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Which state is the best for me?
Selecting the best American state to visit, live in or retire is a matter of your personal preferences. Make your choices below and we'll provide you with a ranked list of states that best match your needs and wants.
Questions with a picture of this couple are of special interest to people looking for a retirement state.

Your first question is below.

1. CLIMATE: What is the highest monthly average temperature that you will tolerate? (The hottest monthly average based on several statewide reporting locations. Individual locations in the state may be hotter or cooler, particularly within large or varied altitude states.
70 to 79 degrees
80 to 89 degrees
90 to 99 degrees
100 degrees and above
No preference
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

2. CLIMATE: What is the lowest monthly average temperature that you will tolerate?
0 to -22 degrees
0 to 19 degrees
20 to 39 degrees
40 degrees and above
No preference
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

3. CLIMATE: Do you prefer a temperate climate or climate with more distinct seasons? (Results based on the differences between the coldest and hottest months.)
Temperate (Minimal weather differences between Summer and Winter)
Seasonal (Distinct seasons)
No preference
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

4. CLIMATE: What is the highest monthly humidity average that you will tolerate? (The most humid monthly average based on several statewide reporting locations. Individual days may be a 100% humidity.)
No preference
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

5. CLIMATE: How rainy or dry a state would you accept?
Driest Third of the states
Middle third of the states
Wettest third of the states
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

6. CLIMATE: To some people snow means fun Winter sports and activities. To others it means the dreaded snow shovel and being stuck the ditch. How snowy a state do you prefer?
Little to no snow
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

7. CLIMATE: Are the likelihood of tornadoes or hurricanes a consideration?
Lowest risk preferred
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

8. POLITICAL CLIMATE: Some states are politically liberal, some conservative, some are a mix. Which of these will you accept??
More Democratic voters
More Republican voters
More of a balance of both types of voters.
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

9. GEOGRAPHY: Would you like a state that is mountainous or flat?
I prefer mountainous
I prefer flat
No preference
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

10. GEOGRAPHY: Do you plan to do a lot of boating or fishing?
I prefer a state with a lot inland water
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

11. GEOGRAPHY: Would you like a state that borders an ocean or gulf?
Coastal state preferred.
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

12. SCHOOLS: Graduation rates are indication of a state's commitment to education and their children.
Highest high school graduation rates preferred.
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

13. LIFESTYLE: Is the smoking of others an issue? (As a percent of the population, twice as many people are smokers in the smokiest states as compared to the least smokey states.)
I prefer fewer smokers
I prefer more smokers
No preference
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

14. HEALTH CARE: Healthy and not so healthy states.
I prefer healthier states. From state-to-state, there is variation in personal behaviors, the work environments, health related decisions by public and elected officials, and the quality of medical care delivered by health professionals.
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

15. HEALTH CARE: Would you like a state where doctors are a larger portion of the general population? (The percent of doctors may have an effect on availability, timeliness and quality of health care.)
I prefer highest number of doctors per capita.
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

16. COSMOPOLITAN: As a general rule, big cities have special qualities including more shopping, choice of medical specialists, more cultural offerings, more ethnic and racial diversity and major league sports teams.
I prefer at least one big city with a population over 500,000.
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

17. RECREATION: Do you plan to golf? (Results based on the number of golf courses, the population and the area.)
I prefer more golf courses.
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

18. DEMOGRAPHICS: Do you prefer an older or younger population?
I prefer a higher proportion of seniors (65 and over)
I prefer a higher proportion of children (18 and under)
No preference
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

19. DEMOGRAPHICS: Do you like a lot of people or not so many?
I prefer a state that has a sparse population.
I prefer a state that has a dense population.
No preference.
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

20. EDUCATION LEVELS: Would you like a brainy state?
I prefer a state with a higher percent of population older than 25 with bachelor's degree or higher
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

21. HOUSING COSTS: What price range of housing are you willing to accept? You can find real estate bargains in any state, but some states will give you more choices if you have housing budget. Of course cheaper homes generally appreciate more slowly than high priced homes.
Most expensive preferred.
Least expensive preferred.
No preference
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

22. TAX ISSUES: Would you like a state that has a low combined state and local tax rate?
Yes, low combined state and local tax rates preferred.
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

23. LOCATION: Which region in the United States would you prefer to live?
North Central
South Central
Northern Rockies
Southern Rockies
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

24. EMPLOYMENT: What sort of employment situation are you hoping for?
I prefer a state with low unemployment rate. I may be looking for work.
I prefer a state with high unemployment rate. I may want a large pool of potential employees.
No preference.
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

25. VIOLENT CRIME: Some states have higher rates of violent crime than others
Avoid states with a higher rate of violent crime.
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

26. RELIGION: What level of religiosity do you prefer?
More people attending their house of worship weekly preferred.
Fewer people attending their house of worship weekly preferred.
No preference.
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

27. OBESITY: Some states have higher rates of obesity than others. Which do you prefer?
States in which the residents are thinner preferred.
States in which the residents are fatter preferred. (I'd like a place where I look thin by comparison)
No preference
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

28. PERSONAL FREEDOM: Would you like a state with a higher degree of personal freedom as defined by the Koch Brothers-funded Mercatus Center which focuses on deregulation, tax burden, tort abuse, property right protection, health insurance freedom, gun control freedom, tobacco freedom, victimless crime freedom, etc.?
Yes, those freedoms are important to me.
No, those are a conservative idea of "freedom", not mine.
No preference
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

29. MARIJUANA LAWS: Would you like a state where cannabis is legal?
States where recreational marijuana is legal preferred.
States where marijuana is legal but only for medical purposes preferred.
No preference
Prioritize your choice:
Low Priority High Priority

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