Which Ringu Character are You? Rate This⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Comment On This 💬 0 from 0 votes.
Translate See 273 visitors' top results A SelectSmart.com Horror Selector by Sophie-Lou, created May 2005.
This test is designed to try and help us find out, which �Ring� character you are. Answer the questions truthfully. Now imagine the following� Imagine that you are one of the 'Ringu' cast� Anyone you want out of any of them. You�re flipping through �Ring Weekly� and you find a competition for two concerts tickets for your very favourite band/singer. So you enter, just for the fun of it�
You are friends with every �Ring� character in the three movies! You've told them about the concert and they all hope you�ll win� Three months later, the following happens...