Digidestined/Crest Selector (Rift version. Updated) 5 from 5 votes.
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A SelectSmart.com Anime Selector by Takaishi Cyan, created April 2000.
I have made some significant changes recently. If you've tried this before, you might want to try again. I refined it a bit.
This lets you find what Digidestined/Crest best represents you. Includes two new Digidestined and their Crests, featured in the Rift series by Cyan and Bradmon. Remember to answer these very honestly and accurately, otherwise your results will be wrong.
We'd appreciate it if you could send in your results, with or without a name. We'd like to see if many people are like the additional characters.
Please check the informative URL BEFORE emailing me to ask who Cyan and Anthadd are!Disclaimer.