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Crime selectors, pages, etc.
Trump shot at rally
By HatetheSwamp
July 13, 2024 3:37 pm
Category: Crime

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Gunshots have reportedly been fired at Donald Trump's rally in Pennsylvania, with the former president rushed off-stage by security staff.

Trump appeared to fall to the ground as he was giving a speech. He was quickly surrounded by armed security and stayed down for around a minute.

I saw the video. He appears to have been wounded... not seriously.

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Comments on "Trump shot at rally":

  1. by ROB3RT on July 13, 2024 3:58 pm

    I think I'll watch Bob Roberts tonight.

  2. by oldedude on July 13, 2024 4:02 pm
    This was for indy and po, asking if they're in PA right now.

    I know that neither of you could shoot this far, and what you see here is absolutely what I know right now (which means very little. Pops heard, SS getting him out, ear is bleeding, From something. MSM is saying an "assassination attempt." I'm not willing to say that unless indy or po are there. FYSA- Secret Service did a really good job of getting him into his suburban. trumpster's a big guy, so there was some pushing and guiding.

    Trump rushed offstage at Pennsylvania rally by Secret Service after loud popping noises heard

    Former President Donald Trump was rushed offstage at Pennsylvania rally by Secret Service after loud popping noises heard during the event. Trump had blood on his ear and pumped his first as he left the stage. He appeared conscience the entire time.

    (Video on the citation)
    Disclaimer: At this time, this is all the media is putting out. I know nothing more than that. The bleeding ear could happen from a thousand things. If it's from a bullet, that's hollywood shit. Maybe him hitting his head on the podium. Dunno.

    Also, take into consideration this is MSN. So there's that.

  3. by oldedude on July 13, 2024 4:11 pm
    So something hit trumpster's ear. It didn't look like anything behind him was hit. If that was anything over a BB gun, someone would be hit behind him. So again, I'm careful. The woman in the gray stayed down the entire time (to the 2:00 behind trumpster) But the guy that was looking around and the other guy behind her and to the left didn't notice her. Stay tuned about that.

  4. by oldedude on July 13, 2024 4:13 pm
    Lead- you beat me to it!

    Also, the snipers didn't take a shot, and they weren't staged like they were looking. Not that it matters too much, but they didn't see anything apparently.

  5. by Ponderer on July 13, 2024 4:23 pm

    ROB3RT, Bob Roberts is an absolutely terrifying movie. Humans can act like that. And that ending. Dear Mother of God.

    I think that the movie that will be made of this time will be like... the bastard child of Bob Roberts and Idiocracy that was raised by an alcoholic Birth of a Nation.

  6. by Ponderer on July 13, 2024 4:29 pm

    "Disclaimer: At this time, this is all the media is putting out. I know nothing more than that. The bleeding ear could happen from a thousand things. If it's from a bullet, that's hollywood shit." -olde dude

    I agree. It certainly could be. And it doesn't even need to be from a bullet. A squib would suffice.

    How could anyone seriously put it past that demonic orange spawn of PT Barnum and Al Capone to fake an assassination attempt against him. It's certainly well within the realm of possibility. He'll get shittons of sympathy now. He'll declare that Biden tried to have him assassinated. Oh look how desperate Biden is.

    Oh this is gold for Trump I'm tellin' ya what.

  7. by Donna on July 13, 2024 4:30 pm

    Trump heard pops, turned to his right, and his right ear appeared to get hit by a bullet. So the sniper apparently shot from stage right beyond the secured area.

    This will nit help Biden.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on July 13, 2024 4:37 pm

    How could anyone seriously put it past that demonic orange spawn of PT Barnum and Al Capone to fake an assassination attempt against him. It's certainly well within the realm of possibility. He'll get shittons of sympathy now. He'll declare that Biden tried to have him assassinated. Oh look how desperate Biden is.


    You need help. Seriously.

    Honestly, in the first instant, my thought was that it's deranged TrumpHate exactly like what you display here as a matter of course that makes this understandable.

    There's a lot of sickness manifesting itself toward Trump.

  9. by ROB3RT on July 13, 2024 4:40 pm
    An attendee is reported dead, in addition to shooter, so it's doubtful this was staged. But only one candidate in this election has repeatedly used violent rhetoric. That rhetoric never leads to a good place.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on July 13, 2024 4:48 pm


    You want to link us to some violent rhetoric?

  11. by ROB3RT on July 13, 2024 4:52 pm

    Here's a Trump quote: “Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country.”

    Google "Trump violent rhetoric.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on July 13, 2024 5:11 pm

    That's bull$#!t, Rob3rt. Trump claimed that the US would suffer an economic bloodbath at the hands of China if Joe Biden's policies continue.

    So, are you ignernt or are you an EFFINliar!!!!!?

  13. by ROB3RT on July 13, 2024 5:21 pm
    I guess you didn't read the story. Here's an excerpt that includes other examples:

    * * *

    Regardless, a focus on the one word misses the point. It’s not that this isolated comment is particularly egregious; it’s that it is merely the latest example of this kind of rhetoric. And the rhetoric is often more direct:

  14. • Trump in 2016 said that if he were denied the presidential nomination at the GOP convention, “I think you’d have riots.”

  15. • Trump in November 2020 responded to an adverse ruling by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court by saying it would “induce violence in the streets.” (Trump later expanded, saying, “Bad things will happen, and bad things lead to other type things. It’s a very dangerous thing for our country.”)

  16. • Trump warned last March of “potential death & destruction” if he were charged by the Manhattan district attorney. He also mocked those who urged his supporters to stay peaceful, saying, “OUR COUNTRY IS BEING DESTROYED, AS THEY TELL US TO BE PEACEFUL!”

  17. • Trump warned in August, after the search of his Mar-a-Lago estate, that “terrible things are going to happen.” He later promoted a comment from Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) that there would be “riots in the streets” if Trump were charged.

  18. • Trump in January warned of “bedlam in the country” if the criminal charges against him succeeded. Days earlier, he targeted efforts to remove him from the ballot using the 14th Amendment, saying: “Because if we don’t [get treated fairly], our country’s in big, big trouble. Does everybody understand what I’m saying? I think so.”

  19. by ROB3RT on July 13, 2024 5:26 pm

    Here's a list of Trump's violent comments that was compiled by Axios:

    July 2017: During a speech to law enforcement officers in Long Island, New York, Trump seemingly encouraged police officers to be rough with people they were arresting, per ABC News. "Please don't be too nice," he told the audience.

    August 2017: In the aftermath of the white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, Trump failed to unequivocally condemn the violence and said "many sides" were to blame, failing to distinguish between those who participated in the "Unite the Right" rally and those who showed up in opposition to it.

    October 2018: While speaking at a Montana campaign rally, Trump publicly praised Montana's then-Rep. Greg Gianforte (R) — the state's current governor — for previously assaulting a reporter. "Any guy that can do a body slam, he is my type!" Trump said.

    October 2019: A New York Times report outlined various strategies Trump had allegedly deliberated to keep migrants away from the U.S. southern border, including a water-filled trench with snakes or alligators and shooting migrants in the legs to slow them down.

    May 2020: Trump used violent rhetoric when referring to protests in Minneapolis in the wake of George Floyd’s killing, tweeting, "when the looting starts, the shooting starts." The phrase has a racist history going back to police brutality against Black Americans in the 1960s, per the New York Times.

    June 2020: Trump threatened to use the U.S. military to quell Black Lives Matter protests across the country. "If a city or state refuses to take the actions necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them," Trump said.

    August 2020: Trump expressed interest in sending the National Guard to Portland, Oregon, to confront protesters, per Vox. "We could fix Portland in, I would say, 45 minutes," Trump said.

    September 2020: Trump lauded law enforcement officers for killing Michael Forest Reinoehl, a self-described Antifa member suspected of killing a right-wing activist the previous month. "That’s the way it has to be. There has to be retribution," Vox reported.

    September 2020: When offered the chance to unequivocally condemn white supremacist violence during the first presidential debate, Trump failed to do so, instead telling the far-right Proud Boys that they should "stand back and stand by."

    January 2021: At a rally preceding the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, Trump repeated false claims that the 2020 election had been stolen and told supporters that "we're going to walk down to the Capitol," adding that "you'll never take back our country with weakness."

  20. by Ponderer on July 13, 2024 5:26 pm

    "An attendee is reported dead, in addition to shooter, so it's doubtful this was staged." -Rob3rt

    Agreed. I hadn't heard about any fatalities yet.

    "'Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country.'" -Rob3rt, quoting Trump.


    "Trump claimed that the US would suffer an economic bloodbath at the hands of China if Joe Biden's policies continue." -Hate


    And in the quote Rob3rt posted, it is the economic bloodbath that he's referring to with the "that's going to be the least of it" interjection. The worst of it in terms of "bloodbath" he is insinuating is simply left to one's imagination and is not necessarily limited to economics.

  21. by Ponderer on July 13, 2024 5:28 pm

    I don't think there is much if any record of Biden declaring bloodbaths.....

    Trump has called this energy down upon himself.

  22. by HatetheSwamp on July 13, 2024 5:35 pm

    Lots of this on the right.

    Sean Davis:

    "BREAKING: A source familiar with Trump’s security detail tells (the Federalist) that the former and future president’s detail has been asking for beefed up protection and resources for weeks, but has been rebuffed time and again by Biden’s DHS.

    DHS, which oversees Secret Service protective detail “wasn’t responsive to those requests” for more resources, the source said."


    We know that "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap's" administration has rebuffed repeated requests from RFKJ for Secret Service protection.

    Now this!

    Here's hoping that heads metaphorically roll.

  23. by HatetheSwamp on July 13, 2024 5:39 pm

    From Townhall:

    Biden Days Before Trump Was Shot: 'It's Time to Put Trump in a Bullseye'

  24. by ROB3RT on July 13, 2024 5:44 pm

    You left out the fact that the quote was from a private phone call. I doubt the shooter was on the call. THis isn't quite the same as the dozens of examples of Trump using violent rhetoric at rallies, on social media and other public spaces.

    An excerpt from the article: A defiant Biden delivered the message Monday in a private phone call with his National Finance Committee as well as hundreds of top Democratic donors, Biden backers, and bundlers, according to Politico and CNN, who had obtained a recording of the donors-only conversation but were not authorized to release it.

  25. by Indy! on July 13, 2024 5:50 pm

    Another Biden blunder. Let someone else take the shot, Joe! Those shaky hands... 🙄

  26. by oldedude on July 13, 2024 6:04 pm
    po- I agree. It certainly could be. And it doesn't even need to be from a bullet. A squib would suffice.

    the time between the posts is 4FRIGGIN HOURS. Your information is null and void. and at this point is stupid. We've confirmed TWO DEAD, one in INTENSIVE CARE. There were guns.

    I don't think there is much if any record of Biden declaring bloodbaths.....
    and yet dikead constantly whines about "the MAGAs". That is a dog whistle.

    "BREAKING: A source familiar with Trump’s security detail tells (the Federalist) that the former and future president’s detail has been asking for beefed up protection and resources for weeks, but has been rebuffed time and again by Biden’s DHS.
    So what you're saying is that trumpster asked for more protection, but was refused by pedojoe. Good you clarified.... So they wanted him shot and were aiding and abetting the shooters. Got it.

  27. by Indy! on July 13, 2024 6:06 pm
    Nonsense. If they were truly concerned they would have put him behind bulletproof glass like they do at inaugurations.

  28. by oldedude on July 13, 2024 6:09 pm
    You left out the fact that the quote was from a private phone call.
    It was leaked. Your point is null and void. NOW it's "open sourced" information.
    This is much like trumpster's phone call with Zilinsky, it was a CLASSIFIED call, not cleared for public and was told (initially) and it was still in the open. So your point is wrong.

    I understand it's a PITA, but it's true. Once leaked, the news gets it to spin. If someone with a clearance can use it, probably not, because they still have to adhere to the codes and classification. So I couldn't use it openly and without the classification, but you could.

  29. by oldedude on July 13, 2024 6:25 pm
    Nonsense. If they were truly concerned they would have put him behind bulletproof glass like they do at inaugurations.
    As usual, you didn't check out any of the supporting documents. He was behind the glass. Check it out. And quit your bitching.

  30. by Curt_Anderson on July 13, 2024 6:37 pm
    It seems like a screw-up that the shooter was allowed to be in an elevated vantage point outside but within range of Trump and the rally.

  31. by Indy! on July 13, 2024 6:42 pm
    So they put the glass in front, but not in the back despite the fact people were behind him? Seems pretty stupid - maybe the Secret Service guys wanted him to be a target. And why would I be bitching? I couldn't care less about your butt buddy Trump - I can go to the zoo and check out the orangutans if the #1 orange monkey gets shot.

  32. by Donna on July 13, 2024 6:44 pm

    You guys argue about everything.

    Somebody tried to kill Trump. There's really nothing more to it than that. Actually I'm surprised it took this long.

  33. by oldedude on July 13, 2024 7:12 pm
    There may be an argument that two shooters were involved. Then they need to go back into their histories. who they're aligned with. See who it goes back to.
    The same questions that would apply to burnie, or pedojoe. whomever gets murdered.

  34. by ROB3RT on July 13, 2024 7:31 pm

    I had been trying to visualize the location to figure out where those nearby buildings might be, but didn't see much TV footage of the surrounding area.

    USA Today has a graphic at the link below. Not a lot of tall buildings in the area.

  35. by Indy! on July 13, 2024 8:41 pm

    Reports now show where the guy was - it was a building 148yds away. Saw a diagram on one of them - I believe it's the bldg next to the lake in your source.

  36. by Indy! on July 13, 2024 8:43 pm
    Oh, and I watched the video again, Odorous - and I do not see any glass in front of him unless it was 15yds in front of him. He had 2 teleprompters - 1 on each sids that might be fooling your tired, bloodshot eyes. 😌

  37. by Curt_Anderson on July 13, 2024 8:52 pm
    The gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump Saturday was identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, sources told The Post.

    Crooks, of Bethel Park, Pa., squeezed off shots — one of which grazed Trump in the ear — at an outdoor rally in Butler, just outside Pittsburgh.

    Where is Bethel Park in relation to you? It's a Pittsburgh suburb.

  38. by Indy! on July 13, 2024 8:58 pm
    Anyone seen the odds on Trump soiling his pants when he got nicked? I got a few extra bucks this week...

  39. by Indy! on July 13, 2024 9:32 pm
    by Donna on July 13, 2024 6:44 pm

    You guys argue about everything.

    No offense, but I believe that is the one thing we haven't argued about. 😌

  40. by Donna on July 14, 2024 7:01 am

    Curt - Hts lives in the other side of the state in an area west of Philadelphia.

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