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Court rejects Trump appeal in E. Jean Carroll sexual abuse and defamation case
By Curt_Anderson
December 30, 2024 11:10 am
Category: Law
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Who here remembers a simpler time when voters would reject a candidate who was even brought up on charges of a crime especially of a sexual nature? Fifty years ago some were shocked when Jimmy Carter admitted to Playboy magazine to "lusting in his heart".
President-elect Trump’s transition team on Monday blasted the federal appeals court panel’s decision upholding the jury verdict finding Trump liable for sexually abusing journalist E. Jean Carroll and ordering him to pay $5 million.
A three-judge panel on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit concluded Monday that Trump did not sufficiently show any claimed errors that affected his rights or warranted a new trial.
“On review for abuse of discretion, we conclude that Mr. Trump has not demonstrated that the district court erred in any of the challenged rulings,” the panel wrote in its unsigned opinion.
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Comments on "Court rejects Trump appeal in E. Jean Carroll sexual abuse and defamation case":
by Indy! on December 30, 2024 11:16 am
Jimmy was the man. Best president of our lifetimes.
by HatetheSwamp on December 30, 2024 11:20 am
"The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit is a federal appellate court that reviews cases from the United States District Courts in Connecticut, New York, and Vermont..."
Next to the Ninth Circuit, this is la la land.
Hang in there. Justice will be done.
Re: Who here remembers a simpler time when voters would reject a candidate who was even brought up on charges of a crime especially of a sexual nature?
I'm sure we all do. But, the TDS world and the string-pullers' DOJ introduced Stalin's "show me the man, I'll show you the crime" doctrine into US jurisprudence.
That doctrine, more than anything else, IMO, won persuadable voters to Trump... and JD.
So, all's well.
by Curt_Anderson on December 30, 2024 11:52 am Trump was his own worst witness. Trump was sunk by his own testimony. He claimed he didn't know E. Jean Carroll, however photos of Trump, Carroll and their spouses were shown socializing. Trump claimed that Carroll wasn't attractive enough for him to sexually assault, but in his deposition when shown a photo of her from the same time period as the assault, he mistook Carroll for his then-wife Marla.
I am not positive, but I understand that the next court that Trump can appeal to is the Supreme court. Whatever the next stop is, I predict that the court will agree with the lower court or decline to hear Trump's appeal.
Until that time and after HtS and the rest of MAGA world will delude themselves into thinking that Trump is a wrongly accused victim.
by HatetheSwamp on December 30, 2024 12:02 pm
"I predict that the court will agree with the lower court or decline to hear Trump's appeal.
Until that time and after HtS and the rest of MAGA world will delude themselves into thinking that Trump is a wrongly accused victim."
My guess is that courts will take up the case due simply to the fact that, by that time, the sitting President, will be a party...
... and more important for history, the fact that the Stalin approach to jurisprudence will have to be soundly denounced... for the sake of us all.
As far as what the MAGA world thinks, you nasty and sanctimonious wokesters forced all of them away.
by Donna on December 30, 2024 12:13 pm
Curt, it's impossible for Donald Trump to be guilty of any sin, because he's Jesus.
by meagain on December 30, 2024 12:20 pm ""show me the man, I'll show you the crime" doctrine into US jurisprudence."
Garbage. Trump is a vile repeat sexual offender. For once, there was not a politically influenced decision. In almost any other country, Trump would be serving lengthy prison sentences for his sex crimes and his repeat frauds. In ost, he would be on the sexual offenders' list and watched.
by Curt_Anderson on December 30, 2024 12:22 pm Donna,
HtS probably thinks that Jesus was wrongfully convicted too. In fact, Jesus was found guilty of violating several laws of that time and place including blasphemy, claiming to be the Messiah, and violating the Sabbath law.
by HatetheSwamp on December 30, 2024 1:15 pm
"Curt, it's impossible for Donald Trump to be guilty of any sin, because he's Jesus."
Not at all. But, this lawfare junk is irrational and deranged. And, Stalinesque.
Did you know! The one issue that voters were most concerned about in the election was "Preserving Democracy" and that THE MAJORITY OF VOTERS WHO CARED ABOUT SAVING DEMOCRACY IN THE ELECTION VOTED FOR TRUMP!!!!!
by HatetheSwamp on December 30, 2024 1:17 pm
"Jesus was found guilty of violating several laws of that time and place including blasphemy..."
The Romans crucified Jesus for blasphemy? And, violating the friggin Jewish sabbath? Bahaha.
by Donna on December 30, 2024 3:29 pm
I found this on Reddit. Sounds plausible.
Unlike Paul, Jesus was not-as far as we know-a Roman citizen. On the Roman understanding of things, Jesus was technically the citizen of a client kingdom, and therefore subject to that kingdom's laws. In the gospels, Pilate does indeed attempt to send Jesus to his king (Herod), who then rejects the whole case and sends Jesus back to Pilate.
But really, what precise law Jesus had broken was probably not at the top of anyone's mind. If we follow the gospel accounts, there's plenty of good reason for the Sanhedrin and Pilate to be willing to kill Jesus (N.B. I am not claiming that the gospels are historically accurate. But issues of biblical exegesis lie beyond the scope of this subreddit, and for our purposes what matters is that even we take the very pro-Jesus gospel narratives at their word we can still understand why authorities had a problem with Jesus).
Jesus is coming into Jerusalem for Passover, a holiday that drew Jews from across the Mediterranean to Jerusalem. This was not a happy time for the Romans. The Jews had never bore the yoke of Roman rule especially well, and when their holiest city was packed with the most zealous members of their faith, riots had a tendency to break out. Indeed, Pilate is probably in Jerusalem specifically because the situation is so volatile (Romans typically hated the city and most Roman governors preferred to live in other, more Hellenic, cities in Judea).
So the city and her authorities are on edge. Then, according to the gospels, Jesus enters and is greeted by lines of people throwing down palm branches and cloaks. The Romans call this sort of ceremony an adventus, and it is carried out when important persons come to a city. In the Hellenistic period, it was done for kings. The Sanhedrin is understandably panicked. It looks as if the crowds are willing to crown Jesus king, in which case Pilate will order out his soldiers, and they will likely kill and pillage indiscriminately until they are reined back in. As the local elite, the Sanhedrin have the most to lose should this occur. So they arrest Jesus, accuse him of the crime they can (blasphemy) and send him to Pilate to execute (they had no right to carry out executions themselves).
Now comes Pilate's turn to panic. If he executes a man beloved by the crowd, then it's pretty likely the crowd will riot. Caesar will not be pleased. So he tries to pass the buck by claiming he has no legal jurisdiction. But Herod wisely refuses to take on the onus of ordering the execution, so back Jesus goes to Pilate. Pilate then arranges an act of clemency, offering the people a chance to free either Jesus or another man. Perhaps to Pilate's surprise, the crowd opts for the other man. Now slightly more confident, Pilate orders Jesus flogged (as governor he's really got carte blanche to do this, unless the accused is a Roman citizen). Once more, the crowd does not riot. So Pilate allows the execution, with one final ostentatious show of blamelessness ("I wash my hands of this") in case the crowds have second thoughts once they actually see Jesus on the cross.
So Jesus is executed. The placard above him reading "King of the Jews" is testimony to what the Sanhedrin and the Romans thought he was aiming at. Jesus dies quickly (crucifixion often takes days to kill). When one of Jesus' followers asks permission to take down the body, Pilate quickly assents. Normally bodies are left to hang on crosses, but the Jews have strict laws about such things and, in any event, its probably best that the body of the would-be king is taken down before it stirs people up.
From Pilate's perspective, the situation is resolved. The city survives Passover without a riot, and all it cost was the life of Jewish peasant, who was probably looking to stir up trouble anyway.
by Curt_Anderson on December 30, 2024 3:37 pm Donna,
And that is how HtS envisions the trials of Donald Trump.
by Indy! on December 30, 2024 7:38 pm Here's the thing about Bible stories... "Christians" lie their asses off about EVERYTHING - we see it on the board here everyday. They do not follow the 10 Commandments or any other rules Jesus/the Bible passed down because they are too busy trying to make others follow rules that aren't in the Bible - like no abortions (even though there are plenty of instances in the Bible about "god" telling people to kill their children, other Bible characters threatening to kill women and children over stupid stuff, yada, yada... So if we're looking at today and then transposing it back on those primitives of the time who (allegedly) wrote the Bible...? There's absolutely no doubt in my mind the entire thing is fiction.
by HatetheSwamp on December 31, 2024 2:47 am
And that is how HtS envisions the trials of Donald Trump."
No. Not at all.
Just the lawfare.
Dems should have left well enough alone. Beyond that MAGA base, America knows that Trump is despicable. What the lawfare did was make persuadable voters see Trump as a victim of the despicable-r Dem Swamp.
Y'nes did this to yourself
by HatetheSwamp on December 31, 2024 5:05 am
And, BTW, Donna, your reddit article is reasonable.
by Donna on December 31, 2024 9:35 am
Yeah, I thought so too, Hts.
Indy, Hts - Have you heard of Paul Wallis? He's an ordained Presbyterian pastor from Australia. I've read two of his books. I think he's onto something about the Bible, particularly the Old Testament. In a nutshell, his thesis is that the Bible isn't about God.
by HatetheSwamp on December 31, 2024 10:33 am
I'm not familiar with Wallis.
by Indy! on December 31, 2024 10:56 am
What does he think it's about, Donna? I'm intrigued...
Remember what I said about "Christians" lying all the time on the board here (post #12 in this thread)? Example #1,582,098...
Brown Shorts has been calling himself a "D" the entire time he's been on the board. Let's check that (post #13)...
Dems should have left well enough alone. Beyond that MAGA base, America knows that Trump is despicable. What the lawfare did was make persuadable voters see Trump as a victim of the despicable-r Dem Swamp.
Y'nes did this to yourself
If he was actually a D - he would have used the inclusive "ourselves" since he is (allegedly) part of the same group.
Lie count for that one? Does anyone know how to type the infinity symbol on a qwerty keyboard? 🤔
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