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President Carter wrote a book called "Palestine: Peace not Apartheid"
By Donna
November 29, 2023 12:11 pm
Category: Books

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It was published in 2006. In response, Carter was ostracized. The ADL and AIPAC defamed him and tried to cancel and disparage the legacy of perhaps the most moral and humane modern US president.

As the current US president defends ethnic cleansing and occupation, watch President Carter speak out against Israeli war crimes and apartheid in 2006. Link below.

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Comments on "President Carter wrote a book called "Palestine: Peace not Apartheid"":

  1. by oldedude on November 29, 2023 12:39 pm
    I'm still looking for "war crimes" the Geneva Court would charge. We're looking for genocide (murdering a few thousand people, specifically targeting civilians without a military target close. That sort of thing).

    As far as Carter. I absolutely disagree with him. I also think he honestly believes in his heart this could happen and prays for it. I think that's naive, but I would say it's something good to hope for.

    Like anyone who wants whirled peas, I think it's a far-fetched idealist view that thinks everyone has part of good in their heart. I guess I'm just really jaded by seeing true evil.

  2. by Curt_Anderson on November 29, 2023 1:02 pm
    You are unnecessarily critical of Biden. He has called for Israeli restraint. He warned Israel not to make the same mistakes we did after 9/11. Any country would respond with whatever power they could muster to retrieve kidnapped citizens, especially after more than a thousand were brutally massacred.

    The Palestinians are a mess. They allow themselves to be ruled by the kleptocratic PLO and/or the bloody theocratic despotism of Hamas. It's true they haven't held an election recently, but there is a complicity among the civilian population. It strains credulity to believe that the average Gazan doesn't know where 250 Israeli hostages are being held, much less objects to it. Does anybody seriously believe that it's not common knowledge in Gaza where the tunnel entrances are?

    Hamas is no friend of human rights and certainly not of the LBGTQ community. Being gay is an executable offense. Hamas is repressive in the extreme. They have little respect for human life, not even of their own people.

    It's awful that any civilians are killed in any wars. It's also inevitable. Especially when the people are human shields. War should be clean but it is not. Israel should be held to high standard. So should Hamas be.

    The Palestinians deserve to be liberated from the fanaticism and corruption that has ruled Gaza with an enlightened government. Getting rid of Hamas would be a good start.

  3. by Donna on November 29, 2023 1:10 pm

    Well, you know, he's always been a devoted Christian. Jesus also looked for the good in others and believed that anyone can be redeemed of their sins, right up to when, as he was dying on a cross, he turned to the man next to him who was being crucified he assured him "Today you will be with me in Paradise".

    The theme of redemption appears in several of Jesus's parables, like the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32):

    In the story, a father has two sons. The younger son asks for his portion of inheritance from his father, who grants his son's request. This son, however, is prodigal (i.e., wasteful and extravagant), thus squandering his fortune and eventually becoming destitute. As consequence, he now must return home empty-handed and intend to beg his father to accept him back as a servant. To the son's surprise, he is not scorned by his father but is welcomed back with celebration and a welcoming party. Envious, the older son refuses to participate in the festivities. The father tells the older son: "you are ever with me, and all that I have is yours, but your younger brother was lost and now he is found."

    The Prodigal Son is the third and final parable of a cycle on redemption, following the parable of the Lost Sheep and the parable of the Lost Coin.

  4. by Donna on November 29, 2023 1:18 pm

    The Palestinians are a mess. They allow themselves to be ruled by the kleptocratic PLO and/or the bloody theocratic despotism of Hamas. It's true they haven't held an election recently, but there is a complicity among the civilian population. It strains credulity to believe that the average Gazan doesn't know where 250 Israeli hostages are being held, much less objects to it. Does anybody seriously believe that it's not common knowledge in Gaza where the tunnel entrances are? - Curt

    Hamas defeated the Palestinian Authority for control of Gaza in 2007 and has not allowed another election in Gaza since. A poll taken in the days before 10/7/23 showed that only 27% of Gazans supported Hamas. There are some 30,000 to 40,000 Hamas fighters. The population in Gaza is about 2 million. That doesn't sound like a lot of support for Hamas. Your comments about "the average Gazan" are baseless.

  5. by Curt_Anderson on November 29, 2023 1:50 pm
    About that 27% support of Hamas figure you cite…

    “Polls in potential presidential elections paint a different picture. If new presidential elections were held with two candidates, Fatah’s Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas’s Ismail Haniyeh, Abbas would receive 37 percent of the vote, and Haniyeh would win in a landslide with 58 percent.

    Of course, both Hamas and Fatah run dictatorships that arrest and torture political opponents, a problem more severe in Gaza than on the West Bank. So, voters’ responses may reflect fear rather than true preference.”

    As for Carter’s preference for peace over apartheid, few would disagree. The devil is in the details as to how to achieve it. I don’t believe Israel it’s just being mean and intentionally avoiding a peaceful resolution. Israel is holding the proverbial tiger by the tail.

  6. by Indy! on November 29, 2023 2:19 pm

    Israel is an apartheid state. The only thing shocking about the Carter video is MSNBC actually allowed him on the air to discuss it. Of course that was only so they could undermine his position which - as always - their uneducated tool of a host was woefully mentally unprepared to do in the face of someone as well informed and righteous as Jimmy Carter (the greatest president of our lifetimes by far).

    And OD? Again your lack of education in regards to international relations has failed you. Genocide is not the only issue considered a "war crime" by the Geneva Convention. Perhaps if you actually read up on it - you would be better prepared for this type of conversation next time around. 🙄

  7. by oldedude on November 29, 2023 4:20 pm
    donna and curt- There's really only two countries in that region that aren't run by dictatorships in the worse sense of the word. Oman and Israel. If you hate what's going on in Palestine, you must also consider Yemen, Egypt, Lebanon. Their countries either don't care about their citizens because they are too busy trying to hold their own country together, or they're in the middle of civil wars and no one cares. These are places where water comes from open wells, dysentery is rampant, people are actually starving to death or selling their kids so they can feed the rest of the family.

  8. by Indy! on November 29, 2023 4:46 pm

    We already treat those countries the way they deserve to be treated for their crimes. Israel, we do not. In fact we support their atrocities against the Palestinians with weapons and cash.

  9. by oldedude on November 29, 2023 6:44 pm



    Until 10/7, most Americans hated Saudi Arabia and loved Yemen. Now? I haven't seen much different even with them killing US personnel (which of course, you're overjoyed with).

    The most Americans know about Egypt is they have a stone cat with a messed up face and funny looking buildings.

    Lebanon is one of those countries you had to be politically aware in the mid 1970's. You still have to understand what name Sabri Khalil al-Banna actually went under. How he was connected to the PLO, Arafat, PFLP, Black September, etc. If you don't, you don't understand the connections, and the connections to the Palestinian issues and why they are hated by the world.

  10. by Indy! on November 29, 2023 7:34 pm

    Ummm... OD? What the general American populace thinks matters in absolutely no way at all. I'm referring to our gov't. You know... the people in DC who pull all the strings.

  11. by oldedude on November 30, 2023 6:45 pm
    Well, the US populace swayed the VietNam war, as well as every single war past that. A large part of running a war now (for the US ONLY) is "pubic approval") as a Korean cabbie told me about them rescuing their own people out of Afghanistan. His statement is that the public is as useful as pubic hair in deciding international action. We all had to agree. Ergo, the US is known to be the little nancies of their lambs.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on December 1, 2023 2:58 am


    Indy's too young to understand the 1968 presidential election and how opposition to the war destroyed the Johnson presidency.

    D@ng if today's campus unrest in opposition to the Biden Israel policy ain't, as Mark Twain said, history rhyming...or so it seems.

    Remember Nixon winning, aided by a strong third party presence?

    Can you just imagine how much fun po'll be when Trump places his hand on the Bible in 025?

  13. by Indy! on December 1, 2023 9:48 am

    Well thanks for the compliment, Peebs - but I was old enough and politically in tune enough to know what happened in 1968. And then there's that other thing we had in school called "history" that taught us all about it in case we missed it growing up. I guess they didn't have that in PA when you were in school back in the Dark Ages. Come to think of it... that would help to explain some of your political positions. 🤔

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