Role Playing GamesWhich Baldur's Gate 2 NPC are you?
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A Role Playing Games Selector by Pirengle, created January 2004.
I�ve tried my hardest to make this quiz different than all the other �which person are you?� quizzes out there. You can�t skim through these test and find the obvious Edwin answer or the obvious Imoen answer or whatever. Answer how YOU would answer, not how a particular NPC might answer. Tis more truthful that way. ;) Disclaimer.
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The first question is below.

1. While passing through a local town (you and your party seem to do that a lot, don�t they? :D), you notice a festival taking place. You and your party aren�t in a hurry, so you decide to stop and sample the fair. There�s a swordfighting contest about to take place, and the prize is a magical sword. No one can identify its strong magics, but there is no doubt the weapon has magical properties. However, any participants who enter must surrender their own weapon if they lose. You feel well-matched with the competition, and notice that there seem to be no standouts--this looks to be a fair fight. What do you do?
  Not sure  
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2. You descend from a great family line of warriors, and your immediate family are all fighters of one style or another, all very talented and highly decorated. You return home after a recent adventure to find your hometown under siege and half its occupants taken hostage. The marauders responsible demand the family crests and coats of arms from every house in the town, otherwise they will begin executing their hostages. Surrender of the crests and coats is a grave dishonor, akin to persona non grata, but one of your siblings is among the hostages. The town elders ask for your input. What do you do?
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3. Your party just barely survive an ambush in the dungeon. When you and your party entered this new area, a band of hobgoblins attacked from outcroppings near the ceiling and from behind a crude wooden barricade. After a few frantic minutes of fighting, a lull settles on each side as hero and hobgoblin take stock of the situation and decide on a second plan of attack. You notice that two of your comrades hide behind a wall with you. You see another who managed to climb to a nearby outcropping. Thirty feet of open space separate your group from the barricade, and another party member has fallen wounded about halfway between. The last party member is nowhere in sight. Your companions next to you ready their ranged weapons, as does the one on the outcropping. However, your wounded companion is fading fast and you wonder where your other party member went. What do you do first?
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4. You and your party take a welcome break from adventuring by spending some hard-earned gold at the Adventure Mart. You�re haggling with Ribald Barterman over a pair of bracers when the Amnish guard drags over one of your party members. The guard tells you that she�s been pickpocketing every customer in the store and finally got caught when she tried cutting the purse of Lady Yuth. What do you do?
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5. One of your party members has fallen deathly ill from a nasty virus. The only cure for the virus is a rare plant from Maztica, and the only source in the city for this plant is a black market run by a minor city official. In order to obtain the cure, you and your party must assassinate another minor city official who runs the city�s illegal slave trade. Exposure of either side will prevent your party from ever receiving the cure, and there is no way you know of to procure the plant before your party member dies. What do you do?
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6. Upon entering a seedy part of a major city, you and your party notice a crowd surrounding a rope-bound and hooded figure. The crowd taunts the figure with shouts and gestures and even weapons. The guard is not present--they might as well be nonexistent. You inquire as to what�s happening and someone tells you that a nearby store has been pilfered, the owner and customers all murdered, and the figure now tied in rope the only person seen in the area at the time. You study the person as the crowd draws in and witness his struggles to free himself, and suddenly his hood falls back to reveal obsidian skin and ivory hair--this man is a Drow. What do you do?
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7. Ever since Robin joined your party, you�ve felt a special something. (NOTE: Robin�s gender depends on which gender you find the most sexually attractive.) Your friendship with Robin has grown, and you feel that friendship may soon blossom into romance. You try to tell Robin your feelings but always break off at the last minute, unwilling to jeopardize the friendship. However, you feel the time is upon you to make a decision. You�ve survived countless excursions, dangerous situations, and bloodthirsty monsters, and now you and your party are drawn to aid a city under siege. This is the last night your party will stay in a civilized and populous city for quite some time, not to mention a decent inn, and the odds waver as to your continued survival on your next great adventure. You notice Robin slipping away from your other carousing party members, and you cautiously follow, thoughts racing through your mind and sensations pulsing through your body. On the balcony of the inn�s best room, you find Robin gazing into the night sky. Silently, you join the skywatch. What do you do next?
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8. You and your party are late for an important ceremony in your honor in the area�s capital city. As you race through the countryside making up for lost time, you pass through a village stricken with a strange disease. You stop to investigate. From what you can gather from the remaining townsfolk, all was fine until a group of Shadow Druids gathered in the nearby forest a few months ago. Since then, crops have failed, animals have died, and most recently the village�s water supply has been found to be poisoned. The villagers believe the druids are to blame, but don�t have enough evidence to charge them for a crime, and the forest seems to prevent their entry to find druids to question. The villagers turn to you for help. What do you do?
  Not sure  
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