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Law selectors, pages, etc.
E. Jean Carroll is doing God's work as Trump hangs himself.
By Curt_Anderson
January 17, 2024 11:52 am
Category: Law

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The only purpose of this federal court trial is to determine damages, if any, that Trump owes E. Jean Carroll for defamatory remarks he made while he was president in June 2019. Trump and his lawyers cannot seem to shut their mouths and Trump cannot stop himself from defaming Carroll. They apparently learned nothing from Rudy Giuliani's recent experience in court when he was socked with a $148 million judgment in his defamation case. Carroll is seeking $10 million in compensatory damages and millions more in punitive damages. The jury can award her more or less.

NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump was threatened with expulsion from his Manhattan civil trial Wednesday after he repeatedly ignored a warning to keep quiet while writer E. Jean Carroll testified that he shattered her reputation after she accused him of sexual abuse.

Judge Lewis A. Kaplan told the former president that his right to be present at the trial will be revoked if he remains disruptive. After an initial warning, Carroll’s lawyer said Trump could still be heard making remarks to his lawyers, including “it is a witch hunt” and “it really is a con job.”

“Mr. Trump, I hope I don’t have to consider excluding you from the trial,” Kaplan said in an exchange after the jury was excused for lunch, adding: “I understand you’re probably eager for me to do that.”

The jury is witnessing first hand that Trump has the inability to control himself. It shouldn't be too difficult for them to imagine that Trump didn't control himself in Bergdorf's department store with a woman he mistook for his former wife, a beauty pageant winner.

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Comments on "E. Jean Carroll is doing God's work as Trump hangs himself.":

  1. by Indy! on January 17, 2024 12:32 pm

    "a woman he mistook for his former wife"

    Is this another example of the media giving Trump the benefit of the doubt he doesn't deserve? How do you mistake someone else for someone you were married to a one time? Even Trump is not that stupid.

  2. by Curt_Anderson on January 17, 2024 12:47 pm
    It doesn't strike me that the news media was giving Trump any sort of benefit. Trump made a big thing about E. Jean Carroll not being attractive and not his type. Trump's mistake happened in the his sexual assault/defamation trial.

    Btw, I bet that this isn't going over too well with a lot voters, women especially.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on January 17, 2024 12:54 pm

    Trump is despicable. But, the indisputable truth is that E. Jean can't remember what, as po'd say, what EFFINyear this alleged event supposedly happened.

    This is the state of Trumpjustice in very blue places in America.

  4. by Curt_Anderson on January 17, 2024 1:03 pm
    Do you remember the most recent time somebody beat you up? And don’t expect us to believe you never had your ass kicked.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on January 17, 2024 1:32 pm

    Huh, Curt?

  6. by Curt_Anderson on January 17, 2024 1:43 pm
    Give us the date when you were last beat up, HtS. Or can't you remember when somebody punched you or otherwise assaulted you?

  7. by HatetheSwamp on January 17, 2024 2:44 pm


    If I accused you of mugging me and say that it was, maybe 08 or maybe 09, what could you do to deny my accusation?

  8. by Curt_Anderson on January 17, 2024 3:25 pm
    I asked you first. You forgot the date didn’t you? If I were the accused I would hope the victim didn’t have contemporary witnesses. I would also come up with my credit card statements and/or other documentation that placed me far from the scene of the crime.

  9. by Indy! on January 17, 2024 3:48 pm

    Curt: Read the full statement...

    "It shouldn't be too difficult for them to imagine that Trump didn't control himself in Bergdorf's department store with a woman he mistook for his former wife, a beauty pageant winner."

    The author is basically confirming Trump misidentified her. There's no (allegedly) in there when that would be the MINIMUM requirement for an honest report.

    Peebs: It's quite easy to forget what YEAR something happened - especially once you're past the age where your counting years to get to adulthood or some other target. Forgetting WHO YOU WERE MARRIED TO? Simply unbelievable - that could never happen imho.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on January 18, 2024 6:11 am


    "I asked you first. You forgot the date didn’t you? If I were the accused I would hope the victim didn’t have contemporary witnesses."

    No. I absolutely didn't forget the date.

    I LIED ABOUT THE WHOLE THING. That's the point!

  11. by Curt_Anderson on January 18, 2024 9:11 am
    Discussing anything with you remind me of those logic riddles in which a person is confronted with a character who always lies.

    Trump himself is a character who always lies. Jurors are not oblivious to his lying. The jury system is not perfect, but with their combined and collective wisdom, more often than not jurors judge the credibility of witnesses and make the right decision.

    There are a lot of crimes, including murder, in which the date and time of the actual crime can never be determined. Our justice system is able to consider witness testimony and other evidence in reaching a determination.

    Also, remember, E. Jean Carroll did not go to the police and accuse Donald Trump rape. She wrote about the incident and Donald Trump responded by defaming her, calling her a liar, “not my type“ and “a nearly 60 year old woman“ along with other lies and insults. She was at the time, in fact, an attractive 52-year-old woman. Trump denied knowing her. However, photographic evidence showed them together, and Trump knew her husband. The jury was convinced that they were not strangers who had never met.

    She sued Donald Trump for defamation. She was credible, Trump was not. He’s not helping himself in his second defamation trial.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on January 18, 2024 10:21 am

    Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh, Curt.

    What we have is a woman who alleged an assault with no physical evidence nor eye witnesses and who's unable?/unwilling to identify the date... even the friggin EFFINyear in which it took place... and a man who denies the allegation.

    He said, she said.

    He is in the position of being unable to offer an alibi because his accuser can't or won't say, AGAIN, even which EFFINyear the event took place.

    I wasn't there. Nor, were you.

    All I have ever said about this is that this accusation is weak.

    You? She's credible. Based on what, you won't say.

    Apart from deranged TrumpHate, I can't follow your logic.

  13. by Curt_Anderson on January 18, 2024 11:06 am
    "You? She's credible. Based on what, you won't say." --HtS

    Interesting that you say and think that; it's perhaps telling. Most people, unless given reason not to, assume another person is telling the truth. Delusional paranoia sufferers don't trust or believe anyone. A normal person might ask "You? She's not credible. Based on what, you won't say."

    Jurors might find a witness is not credible based on their contradictions and/or evidence which undermines their credibility. Trump shot himself in the foot when he protested that E. Jean Carroll is "not my type" then proceeded to mistake her for his ex-wife, a former beauty queen.

    Police are often able to connect crimes to a certain suspect because of their repeated modus operandi---the Gilgo Beach murder suspect is an example. Carroll's attorneys had witnesses testify under oath that the pussy grabber attempted similar sexual assaults on them.

  14. by Curt_Anderson on January 18, 2024 11:22 am
    Btw, HtS, you and other of your ilk could help Trump by saying in this forum and elsewhere that you are willing to forget Trump's defamatory comments about Carroll and that you believe her. Otherwise it's really going to cost him. Jurors heard this today:

    Northwestern University professor Ashlee Humphreys, who was called as a witness by E. Jean Carroll’s lawyers as an expert on damages, testified it could cost up to $12.1 million for Carroll to repair her reputation with those who likely believed Donald Trump.

    Humphreys — who was contracted to analyze the reach of Donald Trump's statements and assess the damage to Carroll’s reputation — created a hypothetical reputation-repair campaign designed to change the minds of the nearly 25 million people that she estimates were likely to have been receptive to Trump's comments about Carroll.

    Someone in that audience would need to see corrective messaging as many as seven times to change their minds, Humphreys testified. It could cost up to $12.1 million to implement a campaign that could change the "strongly held" attitudes of people who likely believe Trump.

  15. by oldedude on January 18, 2024 11:41 am
    I'm not worried about trumpster. He dug his hole. I'd really like to hear the true story though. Oh well.😕

    Now if we can just get some compensation for Mike Flynn...

  16. by HatetheSwamp on January 18, 2024 11:51 am

    Btw, HtS, you and other of your ilk could help Trump by saying in this forum and elsewhere that you are willing to forget Trump's defamatory comments about Carroll and that you believe her.

    What are you suggesting is my ilk?

    And, Curt, you misunderstand me.

    I think that Trump is despicable. He's a jerk. He's an a$$hole. AND, he's the perfect person to tell lies about because bigots and haters would be willing... and freaking EFFINanxious, even... to accept the lies and condemn him... exactly the same way KKK members lynched people of color.

    Considering the weak allegation of E Jean, there's reason to accept the possibility that lies have been cast about Trump for deranged haters to believe for no other reason than they want Trump to suffer.

  17. by oldedude on January 18, 2024 2:10 pm
    Considering the weak allegation of E Jean, there's reason to accept the possibility that lies have been cast about Trump for deranged haters to believe for no other reason than they want Trump to suffer.😱

    Yeah, not that they haven't done that before with a lot less hated persons.

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