Vosem Chart Locator (United States version) Rate This⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Comment On This 💬 3 from 127 votes.
Translate See 22,324 visitors' top results A SelectSmart.com Politics Selector by Sean Teonanacatl, created January 2004.
The Vosem Chart places beliefs on three axes and into eight discrete categories, representing eight different political ideologies. You will be asked 25 questions about U.S. government, policy and causes today. Find out what political philosophy you fall into based on what you think in political fora and in your everyday culture and life.
This is based on the politics and political divisions of the United States, so it may not accurately reflect the dominant leaning of foreign test-takers in countries where the status quo is different.
Discover which of these eight boxes you fit into:
Posterior bottom right: conservative Posterior top right: authoritarian Anterior bottom right: the pattern of traditional societies (those without social and technological change with each generation) Anterior top right: totalitarian Posterior bottom left: libertarian Posterior top left: New Labour Anterior bottom left: anarcho-syndicalist Anterior top left: liberal