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Kamala On Fox
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Law selectors, pages, etc.
A word of comfort to my theophobic SS friends
By HatetheSwamp
June 22, 2024 11:28 am
Category: Law

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Just chill.

It's true that the Supreme Court has tossed, like a filthy rag, the Lemon Test, the precedent that has guided it in five decades of opinion that has created a very high wall of separation between church and state.

But, so far, there's only been one decision.

States are now testing the new standard.

It's true. Under the Lemon Test, this new Louisiana law'd not have the chance of a snowball in h@ng to survive the Supreme Court. Now, it might. Very possibly might.

As I often note. I never clerked at the Supreme Court. I'm not an Ivy League law school professor.

What I will say is that the history of this nation is deeply rooted in our people's yearning to be free to live out their religion without government intrusion.

The Pilgrims. The Puritans. Roger Williams in Rhode Island. Lord Baltimore's haven of Catholic freedom in Maryland. pb's own Pennsylvania.

What the Supreme Court may be attempting is to honor that heritage... AND...

...the truth that the Bill of Rights EFFINstarts guaranteeing religious freedom.

I have no idea how far this Court will take us, but po, Indy, Curt? I wouldn't want to be a radical theophobe such as yourselves.

Still, we ain't going to become a Christian version of Saudi Arabia.

So, chill.

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Comments on "A word of comfort to my theophobic SS friends":

  1. by Indy! on June 22, 2024 4:10 pm

    As I often note. I never clerked at the Supreme Court. I'm not an Ivy League law school professor.

    Yes true and pretty darn obvious with every post.

  2. by oldedude on June 23, 2024 1:46 pm
    Lead- I agree with the last statement for sure. I think this was what brought the Christian Coalition together, is that what they saw is the theophobes were going to bring their "theology" to rule the US. That's what worried the Muslims also. It didn't worry the Jews so they haven't really been a large part of any coalition. Now they're having to catch up for a lot of lost time with the rate of anti Semitism at an all-time high and complicitly approved by the US government. Many see this as the calm before the storm in 1929-1931, then increasing until November of 1938. Except this happened in days or weeks.
    I think that scares the crap out of Israel. I also think you'll start seeing commercials with some of the pre- and early WWII footage on our air. It's interesting though the pushback is going to come from both the US-based Neo-Nazis and the left here in the states. This is the same setup Hitler had in the early and pre war scenario. Two groups, very different, joining forces. It was hard for anyone to resist.

  3. by Indy! on June 23, 2024 3:10 pm

    The nazis and the left have never gotten together on anything, anywhere. The only side of the uniparty we ever seeing with nazi flags doing Hitler salutes is the red party. That's YOU guys.

    The brainwashing you two are getting from Fox is dangerous. Again - turn off Fox, rejoin reality.

  4. by oldedude on June 23, 2024 3:53 pm
    actually, it's YOU personally. You hate the Jews. You mock all political decisions, but you're too cowardly to actually say who you're voting for (so you can just be an 8-year-old to everyone on the site to look like you actually know something, but don't). They didn't do a bad thing by taking your nuts out when you were three. It saves the world from your spawn. They knew you were inferior, so your masters' did this to you.

  5. by Indy! on June 23, 2024 6:38 pm

    Yeah, that doesn't sound like something you might hear in the local insane asylum. And again with the child pornography - your bread and butter. I have to guess it would be hard to cover up a sickness like that. Just stay away from the kids, please.

  6. by oldedude on June 23, 2024 6:47 pm
    And actually your third grade comic book "education" is wrong. Those involved will actually say that it's not a bad thing. Maybe push the subject off. Much like you do. That's what happens when you condone it. You're the sick fuck that has to make up excuses to support your mommy pimp and the daddies' skirts. You stupid fuck. I'm sure you're a card carrying member of NAMBLA, and you use their services often. You're just too much of a fucking coward to be truthful with even yourself.

  7. by Ponderer on June 24, 2024 8:23 am

    Boy, Indy!. You must have really made a valid point to get that last resort response outta him.

  8. by Indy! on June 24, 2024 10:28 am

    How would he know if "those involved" talk about it all the time unless... he's one of "those involved"? He's unmasked himself and doesn't realize how OBVIOUS it is.

  9. by oldedude on June 24, 2024 10:29 am
    She's just being a juvenile dickhead as usual. Again, The "artist" formally known as "princess" only gets what she gives.

  10. by oldedude on June 24, 2024 10:34 am
    And what I said is true. She's the one that "discounts" the evidence and minimizes the idea that it's a valid crime. That's because she doesn't want to make herself think she's a bad person, which is a very pedophile act and one you look for in evidence building.

    I mean hiding behind her daddies' skirts and mommy's pimp just means she's a complete coward and can't actually have a thought of her own.

  11. by Indy! on June 24, 2024 10:37 am

    The two easiest groups to dominate are military vets and NYers. Why? Because they both have a hilariously misguided sense of being "tough guys" when they are the softest wimps out there.

  12. by Indy! on June 24, 2024 10:41 am

    Oh... and OD? The reason I don't respond to your childish attacks is because...

    1) They're childish. I know there is no way to mature when your life is hand fed to you by the gov't... food, clothing, shelter and cash - you never had to work for anything in your life so your brain never matured into adulthood.

    2) I don't respond to obvious lies. If I did - I'd be spending my days reading you and PB's wingnutty novellas and answering to every wild accusation your tiny, third grade "educated" brain can conjure up. I have better things to do and it's sooooooooo obvious to everyone that all your sexualized posts are not about me - but confessions of your sick, twisted life.

  13. by oldedude on June 24, 2024 11:08 am
    Interesting... The novella's that you can't get through are actually citations (see below)! I understand you have no idea what those are because at 10, you don't have to post any supporting "evidence" in anything your write. But you might want to, considering your "posts" lack any continuity with the thread.

    So you're still posting behind daddys' skirts and mommy's pimp that beats her. Got it.

    And you really seem to be consumed by your perceived lack of ability to produce anything worthwhile in your life. And since you have to be "right" all the time because you got "rented" so much by your pimp you feel the need to insist you are correct without fact. So your fragile ego needs that boost.
    People who always need to be right may have fragile self-esteem. Challenging their views threatens their ego, leading them to distort reality to protect themselves.
    This mindset called Cognitive Distortion involves proving oneself right by disproving others. Accepting mistakes or being wrong becomes difficult for those with this cognitive distortion.

  14. by Indy! on June 24, 2024 2:39 pm

    Don't try to use big words, OD. Just leave them be. They're for grown-ups.

  15. by oldedude on June 24, 2024 3:06 pm
    Sorry if you didn't understand.

  16. by Indy! on June 24, 2024 3:19 pm

    I understand you have some really serious issues and the first step towards correcting them is to realize I am not your problem... you are your problem.

  17. by oldedude on June 24, 2024 4:42 pm
    I think it's humorous that everyone else and I can have a conversation. Granted, everyone is different.

    You're the only one that is continually a dik'ead, and it's not just to me. It's impossible for you to just make an observation. You must, in your mind, belittle the person you're addressing, regardless of whom it is.

    If it's someone else you're being a little dick to, I'll usually just not address you. And you usually bumrush the conversation anyway because of your ego. That's not me.

    I put up with it as much as I can. Then you purposefully go over the line. I get to respond in kind. It is that simple.

    What I've said about you and referenced it, is sincere. In those cases, I'm not taking jabs. You'll know because I usually cite those so I at least give you the opportunity to read where I get the information. You haven't done that yet. You might want to think about it.

  18. by Indy! on June 24, 2024 4:55 pm

    This is my point about the military - they're so "tough" and yet the only one who seems to have a problem with me is the (alleged) military guy. They are almost always the very definition of "snowflakes" when you get right down to it. IMHO because they are pampered and don't really understand what it means (or takes) to make it in the real world without the government hand-holding every step along the way.

  19. by oldedude on June 24, 2024 8:20 pm
    So you're admitting to your stupidity. Very well, I accept your admission. And by the admission, you're saying that your "uncles" are also cleared? Very good. and a happy day to you miss!

  20. by Indy! on June 25, 2024 11:13 am

    Talking to yourself only exacerbates our impression of your mental instability, OD.

  21. by oldedude on June 25, 2024 12:22 pm
    obviously you're reading them.

    Also, why are you so angry about what I did for a living? That doesn't make any sense. I'm assuming it was after VietNam when recruitment was way down.

    Was it that you were too stoopid and failed the intelligence test? You couldn't even be a grunt in the Marines? or you couldn't pass the drug test? Or maybe you had so many STDs they declined you for not fit for military duty. Or maybe it was your psych eval that red flagged you on moral grounds. Or maybe you were too fat no one could get your fitness up to anyone's standard? Or maybe your cartel "friends" wouldn't let you leave them.

    Maybe you were just plain too cowardly and couldn't imagine yourself doing something for anyone else.

    Again, you're just too jealous of the things that I had/have that you weren't able to get. It can't reasonably be that you "chose" not to go in. That doesn't make any sense. Maybe you were too stupid to take advantage of anything and are jealous of veterans.

    I also find it kind of funny that you also hate your "uncles" if 1. if they're really your "uncles" (I wonder if one of them isn't "uncle Earnie"), or 2. if they aren't a figment of your jealousy, and only exist because you needed something to strike at me.

  22. by Curt_Anderson on June 25, 2024 12:40 pm
    I hate to be a nitpicker, but HtS has it backwards. He's the one with theophobia, not me. Theophobia is "the fear of God or gods". As an atheist I have no more fear of any gods than I do of unicorns or dragons. Believers like HtS worry about provoking their god's wrath which includes eternal damnation.

  23. by oldedude on June 25, 2024 2:24 pm
    I'll accept that. And, I would say the issue is also a fear of God or gods being represented in the culture. I think that includes laws or parts of laws based on religious preference. There would be the "the fear of God or gods"."

    So I took it to mean by extension, it's a fear (or anger perhaps) of (basically) anything imposed based on any religious reference.

    For example, I am suspicious and worried of Sharia Law being enacted. There are parts in it that allow for honor killings of (especially) women. There are laws about a woman charging a man with rape, where she has to have two male witnesses state it was a rape (otherwise it isn't). The whole stoning of women, and murdering gay males violates my moral, as well as my legal/ constitutional thoughts. I don't fear Mohammad or God in this case, I question the law on my moral thoughts first based on my religious beliefs. Then legal/ constitutional rights of the US. Some laws I might agree with in the first question, but not in the second.

    po Title post to "It's always been a matter of time" thread- The religious right has been on a quest to take over our government and turn America into a Christian theocracy for many decades now. There's no serious way to deny this. They've been quite blatant about it...

    They absolutely want total theocratic control over a woman's body...

    In short, they want to turn the United States of America into the "Christian Nation" that they have always delusionally fantasized it is or should be.

  24. by Indy! on June 25, 2024 2:32 pm

    My IQ is at least 50 points higher than yours, OD. That's one of the things that kept me out. I understood even as a young child that the gov't doesn't give a rat's ass about soldiers or veterans. Why would I sign up for a clusterfuck like Vietnam, GWI or II, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Ukraine... or any of the other totally imaginary war the arms dealers invent to sell their noxious wares? Oh... because the military is "protecting my freedoms"? Please. If they (you) really wanted to protect my freedoms you would be looking at ALL of America's "enemies" foreign (? Nope... nobody there) AND domestic (hmmm... Trump, his minions like you, the Supreme Clowns, Fox, etc...). Hmmm PLENTY of enemies right here in the good ole USA.

  25. by oldedude on June 25, 2024 2:55 pm
    So you're a coward. Got it. And it may have also been the question about having sex for money because of "your friends" parties, and the donkey shows you were doing in Ciudad Juárez for a couple of years. I heard the donkeys were sorry to see you go.

    And everything you said was bullshit. And a lie.

  26. by oldedude on June 25, 2024 3:23 pm
    I'm also wondering how you "think" you know so much about something you've never come in contact with. Again, you're entire line is nothing but a house of cards that gets worse and worse as you post. Nothing fits.

  27. by Indy! on June 25, 2024 3:44 pm

    My IQ tests at genius level. I doubt yours breaks 3 digits.

  28. by Indy! on June 25, 2024 3:46 pm

    Again numbnuts exposes himself...

    "And it may have also been the question about having sex for money because of "your friends" parties, and the donkey shows you were doing in Ciudad Juárez for a couple of years. I heard the donkeys were sorry to see you go."

    OD admits - again - to having contact with people involved in the child sex trade. You pervs just can't help yourself... you can't think, talk or post about anything except sex with children. Please OD - again - I beg you to stay away from children. You're ruining lives to get your sick jollies.

  29. by oldedude on June 25, 2024 7:11 pm
    In some of my schools, this is one of the things to look for. They were shitbags, just like you. Abusers that got off my murdering the eldest boys in the families that owed your "friends" (jihaadist terrorists) money, or goods. or information. So they would murder the eldest son's in front of the families. One guy drilled the kids (with a power drill) through the temple to kill them. The things he did would be along the lines of what you would do to a child.

  30. by Indy! on June 25, 2024 8:58 pm

    So they taught you all those things because you are NOT a member? Again... you sound super cozy with these guys, OD. Do we need to send a flyer around your neighborhood with your picture on it and a warning in big letters?

  31. by oldedude on June 26, 2024 6:14 am
    First. The kid(s). One time he didn't get done and left the kid a vegetable. The family wanted me to make the kid better. Eventually the kid died. The rest of them was heartbreaking because the families wanted me to do something to save their child. Obviously, that can't happen.

    I'll put this in (hopefully) something you can understand, since I gave you all the information you needed and still don't understand. I was a Pararescue Specialist (Special Warfare Operator/ Medic) and a tier One operator (google that)(on the line of other operators every branch has). We had the ability to support missions from military, NASA, State Department, foreign requests (approved by state dept). In addition to being medics, we were SCUBA divers, and paratroopers. Operators that were also Special Warfare weapons specialists.

    Yes, I make up a lot of crap about you. Just as you do me. You want it to stop? just quit. I only return to you what I'm given. And you've only hit the surface with digging into you.

  32. by Indy! on June 26, 2024 12:21 pm

    We did quit and you couldn't hold your water. You want to try again? Because we both know you'll crack this time just like last time. That's what the military does to people - makes them believe losing is winning. Just say the word. Then as soon as you start in with the name calling, lies and attacks on my family (something I have NEVER done to you, btw - but maybe I need to start) we'll be right back where we were.

  33. by oldedude on June 26, 2024 1:51 pm
    attacks on my family (something I have NEVER done to you, btw - but maybe I need to start) we'll be right back where we were.
    That's a bald faced lie. Period. Which is pretty common with you. Things pop up that you say. Then I call you on it, and you try to duck and cover (thusly the references to your dad, which seems to be accurate). So you get to choose. Like I said, I haven't even started with your family. Yet. I've told you what I would do if you quit. You can't help yourself. I'm sure everyone is tired of your shit.

    I'm still wondering why you hate the military as much as you do. It has to be either 1. The military "butt hurt" you somehow by not letting you in, doing your psych eval, something like that.
    2. Or maybe in high school, the ROTC wouldn't let the likes of you in, or maybe you equate them to bullies. Maybe they yelled at you🙄.
    Either way, it's extremely unhealthy and stupid of you.

    It slays me you blame "me" for taking advantage of what was offered to me. Anyone else that worked for a company that offered Education benefits, or Health Care, or Child care, or any of the other things some companies are doing now days, you don't say a word. You blame me for doing my 40+ years, waiting to turn in my workers comp so I wouldn't be a whiner, or a sponge on the system. You find me applying for workers comp is somehow "wrong." I don't understand that.

    And yet, you don't see a movie unless you get in free (as you said). Or you scam a restaurant (that was just a "this week" story). Or live off others during a storm (which was your original story), or borrowed someone's warehouse shopping card to cheat your way in (also a story you told). That to me is the epitome of a welfare queen.

  34. by Indy! on June 26, 2024 3:04 pm
    Hold on a second, OD... I need a minute to get past this part...

    The military "butt hurt" you somehow by not letting you in...

    BWAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA oh lordy... lordy GOOD LORD haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA teehee woo-hoo laaaawdy... HAHA ha-haa bwaaah-ha-ha gracious haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA! hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA help me Jesus! Gracious my ha-ha-ha BWAAAH-haha HAAAAAA hah-ha oh-ho help me, help me haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! No please not again... WAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA! Bwaaaha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! GOOD LORD Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA woo-hoo laaaawdy... Oh that's rich... tell me another one... BWAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA oh lordy... lordy GOOD LORD haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA teehee woo-hoo laaaawdy... HAHA ha-haa bwaaah-ha-ha gracious haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA! hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA help me Jesus! Gracious my ha-ha-ha BWAAAH-haha HAAAAAA hah-ha oh-ho help me, help me haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! No please not again... WAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA! Bwaaaha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! GOOD LORD Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA woo-hoo laaaawdy... Oh that's rich... tell me another one... BWAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA oh lordy... lordy GOOD LORD haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA teehee woo-hoo laaaawdy... HAHA ha-haa bwaaah-ha-ha gracious haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA! hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA help me Jesus! Gracious my ha-ha-ha BWAAAH-haha HAAAAAA hah-ha oh-ho help me, help me haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! No please not again... WAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA! Bwaaaha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! GOOD LORD Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA woo-hoo laaaawdy... Oh that's rich... tell me another one... BWAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA oh lordy... lordy GOOD LORD haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA teehee woo-hoo laaaawdy... HAHA ha-haa bwaaah-ha-ha gracious haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA! hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA help me Jesus! Gracious my ha-ha-ha BWAAAH-haha HAAAAAA hah-ha oh-ho help me, help me haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! No please not again... WAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA! Bwaaaha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! GOOD LORD Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA woo-hoo laaaawdy... Oh that's rich... tell me another one... BWAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA oh lordy... lordy GOOD LORD haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA teehee woo-hoo laaaawdy... HAHA ha-haa bwaaah-ha-ha gracious haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA! hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA help me Jesus! Gracious my ha-ha-ha BWAAAH-haha HAAAAAA hah-ha oh-ho help me, help me haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! No please not again... WAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA! Bwaaaha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! GOOD LORD Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA woo-hoo laaaawdy... Oh that's rich... tell me another one... BWAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA oh lordy... lordy GOOD LORD haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA teehee woo-hoo laaaawdy... HAHA ha-haa bwaaah-ha-ha gracious haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA! hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA help me Jesus! Gracious my ha-ha-ha BWAAAH-haha HAAAAAA hah-ha oh-ho help me, help me haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! No please not again... WAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA! Bwaaaha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! GOOD LORD Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA woo-hoo laaaawdy... Oh that's rich... tell me another one... BWAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA oh lordy... lordy GOOD LORD haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA teehee woo-hoo laaaawdy... HAHA ha-haa bwaaah-ha-ha gracious haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA! hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA help me Jesus! Gracious my ha-ha-ha BWAAAH-haha HAAAAAA hah-ha oh-ho help me, help me haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! No please not again... WAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA! Bwaaaha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! GOOD LORD Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA woo-hoo laaaawdy... Oh that's rich... tell me another one... BWAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA oh lordy... lordy GOOD LORD haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA teehee woo-hoo laaaawdy... HAHA ha-haa bwaaah-ha-ha gracious haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA! hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA help me Jesus! Gracious my ha-ha-ha BWAAAH-haha HAAAAAA hah-ha oh-ho help me, help me haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! No please not again... WAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA! Bwaaaha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! GOOD LORD Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA woo-hoo laaaawdy... Oh that's rich... tell me another one... BWAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA oh lordy... lordy GOOD LORD haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA teehee woo-hoo laaaawdy... HAHA ha-haa bwaaah-ha-ha gracious haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA! hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA help me Jesus! Gracious my ha-ha-ha BWAAAH-haha HAAAAAA hah-ha oh-ho help me, help me haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! No please not again... WAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA! Bwaaaha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! GOOD LORD Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA woo-hoo laaaawdy... Oh that's rich... tell me another one... BWAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA oh lordy... lordy GOOD LORD haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA teehee woo-hoo laaaawdy... HAHA ha-haa bwaaah-ha-ha gracious haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA! hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA help me Jesus! Gracious my ha-ha-ha BWAAAH-haha HAAAAAA hah-ha oh-ho help me, help me haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! No please not again... WAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA! Bwaaaha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! GOOD LORD Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA woo-hoo laaaawdy... Oh that's rich... tell me another one... BWAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA oh lordy... lordy GOOD LORD haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA teehee woo-hoo laaaawdy... HAHA ha-haa bwaaah-ha-ha gracious haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA! hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA help me Jesus! Gracious my ha-ha-ha BWAAAH-haha HAAAAAA hah-ha oh-ho help me, help me haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! No please not again... WAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA! Bwaaaha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! GOOD LORD Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA woo-hoo laaaawdy... Oh that's rich... tell me another one...

  35. by Indy! on June 26, 2024 3:08 pm

    Whoooo... okay. Let me catch my breath...

    BWAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA oh lordy... lordy GOOD LORD haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA teehee woo-hoo laaaawdy... HAHA ha-haa bwaaah-ha-ha gracious haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA! hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA help me Jesus! Gracious my ha-ha-ha BWAAAH-haha HAAAAAA hah-ha oh-ho help me, help me haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! No please not again... WAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA! Bwaaaha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! GOOD LORD Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA woo-hoo laaaawdy... Oh that's rich... tell me another one... BWAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA oh lordy... lordy GOOD LORD haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA teehee woo-hoo laaaawdy... HAHA ha-haa bwaaah-ha-ha gracious haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA! hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA help me Jesus! Gracious my ha-ha-ha BWAAAH-haha HAAAAAA hah-ha oh-ho help me, help me haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! No please not again... WAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA! Bwaaaha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! GOOD LORD Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA woo-hoo laaaawdy... Oh that's rich... tell me another one... BWAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA oh lordy... lordy GOOD LORD haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA teehee woo-hoo laaaawdy... HAHA ha-haa bwaaah-ha-ha gracious haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA! hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA help me Jesus! Gracious my ha-ha-ha BWAAAH-haha HAAAAAA hah-ha oh-ho help me, help me haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! No please not again... WAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA! Bwaaaha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! GOOD LORD Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA woo-hoo laaaawdy... Oh that's rich... tell me another one... BWAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA oh lordy... lordy GOOD LORD haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA teehee woo-hoo laaaawdy... HAHA ha-haa bwaaah-ha-ha gracious haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA! hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA help me Jesus! Gracious my ha-ha-ha BWAAAH-haha HAAAAAA hah-ha oh-ho help me, help me haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! No please not again... WAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA! Bwaaaha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! GOOD LORD Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA woo-hoo laaaawdy... Oh that's rich... tell me another one...

    Okay... maybe I need another minute...

    BWAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA oh lordy... lordy GOOD LORD haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA teehee woo-hoo laaaawdy... HAHA ha-haa bwaaah-ha-ha gracious haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA! hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA help me Jesus! Gracious my ha-ha-ha BWAAAH-haha HAAAAAA hah-ha oh-ho help me, help me haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! No please not again... WAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA! Bwaaaha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! GOOD LORD Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA woo-hoo laaaawdy... Oh that's rich... tell me another one... BWAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA oh lordy... lordy GOOD LORD haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA teehee woo-hoo laaaawdy... HAHA ha-haa bwaaah-ha-ha gracious haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA! hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA help me Jesus! Gracious my ha-ha-ha BWAAAH-haha HAAAAAA hah-ha oh-ho help me, help me haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! No please not again... WAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA! Bwaaaha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! GOOD LORD Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA woo-hoo laaaawdy... Oh that's rich... tell me another one...

  36. by oldedude on June 26, 2024 3:23 pm
    and you forgot the rest of the facts presented to you. Which you usually do in complicit agreement. You still haven't said any logical you have tis extreme, unhealthy hatred. And you won't talk about it, which says I'm hitting the nail right on top of the head. The other things are below.

    It slays me you blame "me" for taking advantage of what was offered to me. Anyone else that worked for a company that offered Education benefits, or Health Care, or Child care, or any of the other things some companies are doing now days, you don't say a word. You blame me for doing my 40+ years, waiting to turn in my workers comp so I wouldn't be a whiner, or a sponge on the system. You find me applying for workers comp is somehow "wrong." I don't understand that.

    And yet, you don't see a movie unless you get in free (as you said). Or you scam a restaurant (that was just a "this week" story). Or live off others during a storm (which was your original story), or borrowed someone's warehouse shopping card to cheat your way in (also a story you told). That to me is the epitome of a welfare queen.

  37. by Indy! on June 26, 2024 3:42 pm

    1) Sorry, I meant to address the other... ahem... "issues" you mentioned, but I was LOL-ing so hard it completely slipped my mind. Here we go...

    2) I don't blame you for taking advantage of what the army offered you - I'm just saying "working" for the army is not like actually working in the real world. Since you have never held a job in the real world - it makes perfect sense that you would not understand this.

    3) What I said was I wouldn't pay for your movie - the Jim Caviezel thing about pedophiles. No, I was not scamming any restaurants - it was the Hooters Arena footbal team buffet for media members, of which I was one. Were you "scamming" the army when you ate their shitty crap they call "food"? Same idea. I never borrowed someone's shopping card. But even if I did ALL those things? I would have done them using my intellect - they weren't handing me those things everyday the way the military hands you a paycheck for keeping your bunks dressed nice and your footlockers arranged according to whatever psychotic blueprint the man at the top thinks is appropriate.

  38. by oldedude on June 26, 2024 8:32 pm
    2) I don't blame you for taking advantage of what the army offered you - I'm just saying "working" for the army is not like actually working in the real world. Since you have never held a job in the real world - it makes perfect sense that you would not understand this.

    Well, the facts are (that I've mentioned before if you could read my posts). I started working at 12 years old on a paper route. I worked retail and restaurant throughout high school. During part of when I was working in the Reserves, I was working as an Intelligence analyst for law enforcement. After I retired (fully), I was working for US Treasury/ FinCEN. So what part of the "real world did I miss?"

    Then, asshole, I was NEVER in the Army. I've said that several times, and actually gave you a website to what I did in the military. So on this, you're at least a moron, but I'm "playing" nice.

    Were you "scamming" the army when you ate their shitty crap they call "food"?
    first princess, you don't have a clue what I was or wasn't eating. You've admitted you know NOTHING about the military. Here's the difference. If you're living off base, you get food allowance. If you eat on base, you have to pay for it (if you're not on a rations' card. So in essence, with the exceptions of the initial schools (which were pretty good food, we had to eat in the dining facilities, and on deployments because there was no where else to eat you could trust. So you need to check your shit.

    I would have done them using my intellect -
    Noooo, If you take something of value from the rightful owner, it's called "THEFT". Ergo, You're a little fucking thief with a very, very fragile ego.

    And what's this all about "intellect" without morals? That's what you're really about. ZERO MORALS.

    I signed a contract. I received half of what was given me in my first contract. Why? because assholes like you think I don't work. I've never bitched about it. Why? Integrity. I've never been a victim of my life. You on the other hand are continually a victim of everyone else you don't have control over.

    Why are you egging me on? What I thought of you before still holds and will continue. You keep proving it every time you post. Keep reading.

    No, it isn't like being in the civilian world. In the civilian world, you can be a lazy fuck, living off of other people (like you've said), being nothing more than a slug that is a tax on everyone else's existence. Go to a comic book college, pretend to make money while stealing from others. Then when you don't make what other's do, you just be a little bitch and whine about how they're bad people because they had morals and intellect.

    In the military, you're expected to be on a continual learning program for your entire career in order to make the grade. As enlisted, you're expected to have a college degree by the time you're an E6. If not, you're not promoted. And you get rated, in writing every year. I was also deployed (meaning I picked up my shit, and was meeting an aircraft) within 2, or 4 hours of notification and usually VERY EARLY in the AM.

    I went from 1.5 years in school (it takes that long to get certified in my field between the medical part, getting certified as a Master Parachutist with two other certifications, do your other Air Force Courses, monthly physical tests, stay certified in your jumps (parachute jumps), SCUBA dives, and medical proficiencies in those, and prove yourself on a daily basis. The jumps and dives were all different. e.g. Jump out of an aircraft at 40,000', breathe on O2 until you're down to ~12,000' land 180km away from where you jumped and land on a 10metre circle (5 points), or the 5 metre circle (10 points), and timed on your way coming down, and if you stayed walking when you landed. or a straight leg jump. Or working off of different NATO rotary wing.

    Then you have a movement schedule. After I graduated my school, I rotated to Europe for four years. Before I got there I had to go to courses trained by some of the best special forces operators in the world. The base was not my choice but was excellent. When not deployed, I had to fulfill all the requirements (see above) of my career field. In this work, we were assigned to different NATO countries so we could gain experience in what they did.

    I came back to the US for 18 months. During that time, I went to four DoD/USG schools, got certified in anti-terrorism, level III, and others. Increased my ability to deep dive, dive contained air, and other things.

    ********** So that was the first 6 years of my time in**************
    Does it look like some civilian scumbag job? No. I did things you can't dream about because you have no clue they exist. You're nothing but a virgin in life, thinking the world if full of unicorns and pink palaces.

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