9 Essential Items France Is Providing In Defense Of Ukraine
By HatetheSwamp March 11, 2025 6:55 am Category: International (0.0 from 0 votes)
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1. Strategic baguette drops: They can be used as sustenance or blunt weapons, depending on how stale they are.
2. Weekly shipments of stinky cheese to the front lines: Watch those Russkies flee in search of fresh air.
3. Squads of Muslim migrants who will stab any white people they see: France is reportedly willing to pledge 3,000,000 military-age Islamic males.
4. Accordion players to aid in the interrogation of Russian captives: This may violate the Geneva Conventions, however.
5. Unwashed Frenchmen to create a perimeter with an impenetrable wall of body odor: No one can make it through such a stench.
6. Provisions for all soldiers consisting of croissants and tiny cups of coffee: Even war doesn't have to be entirely uncivilized.
7. Cutting edge guillotine technology: They will just have to convince the Russian soldiers to cooperate and climb the scaffold.
8. Mimes: The French equivalent of the most elite special forces.
9. Endless supply of white flags: The most important tool of every French military campaign.
Russia won't stand a chance when faced with a Ukrainian military backed by France. What else can the French send to defend Ukraine? Leave them in the comments below
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