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Trump hits liberals where it hurts - right in the library card
By Navy2711
March 22, 2025 7:18 am
Category: Politics
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The cross-border library in Derby, Vermont — known for allowing patrons to cross the border indiscriminately, as long as they return — is now going to check liberals for their library cards when they want to cross the border. Machine gun nests and book-sniffing dogs soon to follow.
The Trump regime has gotten tactical. This is a brilliant way of impacting liberals without affecting conservatives in the slightest. A library is for READING books, not burning them, so why would a conservative ever enter?
Talk about playing 4D chess!
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Comments on "Trump hits liberals where it hurts - right in the library card":
by oldedude on March 22, 2025 9:08 am Because they're waiting for the book bonfires?
And here you are on the far left.
by Navy2711 on March 22, 2025 10:57 am OD, do you think the Nazis - who were aligned with far right values of nationalism, strong military, racial supremacy, and who were against unions, communism and deocracy - were leftists?
by HatetheSwamp on March 22, 2025 11:20 am
They were the National Socialists .
by Navy2711 on March 22, 2025 11:36 am And North Korea is called the DEMOCRATIC People's Republic of Korea.
A name does not a form of government make.
The Nazis were extreme rightists. This is not in dispute.
by ROB3RT on March 22, 2025 11:46 am
Navy, why are you arguing with a troll? Are you expecting him to ever admit he's wrong? He knows he's wrong. Trolls troll.
by Navy2711 on March 22, 2025 11:55 am Its just a mental exercise.
by ROB3RT on March 22, 2025 11:56 am
Trolls don't drive Route 66 to get their kicks. They come to SelectSmart.
by oldedude on March 22, 2025 11:59 am I believe the American "leftists" are the same as the Nazis. Violent antisemites that love to have big government tell us what to do. Much like Fidel, or Che, Mao, Stalin, or Pol Pot who try (and sometimes succeed) murdering politicians they disagree with (Scalise, Rand Paul, trumpster x2, Chief Justice Roberts, etc).
Every kid only learns what the government "approves." If you get groomed and perped on by some pedo in the school, people are too afraid of the repercussions to make a stand. They are very strong supporters of the ultra-right radical Islamic Terrorists. If you don't agree with them, they go to "re-education" camps (or just killed).
So yes. Leftists here are using the same tactics. Burning property of those that disagree with them (tesla's, summer of love event), bombing businesses they disagree, attacking Jews on the streets. These are the same tactics the Sturmabteilung (SA) used starting in 1938 and continuing throughout the war.
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by oldedude on March 22, 2025 12:01 pm ROB3RT- navy actually admitted that he was only here to be a troll. So you've got it confused.
by Navy2711 on March 22, 2025 12:01 pm I'm not sure how much of a troll OD is. He seems awfully earnest, especially when he starts ranting in all caps.
For Hate's sake, I hope he IS nothing but a troll. Trolls love to feed off of others who share their views -- and that's the only sane reason for him to OD's cock in his mouth 24/7.
by ROB3RT on March 22, 2025 12:03 pm
At the risk of violating my own maxim (don't argue with trolls)....
Yeah, there are some people on the left doing stupid stuff. But the Nazis RAN THE GOVERNMENT. The lefty idiots committing vandalism in this country do not.
There's a big difference between random idiots taking matters into their own hands and people who run the government banning books.
And if you can't see that difference, you might be a troll.
by oldedude on March 22, 2025 12:04 pm And you're still hiding under your daddies' skirts. By the order of your toothless, crack whore mommy.
by oldedude on March 22, 2025 12:08 pm ROB3RT- That was for navy. Not for you.
I believe the leftists want a revolution to overthrow the government. Look at my examples. Antifada for example, is a group set to overthrow the government. They're a huge proponent of fascism- regardless of their name. Much like you said, DPRK, or PRC. When you have either of those words in a country's name, it's a dictatorship.
by ROB3RT on March 22, 2025 12:17 pm
Yeah, Navy, maybe you're right about OD not exactly being a troll. The impression I get is more ham radio and red yard on bulletin boards.
My guess is he spends so much time here because nobody in real life can stand to listen to him any more.
Well, maybe that applies to the rest of us, too...
by oldedude on March 22, 2025 12:21 pm ROB3RT- The left had the government had the government the past 16 of 20 years. They've shown their ideal government, which I laid out. And, if they don't get their way, people will be targeted for death, government buildings will be burned, businesses will be broken into and burned and there was/is targeting of political figures they/you disagree with. And these folks are supported by the MSM and political figures on the state and national levels. As has been shown in the recent past.
I figure that a 41-year-old woman that was set up to toss Molotov's at property and businesses is a terrorist. Ask the Irish who started with Molotov's and went to being some of the best bomb makers in the world (they taught the radical Islamists).
You can try reeeeally hard to split hairs, but that's just sidestepping the issue. Even antifada has central communications. That's how they strike. As do the antiemetics attacking the Jews, which have their synagogues firebombed.
by HatetheSwamp on March 22, 2025 12:26 pm
I believe the American "leftists" are the same as the Nazis. Violent antisemites that love to have big government tell us what to do. Much like Fidel, or Che, Mao, Stalin, or Pol Pot who try (and sometimes succeed) murdering politicians they disagree with (Scalise, Rand Paul, trumpster x2, Chief Justice Roberts, etc).
Bang on.
It stuns me how what it means to be a lib or progressive has changed since we were kids.
by ROB3RT on March 22, 2025 12:28 pm
On January 6, 2001, Republicans held a riot at the capitol building, gored a police officer with a flagpole, hit another with a fire extinguisher, broke into the building and shit on the Senate floor, vandalized offices and stole property.
Four years later, when the election went the other way, there was a peaceful transfer of power.
That's the fundamental difference between the American left and the American right.
by Navy2711 on March 22, 2025 12:37 pm OD - Do you think the Nazis were leftists?
by oldedude on March 22, 2025 1:37 pm no, but if you actually could read what's written, and not create stupid questions, maybe we could actually get somewhere. I did answer that question.
No, the Nazis were not leftists. AND the American leftists, communists, "socialists," "democratic socialists, etcetcetc have applied the exact same logic, temperament, and methods to do the exact same work as those I proved to you.
fuckhead. get out from sucking your daddies' dicks, pull your head out of your arse, and quit listening to your toothless crackwhore mommies.
by ROB3RT on March 22, 2025 1:42 pm
OldDude wrote:
fuckhead. get out from sucking your daddies' dicks, pull your head out of your arse, and quit listening to your toothless crackwhore mommies.
When you say such things, you sound irrational and unhinged. We don't need to respond since you have revealed yourself to be a crackpot.
by Navy2711 on March 22, 2025 1:52 pm Okay, well I guess it made sense in YOUR mind to put the caption, "Here you are on the left" next to a picture of people that your know are not leftists.
By the way, tell your buddy that the Nazis were on the far right. He thinks that political ideologies are always named accurately and honestly. He probably thinks that the History Channel shows history, and that clean coal is clean.
Then get your cowardly ass over to the "Why is OD running from me?" post.
by oldedude on March 22, 2025 2:16 pm I feel sorry that you don't have the ability of an "if > then" scenario that my four-year-old grandson can reason through. I figured if a four-year-old has that concept, then you "should" also. I guess I am wrong about you being literate in any language, and your IQ is so low, sometimes you forget to breathe. A cretin for short (a stupid, vulgar, and insensitive person).
It's the same thing you will get from me forever. Have someone explain it to you, that might help. Maybe a second-grader that isn't on the short bus? That would help. I understand that you're a psychopath. That you have to be in charge of everything. And it bothers the crap out of you that I keep giving you the same answer if I answer you at all. That's because you don't matter to me. At all. Your life doesn't matter to me, what you do, your "family." Nothing.
You're the classic troll. You all are sociopaths or psychopaths, but you're all narcissists. You have this fictional belief that you life actually matters. To me it doesn't. So piss of and unless someone else posts under your name and it's a decent post, I'm not engaging.
by oldedude on March 22, 2025 2:16 pm I feel sorry that you don't have the ability of an "if > then" scenario that my four-year-old grandson can reason through. I figured if a four-year-old has that concept, then you "should" also. I guess I am wrong about you being literate in any language, and your IQ is so low, sometimes you forget to breathe. A cretin for short (a stupid, vulgar, and insensitive person).
It's the same thing you will get from me forever. Have someone explain it to you, that might help. Maybe a second-grader that isn't on the short bus? That would help. I understand that you're a psychopath. That you have to be in charge of everything. And it bothers the crap out of you that I keep giving you the same answer if I answer you at all. That's because you don't matter to me. At all. Your life doesn't matter to me, what you do, your "family." Nothing.
You're the classic troll. You all are sociopaths or psychopaths, but you're all narcissists. You have this fictional belief that you life actually matters. To me it doesn't. So piss of and unless someone else posts under your name and it's a decent post, I'm not engaging.
by Navy2711 on March 22, 2025 2:28 pm I feel sorry that you don't have the ability of an "if > then" scenario that my four-year-old grandson can reason through. I figured if a four-year-old has that concept, then you "should" also. I guess I am wrong about you being literate in any language, and your IQ is so low, sometimes you forget to breathe. A cretin for short (a stupid, vulgar, and insensitive person).
It's the same thing you will get from me forever. Have someone explain it to you, that might help. Maybe a second-grader that isn't on the short bus? That would help. I understand that you're a psychopath. That you have to be in charge of everything. And it bothers the crap out of you that I keep giving you the same answer if I answer you at all. That's because you don't matter to me. At all. Your life doesn't matter to me, what you do, your "family." Nothing.
You're the classic troll. You all are sociopaths or psychopaths, but you're all narcissists. You have this fictional belief that you life actually matters. To me it doesn't. So piss of and unless someone else posts under your name and it's a decent post, I'm not engaging.
by meagain on March 22, 2025 3:03 pm Concern about antisemitism in the U.S. has grown following recent rises in deadly assaults, vandalism, and harassment. Public accounts of antisemitism have focused on both the ideological right and left, suggesting a “horseshoe theory” in which the far left and the far right hold a common set of anti-Jewish prejudicial attitudes that distinguish them from the ideological center. However, there is little quantitative research evaluating left-wing versus right-wing antisemitism. We conduct several experiments on an original survey of 3500 U.S. adults, including an oversample of young adults. We oversampled young adults because unlike other forms of prejudice that are more common among older people, antisemitism is theorized to be more common among younger people. Contrary to the expectation of horseshoe theory, the data show the epicenter of antisemitic attitudes is young adults on the far right."
by oldedude on March 22, 2025 4:06 pm Just wondering, were you part of the study? You use "we" a lot without quotes, or anything else recognizable as a clue. Your report was from June, 2022. Here's where we agree. I believe it's no surprise that prior to 2022 that white you conservatives were the leaders in anti-sematic attacks.
Post 7/10 though, that skyrocketing trend is made up of liberal college students, other liberals, and you always have the people too stupid to just think for themselves. It became the "cool" thing to do and to support.
U.S. Antisemitic Incidents Skyrocketed 360% in Aftermath of Attack in Israel, according to the ADL Data which links the past 10 years and has information from 2022-2024.
Printed January 10, 2024 … In the three months since the Oct. 7 massacre in Israel, U.S. antisemitic incidents have skyrocketed, reaching a total of 3,291* incidents between Oct. 7 and Jan. 7, according to ADL’s (the Anti-Defamation League) preliminary data. This represents a 361-percent increase compared to the same period one year prior, which saw 712 incidents.
Since Oct. 7, there was an average of nearly 34 antisemitic incidents per day, putting 2023 on track to be the highest year for antisemitic acts against Jews since ADL started tracking this data in the late 1970s. "A Jew is for them equal to Israel, equal to killing Palestinian children," said political scientist Nonna Mayer, a member of France's CNCDH, an independent human rights commission. She was describing what was in the minds of those behind antisemitic incidents.
Of the total, at least 500 incidents took place on college campuses, and another 256 were reported in K-12 schools. At least 634 incidents were reported against Jewish institutions such as synagogues and community centers. About two-thirds of the total incidents could be directly related to the Israel-Hamas war. For those Christians that study the Book Revelations, Christians should partner with Israel for the end days. Devout conservative Christians see this as the "end days." Hate gangs are hate gangs, so that hasn't changed much. So I'm not saying liberals are the "only" ones attacking Jews.
In countries where figures are available from police or civil society groups, including the United States, Britain, France, Germany and South Africa, the pattern is clear: the number of antisemitic incidents has gone up since Oct. 7 by several hundred percent compared with the same period last year. I'm accepting the white hate gangs are still attacking like they always have. The addition to me, are the liberals.
In the case of the antisemitic incidents, most consist of verbal abuse, online slurs or threats, graffiti, and defacing of Jewish properties, businesses or sites of religious significance. Physical assaults represent a significant proportion.
Like you and a few others on this sites, One common thread is that anger over the deaths of thousands of Palestinians as a result of Israel's bombardment of Gaza is invoked as justification for verbal or physical aggression towards Jews in general, often accompanied by the use of slurs and tropes rooted in the long history of antisemitism.
"Whatever their opinion on the conflict, even if they are extremely critical of the Israeli government's policy, Jew is for them equal to Israel, equal to killing Palestinian children," said political scientist Nonna Mayer, a member of France's CNCDH, an independent human rights commission. She was describing what was in the minds of those behind antisemitic incidents.
by meagain on March 23, 2025 8:06 am You get stranger by the day, OD. I did not write the report and your dismissal of it with supposition and imagination becomes you.
by oldedude on March 23, 2025 8:22 am The facts are that you were using old information to blame the right exclusively. Your assumption is incorrect. We do agree the right hasn't stopped what they were doing. The massive uptick in violence against Jews is coming from the left. That's new data. Which makes a whole lot of difference.
FYSA, if someone were blaming the left exclusively, I would make the same point. You did say the "assumption" was that the left is exclusively anti-sematic, and that not true. I agree with that also. I don't think there's much difference is what the uber-right is doing.
I wasn't arguing. I merely made the newer observation that the ADL (who tracks this relentlessly) says there a massive uptick in attacks by the left globally. And the difference is 10/7 and siding to Palestinians and Hamas.
Like was said by the sociologist. To the left, a dead Jew is equal to a dead Palestinian, so the left is willing to put Jewish lives in danger in order to make up for what's going on in Gaza. From what I have read on this site, I think that's very true for this small sample of the left.
by oldedude on March 23, 2025 8:38 am navy Okay, well I guess it made sense in YOUR mind to put the caption, "Here you are on the left" next to a picture of people that your know are not leftists
You looked at the picture, that was my reference. And you didn't understand that you were standing on the left with that drunk smile on your fat mug? You really are too ignorant to actually exist in this society, aren't you? Are you locked up somewhere in a mental institution? Your knowledge of present events indicates you get 6-month-old magazines to read.
ROB3RT-When you say such things, you sound irrational and unhinged. We don't need to respond since you have revealed yourself to be a crackpot.
Again, being a leftist, you'll defend the left to the death. Thusly "lemmings"(lebbings), little nazis (lower case "n"), and libtards. You didn't read what incited that, talking about HtS sucking my cock. So, you need to check YOUR own self-admitted troll. I only answer in the way I'm addressed. Ask indy (if you're not him) how to play dozens.
by Navy2711 on March 23, 2025 8:58 am OD, stop living in shame and get over to the "Why is OD running from me?" thread.
by meagain on March 23, 2025 10:02 am I find no evidence that it is coming more from the Left now. What is coming more from the Left is anti - Isreal and that is a different matter entirely. I am strongly anti-Israel. Israel's mid East behaviour is a root of much of the trouble there. It is not defensive any more. It is an aggressive defiance of the Rule of Law in international relations: defiance of many injunctions by the UN.
by oldedude on March 23, 2025 10:58 am CNN MAR 20- The ADL says Wikipedia contains antisemitic bias, amid dispute over how the Israel-Hamas conflict is represented on the site
The Anti-Defamation League has found evidence of antisemitic and anti-Israel bias on Wikipedia, it said in a Tuesday report, marking the latest rift between the advocacy group and the world’s largest online encyclopedia over how the Israeli-Palestinian conflict should be portrayed on the site.
The ADL claims it identified a network of Wikipedia editors – volunteer moderators for the popular information websites – who appear to have coordinated to “circumvent Wikipedia’s policies to introduce antisemitic narratives, anti-Israel bias, and misleading information” in Israeli and Palestinian-related entries. The report also accuses Wikipedia of failing to enforce its neutrality policy.
Macron’s implicit endorsement of ‘antisemitic,’ ‘pro-Hamas’ far left shocks French Jews
(Ludovic Marin / AFP)
Only two years ago French President Emmanuel Macron received the unreserved endorsement of major Jewish community groups, which regarded his centrist policies and party as the best available bulwark against political radicalism.
But now, many French Jews feel betrayed by Macron, who last week announced snap parliamentary elections that backfired and boosted the far right. And then following his party’s trouncing in the first stage of the elections on Sunday, he proceeded to implicitly endorse a party with a far-left antisemitism problem to counteract the nationalists’ ascent.
Macron, who will remain president regardless of the parliamentary electoral results, “just endorsed a party controlled by pro-Hamas” forces, Yohann Taieb, a French-Jewish journalist, wrote on X on Monday. The Jewish groups that endorsed him were “being taken for a ride,” Taieb added.
Who’s funding the pro-Hamas protests?
The answers to the question of who is funding the groups behind the pro-Hamas, anti-Israeli protests on U.S. campuses continue to grow in complexity. It appears that a multitude of donors are falling over each other to help promote the cause of the officially designated terrorist group, whose openly stated aim is the destruction of Israel and the Jews, to impressionable young students and the public at large.
Politico revealed—to those who still had doubts—that many of the people bankrolling the campus protests are among Biden’s largest donors. They include Democratic mega-donors George Soros and David Rockefeller Jr. of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Both have donated to anti-Israel groups through the Tides Foundation, once described as a “charitable money laundering” organization. It sponsors anti-Israel groups such as Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow, both of which are active in the protests. In addition, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund has given nearly $500,000 directly to Jewish Voice for Peace over the past five years, and donated to the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights.
Hamas-affiliated professor Hatem Bazian, a founder of Students for Justice in Palestine and chairman of American Muslims for Palestine, calls himself “an ally and partner with Jewish Voice for Peace.” Bazian began calling for an intifada in the United States at least 20 years ago.
Left-Wing Donors Gave More Than $3.3 Million to Pro-Hamas Activities Since 2016
With tent cities springing up across American campuses, filled with antisemitic activists who are openly supporting U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organizations, you could be forgiven for suspecting that this activism was not wholly organic. And you would be right.
Fingerprints of Further Funding
The USCPR Network
The USCPR coalition includes Students for Justice in Palestine, Jewish Voice for Peace, CODEPINK, National Lawyers Guild, and the Westchester Peace Action Committee, among many other groups. In 2021, USCPR had a total income of $1.5 million and total expenses of $1 million.
Paid Activists
The Post discovered that at least some encampments appear to be coordinated by paid activists. A left-wing activist coalition called the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights sponsors a “Youth Organizing Fellowship” that offers college students an unheard-of $24-$28/hour wage to organize supposedly “local campaigns,”
Tip of the Iceberg
The organization of pro-Hamas campus encampments suggest they are being bankrolled by someone with deep pockets. The lavish supplies expended on the encampments suggest they are being bankrolled by someone with deep pockets. The high compensation paid activists receive to coordinate these encampments suggest they are being bankrolled by someone with deep pockets.
by meagain on March 23, 2025 11:35 am You go out of your way to search for biased sources. It is clear that the demonstrations are not pro-Hamas. They are anti-Israeli aggression.
"Misdefining antisemitism: For years, the ADL has used its credibility as a civil rights organization to silence critics of the Israeli state, pushing the dangerous and false IHRA definition of antisemitism. This definition labels anyone opposed to the Israeli government’s oppression of Palestinians as antisemitic, making it harder to identify actual instances of antisemitism. The ADL has spent millions of dollars pushing to turn this definition into laws that would classify criticism of Israel as a hate crime against Jews.
Repression of free speech: The ADL has consistently targeted advocates for Palestinian human rights in a concerted and coordinated campaign to repress any speech that criticizes Israel’s current war on Gaza or its policy of oppression of Palestinians.
Losing legitimacy on antisemitism and Israel-Palestine: The ADL’s consistent bias led Wikipedia editors to vote in June 2024 that the ADL could not be trusted as a reliable source on issues of antisemitism or Israel’s war on Gaza. And earlier in June, Jewish Currents reported that the ADL is “unable to speak meaningfully to the prevalence or impact of antisemitism in the US” after the outlet conducted a detailed audit of the ADL’s data on antisemitic incidents."
by oldedude on March 23, 2025 12:03 pmYou go out of your way to search for biased sources. It is clear that the demonstrations are not pro-Hamas. They are anti-Israeli aggression.
Which is EXACTLY what you did. Twice. So there may be two sides to this story. and what's funny is that no one is saying you're wrong about the right wing buttheads. At All.
What we're saying is that it's known there have been HAMAS Flags at the rally. People wearing green headbands, Hamas shirts, the black jihaadist flags. These are known facts. Pictures and videos are cited for my amusement.
Palestinian Flags Raised in US Capital as American Flags Burned
Protesters enraged by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress burned U.S. flags and raised Palestinian flags outside Union Station in Washington, D.C.
Netanyahu's visit to Washington on Wednesday has provoked a series of dramatic demonstrations from protesters opposed to Israel's ongoing military assault in Gaza. Earlier in the day, maggots were dumped on a banquet table at Netanyahu's hotel, while fountains around the capital city were dyed blood red.
The protests escalated in the afternoon, with a group outside Washington's train station removing U.S. flags and replacing them with flags of Palestine. Videos shared on social media show the protesters burning an American flag and an effigy of Netanyahu, with some dancing in celebration as music plays.
"Anti-Israel protestors burned an effigy with an American flag wrapped around it outside of Union Station," Gary M. Collins, a journalist for the conservative Sinclair Broadcast Group, wrote while sharing a video of the moment to X, formerly Twitter.
Protesters enraged by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress burned U.S. flags and raised Palestinian flags outside Union Station in Washington, D.C.
Netanyahu's visit to Washington on Wednesday has provoked a series of dramatic demonstrations from protesters opposed to Israel's ongoing military assault in Gaza. Earlier in the day, maggots were dumped on a banquet table at Netanyahu's hotel, while fountains around the capital city were dyed blood red.
The protests escalated in the afternoon, with a group outside Washington's train station removing U.S. flags and replacing them with flags of Palestine. Videos shared on social media show the protesters burning an American flag and an effigy of Netanyahu, with some dancing in celebration as music plays.
"Anti-Israel protestors burned an effigy with an American flag wrapped around it outside of Union Station," Gary M. Collins, a journalist for the conservative Sinclair Broadcast Group, wrote while sharing a video of the moment to X, formerly Twitter.
by Ponderer on March 23, 2025 1:54 pm
Scrubbing websites
is not much different than burning books.
Other than how much more thorough it is.
by oldedude on March 23, 2025 4:22 pm So you're saying it's the Great Right-Wing Conspiracy!😱
Newsweek? conservative? You have to be kidding me!🤣
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