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Which running shoes are best for me?
For this running shoe selector we have selected over 250 excellent shoes which have appeared on multiple "top rated" lists. We have endeavored to be as unbiased and as fair as possible. This selector is not affiliated with nor beholden to any shoe manufacturer or retailer. The advertisers that appear on these pages have not influenced your results--your results are influenced solely on your selected preferences.

Your first question is below.

1. What is your gender?

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Low Priority High Priority

2. Road runner or trail runner?
Road running shoes typically are lighter in weight to provide responsiveness and an edge in speed. The need for traction on paved roads is minimal, so the treads of road shoes are thin.

Trail running shoes are generally heavier, more supportive and designed for rugged, steep and loose terrain. Trail shoes boast aggressive treads for traction and durable soles to protect feet from rocks and and other natural trail debris.
Road shoes
Trail shoes
No preference

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3. Sturdiness vs. lightness: which is more important to you?
The difference in weight between a light pair and a heavy pair of running shoes is about a half pound. Most of us fluctuate that much or more on a daily basis when we get on the scale. While it's not cast in stone, durability and support are generally sacrificed to achieve a light weight.
No preference

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4. What colors do you like--and which do you want to avoid?
These are the featured or dominant colors that shoe manufacturers offer. Most shoes are available in multiple choices of two or three color schemes.
Select one or more acceptable color which includes various shades and hues:


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Low Priority High Priority

5. How wide are your feet?
Woman's wide width
Men's wide width
Women's narrow width
Men's narrow width
Women's normal width
Men's normal width
Not sure

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Low Priority High Priority

6. What are you willing to pay for your running shoes?
As you can see, the list prices of running shoes vary widely. One way to think about the cost of shoes is to consider how many miles and hours of enjoyment you will get from a pair. One study showed that runners replace their shoes on average every 600 miles. At that rate, even an expensive pair of shoes costs only 33 cents per mile or a few cents per minute. That said, the most expensive shoe isn't necessarily the best shoe for you. Click the "Info & Items" links next to your top results to compare features and benefits.
Select one or more:
$75 to $89
$90 to $109
$110 to $124
$125 to $149
$150 to $169
$170 to $179
$180 and up a bit

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Low Priority High Priority

7. What level of cushioning do you prefer?
Running shoes range from minimalist to maximalist.
About Minimalist Shoes Minimalist footwear causes a forefoot landing: runners gravitate naturally toward landing lightly near the balls of the feet. Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst determined that heel-striking (which isn't comfortable in minimalist shoes) was the more physiologically economical running form, by a considerable margin. Source: New York Times
About Maximalist Shoes The stacked soles of the maximalist shoes seem to subtly affect balance. “If you extend a shoe’s height, it will tend to be more unstable,” Dr. J.J. Hannigan, a professor of kinesiology and an author of an Oregon State University-Cascades in Bend, study, says, which is likely to increase ankle movement and pronation. Likewise, he says, extra layers of foam could blunt road--when our muscles, brains and nervous systems might be less able to precisely coordinate and anticipate footfalls as we clop against the earth.
Peak eversion (to turn the sole of your foot outwards) was greater in the maximal shoe compared to the traditional shoe. Eversion duration and eversion at toe-off were greater in the maximal shoe. Sources: National Center for Biotechnology Information & New York Times
Select one or more:

Practically barefoot
Slight cushioning
Average cushioning
More than average cushioning
Very cushioned
Ultra cushy

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

8. Pronation, over-pronation and under-pronation
In this context, pronation is the biomechanical motion in which the muscles and joints of your foot, working in concert, roll from heel to toe propelling you forward.

Over-pronation is that motion in excess, generally defined as hitting the ground on your outer heel and rolling exaggeratedly toward your big toe. Under-pronation or supination is striking with the outer heel rolling along the outer edge of your foot to your small toe. If you examine the wear patterns of old shoe you can get a pretty good idea of how your foot strikes the ground. However, as we are all individuals, what is excessive for one person is perfectly fine for another.

If you were "diagnosed" as an over-pronator or under-pronator in a running shoe store but don't otherwise suffer from any symptoms you probably don't have much too worry about.

Regardless of your pronation, if an awkward running form causes you to run inefficiently or uncomfortably your problem may be addressed by strengthening muscles anywhere from your gluteus maximus down to your toes. In addition to running and other exercise; stretching, physical therapy or even surgery may be appropriate. In cases where fallen arches are the culprit, foot orthotics may be beneficial. Stability running shoes have built-in arch support. Motion control shoes include even more aggressive arch support orthotics.

While the running shoe industry hypes shoes that relieve over-pronation, the evidence that shoes can solve or aleviate any improper pronation is nonexistent to weak. For more on this subject here is an interesting article.
Normal pronation That's most of us.
Stability Marketed to runners with fallen arches and over-pronation issues
Motion control Marketed to runners with more severe arch and pronation issues.
Minimalist Minimalist shoes (or barefoot running) will, in theory at least, strengthen the muscles in your feet and promote proper running form.
No preference

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Low Priority High Priority

9. Brand Preference
Would you like to see if your old favorite brand or a new brand recommended to you, offers what you are looking for?
Select one or more:
La Sportiva
New Balance
On Cloudracer
Pearl Izumi
The North Face
Topo Athletic
Under Armour

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

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