You woke Swampcultists may not know this, but many GOPs have been BEGGING Trump to ask Haley to appear at a rally.
Obviously, he hasn't.
So, on her own, Nikki Haley has penned a Wall Street Journal op-ed endorsing Trump and explaining why the Dingbat would be a disaster as President.
Woke Swampcultists, worshipers of Curt's Holy Trinity and po's metaphorical Rachel, would be ignorant of this, but, bonkers MAGAs like Tucker Carlson have threatened to withdraw support from Trump if he cozies up to Haley.
Honestly? pb knows that to be a fact but he doesn't understand the MAGA machinations.
So, Nikki Haley felt so strongly about the idiocy of Cackles Mckneepads as President that she went out of her way to endorse Trump in a way that won't compromise Trump's MAGA support.
pb's admiration for Nikki Haley grows.