if you are not so sure of the preference you selected. Sliding buttons can be positioned in 5 different places of the sliding bar. You may select the "No Preference" bullet if you do not understand the statement.
The author belong to the United Pentecostal Church. Disclaimer.