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A Anime Selector by Not Kevin "Ranma" Bolk, created August 2002. you WISH you were...but you're not......Loser.'' test
You LOVE con personalities. They are your superiors!
I know you. You're one of the of the unloved....the uncool..the unpopular...the UNTALENTED.The one's who have to poop like all the other organic beings.
Boy, it sure sucks to be you. But that's ok, 'cuz now is your oppurtunity to put a little light into your otherwise miserable existance by fantasizing that you're just like a certain famous con personality. That's right, which one these grand superior idols who just can't walk into a con without being swarmed by groupies are you most like? They are true celebrities. (that is until they go home after the con's over and become pathetic mortals again) Are you as cool as Steve Bennett? As skilled as Tikki? As powerful as Big Danny T?
Don't fantasize about it too hard, it'll only make you feel worse about yourself.