Discover Your Personality with Free Numerology Report
By numerologyguide May 1, 2021 11:39 pm Category: Personality (5.0 from 4 votes)
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Free numerology report is a site where you can get free numerology report based upon your date of birth and name. The unique powerful vibrations of numbers coming across your life have deep impact across the path of your life. Discover your hidden life secrets through this free numerology report.
We are just born, and we become numbers: we are a number for the hospital registry, for the civil registry. We have a registration number at the school. Likewise, we are part of the demographic statistics of a country. When we grow up we need a bank account number, a social security number. We are controlled by means of a code, which is nothing more than a number. Our life could be explained, and in fact it is explained, through the numbers.
Numerology, in general terms, is the study of numbers and their meaning according to the name and surname or by the date of birth. It is used to determine an individual's personality type, inner needs, or talents. Are you interested and want to know a little more?
How does it work
The universe has its own particular vibration and its own frequency. By finding the vibration class of each object, the energies and qualities associated with these elements can be established. With numerology, it is exactly the same, because each number emits its own frequency, which is used to study and determine the energies of each person using only your full name and / or date of birth. By calculating these frequencies, important information about the personality and character of the person in question is obtained.
How the values ​​are calculated
In numerology, the values ​​of the full name such as the date of birth are reduced to only one digit between 1 and 9, except the numbers 11 and 22 which are called "special teachers". For example, in the case of the number 17, this would be reduced to the sum of 1 + 7, giving as a result the number 8. The letters of the name, according to its location in the English alphabet are transformed into numbers and these are added up to a single digit.
What each number means
1. They are leaders and people with great ambition and strength who tend to seek perfection in everything they do on a daily basis.
2. This number represents people who are considerate towards others and who always seek peace and tranquility.
3. This is the so-called "magic number" It belongs to talkative people who prefer to speak before reaching violence. They always like to share and fear loneliness, since they are very jovial and dynamic.
4. They are disciplined, strong and pragmatic, but often lack imagination.
5. In numerology, this number represents people who love adventure. They are usually versatile and adapt to everything, and are very curious as well as having a great speed of thought.
6. They are responsible and sacrifice for others. Furthermore, they are often associated with the mother or father figure and even with teachers because of their patience.
7. It is a spiritual number that includes intelligent, wise and persevering individuals.
8. They are the typical business leaders who are very successful in what they propose, because they know how to distinguish a false opportunity from a real one.
9. They are characterized by compassion. Likewise, they have a great aristocratic air without neglecting generosity, since they love to sacrifice themselves for others.
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