The Trump Admin Says Dept. Of Education Should Be Dis Mantled. This Is Why Their Mistaken
By HatetheSwamp March 21, 2025 7:27 am Category: Government (0.0 from 0 votes)
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A BEE opinion. Read carefully:
The Trump Administration has now set his crosshairs on the US Department of Education, claiming it should be dis mantled.
This is why their mistaken.
The department of Education has for decades provided the foundation of education standerds for decades ever since President Jimmy Cartor created it in 1978, and our nations intelligence has literally flourished eversince for decades. In the 67 years since, we have seen the invention of the Internet, the microchip, fiberoptics, and satellites, ushering in an age of technilogical dominance and and prosperity.
Without the federal goverment setting standerds for states to obey, the consequences will be devastating. Not a single citizen wants to see our prosporous nation decline into miseducation and ignorence like how America was before the department of Education was established.
We at the Babylon Bee call upon the President of the department of Education to fulfill the mandate that we voted him in for: to stand up for the right of the goverment to tell its citizens what to learn, even in the face of the threat of Trump's authorititariananism.
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