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Political fallout from the Trump shooting
July 14, 2024 11:00 am
Category: Politics

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Some thoughts...

Do we think there will be a national mood change to lower the political temperature and move away from violent political rhetoric? If so, how long does it last?

About four hours after the shooting, Politico ran an article with the headline "‘He just won the election’: Hill Republicans predict Trump rally shooting will ease path to White House." How much does this help Trump?

Is Pennsylvania now a lock for Trump?

What effect will the shooting have on the Republican Convention?

How much will this become a part of Trump's campaign moving forward? How prominently will photos from the July 13 shooting feature at the Republican National Convention and in Trump advertisements?

How will this affect Democratic efforts to get Joe Biden to step aside from the nomination? If the shooting helps Trump, and that is reflected in polls, will any future polls be a reliable indicator of Biden's strength?

Democrats already seem muted in their response. Biden has said they will suspend advertising. How long does this pause last?

Will Republicans respond similarly? Will any Republican leaders criticize or tamp down on extremist commentary from the right?

Will this affect how Americans (and American politicians) feel about restricting firearms? Will there be any conversation or movement?

Trump has offered mixed comments on guns in the past? Does this change his position? Does he favor more restrictions going forward? Does the MAGA community fall in line?

Will we see more campaign violence over the next four months? Will it mostly come from the right or the left?

What impact will this have on whether folks accept the results of the election and whether there is a peaceful transfer of power?

Where will the blame fall, aside from the gunman? On the Secret Service and DHS? On those using violent political rhetoric? On the Biden Administration? On the shooter's father? On the availability of guns in the U.S.?

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Comments on "Political fallout from the Trump shooting":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on July 14, 2024 11:09 am


    I think it's yet to be seen.

    Who's going to be Trump's opponent?

    Did you know Nikki Haley's suddenly going to have a prominent role in the Republican Convention? Who will be the GOP Veep?

    We'll see.

  2. by ROB3RT on July 14, 2024 11:13 am

    Your questions have nothing to do with the topic.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on July 14, 2024 11:19 am

    Read my, uh, keystrokes. "I think it's yet to be seen."

  4. by Curt_Anderson on July 14, 2024 11:43 am
    This will benefit Trump. The GOP convention will be a rabid affair. It will be like a Nuremberg rally.

    Among voters, Trump's support will harden but not necessarily broaden.

    There is talk from Republicans about how calling Trump a threat to democracy led to the shooting.

    Republicans couldn't be any less self-aware. Trump is constantly issuing inflammatory rhetoric. I cannot imagine that Trump will tone it down.

    As I said yesterday, the Secret Service screwed up. There will be repercussions.

    For those of us wanting different nominee, this might do the trick. Trump probably will get a sympathy bump in the polls. It might convince Biden to step aside or at least release his delegates.

    Another question: Will Trump show up at the convention like Vincent Van Gogh with a bandage on his ear?

  5. by HatetheSwamp on July 14, 2024 11:46 am


    Now, that's constructive.

  6. by oldedude on July 14, 2024 11:47 am
    I did most of them. A little long, but they're split up.

    1. Do we think there will be a national mood change to lower the political temperature and move away from violent political rhetoric? If so, how long does it last?

    Looking at this site, and there seems to be zero remorse from the left that an attempt was made on a politician's life to overthrow the government. It's interesting. Scalise almost died from his wounds, trumpster was 10mm away from his skull being severely damaged. And there's "I don't know why it didn't happen earlier (or to that affect), and excuses, reasons, and justifications. Yet, when J6 happened the conservatives on the site were expected and required to express their Mea culpas (which was done prematurely BTW) about the whole situation. The person murdered? A conservative woman. The answer is; if this is the "mood change" nationally, it's just going to get worse. And bad things will happen.

    2. How much will this become a part of Trump's campaign moving forward? How prominently will photos from the July 13 shooting feature at the Republican National Convention and in Trump advertisements?

    I think the PACs are going to run this 24/7. "Trumpster victoriously bleeding and shaking his fist at the murdering fool (and everyone that hates him)." for 15 seconds. Break to pedojoe shuffling, tripping over an imaginary object, staring into space, his word salad at the debate, and being a half hour late to a meeting and having the Italian Prime Minister rolling her eyes when told the was "still" late (WTF kind of leader does that?).

    3. How will this affect Democratic efforts to get Joe Biden to step aside from the nomination? If the shooting helps Trump, and that is reflected in polls, will any future polls be a reliable indicator of Biden's strength?
    Every conservative is hoping he digs in more and refuses to go.

    4. Democrats already seem muted in their response. Biden has said they will suspend advertising. How long does this pause last?
    pedojoe is suspending all his calls to violence with his Andi-MAGA messages which is his main theme. Those will also be used as an example in the above.

    5. Will Republicans respond similarly? Will any Republican leaders criticize or tamp down on extremist commentary from the right?
    What hasn't been done already? The "extremist commentary from the right" consists of parents trying to actually know what their children are learning after other parents are thrown out because the parents are reading parts of their kids required books in middle school. They're put on the terrorist watch lists (which members here absolutely support and double down on). Yet the left will not call this an act of violence. They're just sad his aim was off.

    6. Will this affect how Americans (and American politicians) feel about restricting firearms? Will there be any conversation or movement?
    both sides will dig in more.

    7. Trump has offered mixed comments on guns in the past? Does this change his position? Does he favor more restrictions going forward? Does the MAGA community fall in line?
    He won't lose his endorse from the many gun groups. The blame (as it always has been) goes the asshole pulling the trigger.

    8. Will we see more campaign violence over the next four months? Will it mostly come from the right or the left?
    I'm hoping that zero comes from the right. The left is going to do what it does.

    9. What impact will this have on whether folks accept the results of the election and whether there is a peaceful transfer of power?
    There will still be the 2020/2021 riots and burning of cities regardless. And the left will support with silence, reasons, justifications, excuses, and lies.

    10. Where will the blame fall, aside from the gunman? On the Secret Service and DHS? On those using violent political rhetoric? On the Biden Administration? On the shooter's father? On the availability of guns in the U.S.?
    There are already issues with the secret service that congress has notified the director to answer for this week. Obviously, there are issues that should have been caught. Easy stuff that should have been covered. There will always be a shadow on the administration. I don't know how far that going to go. And again, the difference between gun owners and the anti gun movement is that the anti-gunners believe the gun is an animated object, with a credit card to buy ammo, and the ability to load, aim, and shoot by itself. Gun owners know it's not the gun, it's the moron on the trigger. ALL the good or blame that happens with that bullet is because of the person pulling the trigger.

  7. by ROB3RT on July 14, 2024 12:02 pm

    Curt wrote:

    Another question: Will Trump show up at the convention like Vincent Van Gogh with a bandage on his ear?

    Or he could channel his inner Mark Antony... Friends, Romans, countrymen...

    Where's Ross Perot when you need him?

    I suspect you're mostly right on your comments. Whitmer would be a good opponent for Trump, particularly since she faced her own domestic insurrection, and Trump responded by joking that she should be locked up.

  8. by Indy! on July 14, 2024 12:11 pm
    Republicans couldn't be any less self-aware. Trump is constantly issuing inflammatory rhetoric.

    True. I just got back from a weekend with my wingnutty Dad. Every five minutes on Fox they're claiming Biden is the "threat to democracy".

  9. by ROB3RT on July 14, 2024 12:22 pm

    OldDude wrote:

    Looking at this site, and there seems to be zero remorse from the left that an attempt was made on a politician's life to overthrow the government.

    You seem to have a very selective memory.

    How much remorse did Trump and other Republicans express when a mob tried to attack Michigan Gov. Whitmer to overthrow her administration? I believe Trump joked about locking her up.

    And how much remorse did Republicans show when a crazy person attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer? Many Republicans joked about it. An excerpt from CNN:

    The attack on Paul Pelosi was terrifying. A man broke into the house of the 82-year-old husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in the middle of the night and hit him with a hammer. Paul Pelosi suffered a fractured skull among other injuries. The intruder shouted, “where’s Nancy?”

    Donald Trump Jr. appears to thinks it’s funny. Late Sunday night, Trump Jr. shared an image on social media of a hammer and a pair of underwear with the words “Got my Paul Pelosi Halloween costume ready.” Trump Jr. wrote: “The Internet remains undefeated.” (Sidebar: I’m not going to share a link to Trump Jr.’s post. You can find it on the internet if you so choose.)

    Also, I have seen no evidence that the shooting of Trump was "an attempt to overthrow the government." Was the shooter trying to overthrow Biden? Trump holds no office. And we don't know the shooter's motive yet.

  10. by Indy! on July 14, 2024 12:25 pm
    To say Old Dud had a "selective memory" would be an insult to people with a selective memory.

  11. by oldedude on July 14, 2024 12:43 pm
    Of course your cite was CNN... I'll leave it at that.

    b>1. Do we think there will be a national mood change to lower the political temperature and move away from violent political rhetoric?

    I didn't think this was about little nancy. You changed the goalpost as usual. If you meant that, you should have stated it was the comparison value.

    I stand by what I said. There are two standards. The left protects those murdering conservatives but expects conservatives to kiss their arse whenever a liberal is attacked.

    Pelosi is a good example when the left demanded the right "to feel her pain and all that." AND Paul shouldn't have been attacked. But again, specifically wasn't in my answer. Maybe is should have been to prove me correct.

    Also, I have seen no evidence that the shooting of Trump was "an attempt to overthrow the government." Was the shooter trying to overthrow Biden? Trump holds no office. And we don't know the shooter's motive yet.
    I'm sorry, I "ass-umed" I've mentioned the governments of Saudi Arabia and the Congo for murdering political opponents for political convivence. I should have repeated myself again. I also thought that after Kasogi, Saudi would have caught your eye. Again, I didn't put it in. There's more to taking over a government than murdering the "head of state." The Head of state can murder their opponents in order for the dictator to take the country. Ask Iran, or most any country in Africa, Russia, or China. They've all done it. Welcome to the world stage.

  12. by ROB3RT on July 14, 2024 2:50 pm

    PedoDude wrote:

    Looking at this site, and there seems to be zero remorse from the left that an attempt was made on a politician's life to overthrow the government. It's interesting.

    A registered Republican shot at a Republican candidate.

    Why are you requesting that Democrats and liberals show remorse?

  13. by oldedude on July 14, 2024 4:14 pm
    He also donated to an uber liberal dim cause. So until you actually get the information on his bomb making crap, and all the other stuff they're looking at, you don't have a leg to stand on fuck face. Do you have the same uncle earnie as TAFKAP?

    I've actually been really nice to you. I've absorbed your attacks (because they "could" be maybe that you're an old sour guy that hasn't been laid in 20 years. I was willing to work with you. I told you that you were correct that you didn't get my full story and tried to correct it. Then you pull the TAFKAP on me. Watch yourself. I'll answer in the way you post to me. Thusly TAFKAP gets full brunt which everyone on this site is sick of. He's a narcissist that needs to have his little minions around. Don't turn into one of his "girls."

  14. by ROB3RT on July 14, 2024 5:56 pm

    Why so cranky? Your response seems way out of proportion to anything I said.

    Once again, you demanded that the left-leaning folk in this forum show some remorse for the Trump rally shooting. I have no idea why I should have to express remorse, guilt or regret. I did not fire the gun. I did not assist the shooter. I did not encourage the shooter. I did not in any way signal my approval. I had nothing to do with the shooting.

    So what do I have to show remorse for? The guy who did the shooting was a registered Republican. I'm not.

    Now I gotta warn you, if you continue to call me F--- Face, you may begin to hurt my feelings. And then maybe we won't be able to be friends anymore. That would make me sad.

    As for "TAFKAP", I have no idea what that is. I Googled it and the first search result was "The Artist Formerly Known As Prince (TAFKAP)." Did Prince have a Uncle Earnie? How nice! I like Little Red Corvette, but you strike me more as a Raspberry Beret sorta guy. Am I right?

    You also wrote:

    I've actually been really nice to you. I've absorbed your attacks (because they "could" be maybe that you're an old sour guy that hasn't been laid in 20 years. I was willing to work with you. I told you that you were correct that you didn't get my full story and tried to correct it. Then you pull the TAFKAP on me. Watch yourself. I'll answer in the way you post to me. Thusly TAFKAP gets full brunt which everyone on this site is sick of. He's a narcissist that needs to have his little minions around. Don't turn into one of his "girls."

    Wow. I'm gonna have to run that through Google Translate and see what it means in English.

  15. by oldedude on July 14, 2024 7:12 pm
    So you ARE TAFKAP's uncle Earnie? Okay, that explains a lot. And I'm sure TAFKAP is happy to have you so close to her.

    And the two pedos on here are curt and TAFKAP. Both of them defended then doubled down on the rape trees on the border. Curt said it was just a "cost of immigration" and TAFKAP laughed about it, then doubled down that it was nothing. On a third try he minimized it, common to protect their pedo friends. I've already explained joe. Sniffing little girls hair, getting close enough to 11 year olds to make them feel uncomfortable, showering with his daughter at the age 11-14, and then there was that boob graze on Eva Longoria.

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