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If Artificial Intelligence is so smart, why can't it count or spell properly?
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Jeffrey Goldberg was the wrong JG on the war plans group chat. Here is who I think Waltz intended.
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Crime selectors, pages, etc.
FCC regulator claims Harris appearance on SNL violates ‘equal time’ rule
By HatetheSwamp
November 3, 2024 10:32 am
Category: Crime

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Let me start off with two words. I support Kammy. I support Kammy. Still,

Obviously, the question of how Kammy'll win without cheating is moot.

As is the with the Dem hijinks and shenanigans in 020, there's no way to make amends. What'll they going to do?, let Trump appear on SNL the Saturday after the election!!!!!?

Keehee ha, ahhhhhhhhhhh!

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Comments on "FCC regulator claims Harris appearance on SNL violates ‘equal time’ rule":

  1. by Ponderer on November 3, 2024 10:47 am


    Gee, I sure wish you the best of luck with that idiotic bit of flailing desperation, Bill.

    Oh that is so funny! Violating the "Equal Time" rule. Oh MAN that's hilarious! So adorable!

  2. by Curt_Anderson on November 3, 2024 10:55 am
    That FCC regulator of course is a Trump appointee. Do I need to mention that they are wrong on the "rule"? The equal time provision means that if network broadcasts a message by a candidate in prime time, it must offer the same amount of time on the same terms to an opposing candidate.

    For example, Trump has appeared on FOX & Friends countless times. That is not a violation of the equal time rule. The same applies to candidates who appear on late night talk shows.

    Anyway SNL did show a couple of clips of Trump at his rally (miming fellatio) and of him struggling to open the door of a garbage truck.

  3. by Ponderer on November 3, 2024 11:04 am

    I was just saying to Donna that I wouldn't be surprised if Trump's team approached the producers of the show to have him appear on the show in the last few weeks and they flat-out refused to have him on.

    I hope that's the case. How could anyone blame them?

  4. by Indy! on November 3, 2024 11:04 am

    Sorry I missed Trump - the GOP's #1 alpha male (snicker) - trying to open a door. 😂

  5. by HatetheSwamp on November 3, 2024 11:13 am

    "I was just saying to Donna that I wouldn't be surprised if Trump's team approached the producers of the show to have him appear on the show in the last few weeks and they flat-out refused to have him on."

    And, under these circumstances, NBC would be up the crick without a paddle. But, the beauty? There's no remedy for Trump... just like with the 020 hijinks and shenanigans. Perrrrrfect!


  6. by Curt_Anderson on November 3, 2024 11:53 am
    "Sorry I missed Trump - the GOP's #1 alpha male (snicker) - trying to open a door. 😂" ---Indy!

    Here you go...

  7. by HatetheSwamp on November 3, 2024 11:56 am

    Like all MAGAs, he's garbage. Bahaha.

  8. by Indy! on November 3, 2024 1:29 pm

    Thanks Curt! Just the run-up to the door looks like he's scared trying to figure out how to approach the "problem".

  9. by Curt_Anderson on November 4, 2024 9:47 am
    How does the Trump appointed FCC commissioner know that Trump wasn’t offered a spot on SNL?

    Any NBC lawyer who even casually follows politics would know Trump hates SNL and the possibility of being laughed at so he would refuse their invitation. An invitation to Trump is another defense against violating an FCC rule.

    At the very worst, NBC might get a slap on the wrist fine. Sorry HtS, Harris won’t be disqualified like a beauty pageant contestant who broke curfew.

  10. by Curt_Anderson on November 4, 2024 10:24 am
    FCC's Carr Wrongly Claims SNL Appearance Violates the Agency's 'Equal Time' Rules

    UPDATE: On two occasions during its Sunday-night programming, NBC gave the Trump campaign free commercial time. According to press reports, this was the network’s response to Harris’ brief SNL appearance.

    On X, FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr claimed that Vice President Harris’ appearance on SNL was “a clear and blatant effort to evade the equal time rule.” This was as inaccurate before the Trump ads aired on Sunday as it is now. The Equal Opportunity rule, 47 C.F.R. 1941(c), does not require that broadcasters affirmatively reach out to candidates to offer equal time. The FCC’s own fact sheet on its website explicitly spells this out: “the station is not required to seek out opposing legally qualified candidates and offer them Equal Opportunities.”

    Despite Carr’s claim, there is no evidence that the network was trying to avoid the rules. Broadcasters have no legal obligation to set aside broadcast time for opposing candidates, unless the candidates request it. Equal-opportunity requests are commonplace in the final days of a national election, and broadcasters typically honor them.

  11. by HatetheSwamp on November 4, 2024 11:39 am


    You are daGoodGermanbomb!

    D@ng! You are a significant reason I hope Ms Mckneepads wins. Just imagine: Four years!

  12. by Indy! on November 4, 2024 12:08 pm

    Trumpers vote for Trump. That's you.

  13. by Curt_Anderson on November 4, 2024 12:20 pm
    When you refer to me or someone else being a "Good German" you must mean it as a compliment as you might say about a good German beer or excellent German engineering.

    What else can I assume as you only say it when through the use and citing of facts I completely destroy your mistaken notions? You never provide any opposing evidence to counter the inconvenient but incontrovertible facts as I present them.

  14. by Indy! on November 4, 2024 12:34 pm

    Trumpers gonna Trump.

  15. by oldedude on November 4, 2024 8:01 pm
    Do I need to mention that they are wrong on the "rule"? The equal time provision means that if network broadcasts a message by a candidate in prime time, it must offer the same amount of time on the same terms to an opposing candidate.

    fuckingwrong as usual. If this were "in the news" it would be different. It was a commercial for kammy and the cuck. And if the FCC person was appointed by trumpster (which I believe is a blatant lie), they are routinely replaced. pedojoe had plenty of opportunities to replace them and didn't. So that doesn't stand up either. Everyone in federal service has the ability to be fired if they're an SES or equal. Welcome to the real world you know nothing about. You're a fucking whiner, and blaming everything on everyone else... If you know what I mean.

  16. by Curt_Anderson on November 4, 2024 8:11 pm
    You are wrong on about every point and claim that you've made here. It's a moot point since Trump or the FCC doesn't have a case against SNL or Kamala Harris. I'll let the USA Today explain it.

  17. by oldedude on November 4, 2024 8:37 pm
    You are wrong on about every point and claim that you've made here.

    So who made the fucking decision that trumpster had to have the commercialization in equal time?

    The FCC's equal time rule requires American radio and television broadcast stations to provide equal access to competing political candidates. The rules do not apply to cable channels or other video content, including podcasts or social media.

    Which is what I said fuckface. Instead of being on SNL, the company agreed to do his commercials. What the fuck was so "wrong" with that?

    Brendan Thomas Carr is an American lawyer who has served as a member of the Federal Communications Commission since 2017. Appointed to the position by Donald Trump, Carr previously served as the agency's general counsel and as an aide to FCC commissioner Ajit Pai. In private practice, Carr formerly worked as a telecommunications attorney at Wiley Rein.

    I'm NOT wrong about that. He works for the government. He's at the level he can be fired "at will." He wasn't. Apparently, he wasn't that bad of a lawyer, and give good legal advice for someone earning a couple hundred thousand a year.

    Thank God! I don't live in your peter pan world! Especially since you think he's real.

  18. by Ponderer on November 5, 2024 5:04 am

    Boy, Curt. olde dude sure hates it when someone points out how totally wrong he is.

    You'd think he would have gotten quite used to it by now.

  19. by Indy! on November 5, 2024 9:11 am

    90 seconds. So NBC runs 3 of Fat Boy's commercials at 3am.

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