1. what's your fave food?
Prioritize your choice above:
2. where would you most like to live?
Prioritize your choice above:
3. what is the point of life?
Prioritize your choice above:
4. if it was possible, which of these would you most like to do?
Prioritize your choice above:
5. your freinds would say you are mostly...
Prioritize your choice above:
6. do you have lots of freinds?
Prioritize your choice above:
7. are you an extrovert or an introvert?
Prioritize your choice above:
8. do you consider yourself clever?
Prioritize your choice above:
9. if you could travel to a different world, where would you go?
Prioritize your choice above:
10. which element do you feel most in touch with?
Prioritize your choice above:
11. what is your favourate drink?
Prioritize your choice above:
12. do you ejoy travelling?
Prioritize your choice above:
13. do you think of yourself as a kind person?
Prioritize your choice above:
14. do you hear voices inside your head?
Prioritize your choice above:
15. you most trust...
Prioritize your choice above:
16. your life is devoted to searching for...
Prioritize your choice above:
17. when thinking about your misfortunes, you...
Prioritize your choice above:
18. when fighting, your wepon of choice is...
Prioritize your choice above:
19. what do you do in your spare time?
Prioritize your choice above:
20. what is your favourate colour?
Prioritize your choice above:
Just for fun , predict your #1 result. Your prediction will not influence your results.
Predict Your Result. cat