Pet Selector
The most popular pets are dogs and cats. But there are other pets. We have included over three dozen pet possibilities (including cats and dogs) for your consideration. Tell us your preferences, and we'll match them with a list of pets, in ranked order, that best meet your needs and desires.

Are you interested in specific types of pets?
  Yes, I am specifically interested in bird breeds that are appropriate for me.
  Yes, I am specifically interested in cat breeds that are appropriate for me.
  Yes, I am specifically interested in dog breeds that are appropriate for me.
  No, I am interested in the type of pet generally that is appropriate for me.

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Dog Breed Selector

Cat Breed Selector

Pet Selector

Exotic Pet Bird Selector

What type of animal should you

Choosing a Fresh Water Fish to

Find the Perfect Pet for You!

Pick a Dogs Name

What Breed of Dog Are You?

Which uncommon pet suits you?

So you think you want a reptil

Kolton's Aquarium -- Freshwate

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Which Dog Toy Should I Get My

Neopet Selector 1

Which Small Animal is Right fo

Which Cat breed are you?

which guinea pig are you?

What ferret are you?

What Cat Breed Are You?

Which Dog Breed Are You

Which Neopet is Right for You?

The right pet name for your pe

Neopet Selector 2

Which Famous Dog Are You?

What Ferret Am I?

What kind of mammal are you?

What type of cat are you?

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Small Dog Selector

What Type of Pet Care Should Y

what kind of pet should you ha

What Kind of Conure Am I?

How to Choose the Right Dog Br

Ideal Tang Selector

What Type Of Pet ID Is Right F

Which Heartland dog is right f

What Breed of Dog Are You?


What is your ideal pet?

What Neopet Are You?

What Cute Animal are YOU?

What is the perfect pet for yo

Wild Animal Personality

What dog is good for you?


Holistic Pet Products & Food

What Dog Breed Are You?


Which Dog are you?

What animal are you?

Cats or Dogs

What Is The Best Pet For You?

Which Pet Would Be Best For Yo

What breed of dog are you?

What Dog Is Right For Me?

What Cat Personality Will Be a

Choosing your dog

what would your daemon be?

Identify Dog Breed

What type of bird are you?


Dog Breeds

What type of ferret are you?

What Dog Activity is Right for

Which...and is an exotic pet r


Should I feed the cat?

Dutch's Behaviour

Kennel Care

Should I pet the cat?

Shoud I buy this cat?

Don't See It? Find All The Pets Pages Here.

1. How much attention can you give your new pet? Some pets are fairly independent and essentially only depend on their owner for the basics: food, water and shelter. Others, however, need more regular interaction. Remember, not all pets are okay as latchkey pets.
I can spend a lot of quality time with my pet
I can spend some time with my pet
I am very busy and can not spend much time with my pet
No preference

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

2. How much maintenance time can you set aside? Pets require varying degrees of upkeep. In addition to basic feeding and cleaning time, some critters need more handling and grooming than others. Think about your daily routine and how much time you can devote to your new pet.
I have plenty of time for care and maintenance
I do not have very much time
No preference

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

3. What level of grooming do you prefer? If you're looking to get off easy here, then obviously a long-haired pet isn't for you. There are some pets that need no grooming, while others will benefit from a daily appointment with you and a brush.
I can spend a lot of time grooming
I can spend some time on grooming
I would rather not have to spend a lot of time grooming my pet
No preference

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

4. Would you prefer a pet that is appropriate for children? Kids and a cute, cuddly pet? it's a heartwarming image. But the truth is, some pets can be handled by children better than others.

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

5. Would you like a pet that is compatible with other pets?

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

6. Do you have an aversion to bugs, mice and/or rats?

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

7. Would you prefer a pet that is more easily tolerated by allergy sufferers?

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

8. How do you feel about a messy pet? With some pets, changing the newspaper-lining of a cage is sufficient. And then there are those pets that require a little more clean-up.
Messiness bothers me

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

9. How do you feel about a smelly pet? As the owner, your pet's smell is something that can be somewhat within your control. If you're able to devote some time to bathing, then your pet will probably smell less. But there are still some animals that generally just have a stronger odor than others.
Smelliness bothers me a lot

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

10. How much can you budget towards a pet? Adoption or purchasing fees are only the beginning. There are a number of expenses that come with owning a pet?including the cost of trips to the veterinarian, food and maintenance supplies. (The following is a annual estimated budget, excluding any acquisition expenses.)
Under $75 a year
$76-$175 a year
$176-$300 a year
Over $300 a year
No preference

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

11. How do you feel about a noisy pet? Consider not only your feelings on the matter, but also your neighbors. Are they within earshot? If so, whining or barking noises may disturb them.
Noise bothers me a lot

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

12. What type of housing do you prefer for your pet? Keep in mind that each of these accommodations will require its own level of space and maintenance.
Kennel or dog house
Run of the house
Stable and pasture
No preference

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

13. How much dedicated space can you provide your pet?
Little space
Lot of space
No preference

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

14. Would you prefer a pet that can be trained?
Trainable preferred

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

15. How responsive a pet would you like? There are some pets that will greet you with a big fat smooch, while others will hardly notice your arrival. (This is a two-way street: Chances are that you will have to return the affection and attention.)
Indifferent to attention, does not need interaction
Playful, affectionate
No preference

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

16. What size of pet would you like? Some people prefer pets that fit in their pockets and can go anywhere with them fairly unnoticed. Others want a pet with a greater physical presence.
No preference

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

17. Would you like a pet that is more active during the day (diurnal) or nighttime (noctural)?
No preference

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

18. Would you like a pet with which you can be physically active? Whether you're looking for a jogging partner or someone to watch sitcoms with, there is a pet to fit your interests.
No, I do not want a particularly active pet
Yes, would like an active pet
No preference

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

19. How long of a commitment are you prepared for? Some pets simply have a longer anticipated life span than others. While there are species that, on average, live just a few months, there are also those that live many decades.
Shorter life span (0 to 8 years)
Medium life span (10 to 12 years)
Longer life span (more than 12 years)
No preference

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Results button below.


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