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Good news for Kamala and the Ds
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Seems like a winning campaign to me.
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Religion selectors, pages, etc.
MAGA and other snowflake Republicans upset that April Fools' Day coincides with Easter Monday.
By Curt_Anderson
April 1, 2024 8:40 am
Category: Religion

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Easter Monday is a day of religious significance for Christians, marking the day after Jesus is believed to have returned to Earth. Christians believe that Jesus stayed on Earth for 40 days, healing the sick, appearing to believers, and giving ministry. On Easter Sunday, Jesus' tomb is found empty, prompting believers to declare that He has risen….April Fool!

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Comments on "MAGA and other snowflake Republicans upset that April Fools' Day coincides with Easter Monday.":

  1. by Indy! on April 1, 2024 11:06 am

    If anybody could pull an Elvis in Jesus' time it would be Jesus.

  2. by oldedude on April 1, 2024 8:48 pm
    Actually dumbass, Easter day was March 31th.

    Just a check.... "April fools (your day) day" is April 1. WHAT A MAROON!!!!!

  3. by HatetheSwamp on April 2, 2024 5:13 am

    Laughter is the best medicine, Curt. I hope you're healing.

    A faction within MAGA is pi$$ed. It may surprise you that much of MAGA is very secular... apart from Civil Religion. The string-pullers managed to motivate people who are not religious. Baha.

    The porn star sized boner that the string-pullers pulled is this mess with very Roman Catholic Hispanics... AND with on the fence blue collar whites.

    Oy freakin friggin vey, man!

    Be serious for a moment. Setting aside the fact that you are convinced that Biden is the far lesser evil among the choices,...

    ...aren't you concerned with the numerous unforced errors committed by Biden’s handlers?

  4. by oldedude on April 2, 2024 8:15 am
    For the usual curt "digs" that usually make no sense, this week's were trule an issue. the dates were wrong, and he can't keep things straight. Not only poor "management," but it appears curt really doesn't have a thread to any sort of reality. He picked "one" (count'em, ONE) example of pedojoe doing better than trumpster, which only showed the other eight were proving him wrong. So that was funny. And moronic.

  5. by Curt_Anderson on April 2, 2024 8:29 am
    Maybe you are right regarding Joe Biden, and the coincidence of transgender awareness day and Easter. Where did he get the idea that it’s a good thing to be modeling kindness, compassion, and loving thy neighbor?

  6. by oldedude on April 2, 2024 9:24 am
    Maybe curt. Because it's always better to split people by group and every given opportunity. Of course, mocking half the nation's core values is also a winner for "politicians." Well thought out! You're one hell of a nazi there!. You've got the Kristallnacht thing down well! And why not mock 50% of the nation, for 1.06% of the nation's "right's." Especially when that stands for big brother not telling parents what is going on in their schools, much like the Nazis did pre WWII saying "good Parents" don't have a right to question what their kids are taught in school and must submit to the government's "political theory." The founders called that the rule of the masses, which they were worried about when they wrote our constitution. So far, parents have won EVERY court battle against this act of fascism, and they'll continue to. But of course, you support this. As you do by looking the other way when we talk about sex slavery. You always support this. And you wonder why you're such a fascist in our eyes. Plainly, you don't care about human beings.

    And at least the vast minority are doing well at shifting our narrative from things that are pedojoe's epic failures like the border where the major IC directors have been warning us we are at the highest levels of being attacked since 2011, the average citizen is paying 40% more for gas and food, etcetcetc...

  7. by HatetheSwamp on April 2, 2024 9:58 am

    Maybe you are right regarding Joe Biden, and the coincidence of transgender awareness day and Easter. Where did he get the idea that it’s a good thing to be modeling kindness, compassion, and loving thy neighbor?

    I don't think that the string-pullers are doing serious a$$covering because moderate and independent voters are praising them for showing kindness, etc.... but, maybe YOU are right.

    Joe's a self-proclaimed devout Catholic and that's fine except that what the string-pullers have done portrays him as being hyper-insensitive to his fellow Catholic... voters.

    Major boner.

    And, there's the Doddering Old Fool's denial of the Transgender Visibility Day brouhaha. See link.

    This is the time for Joe to be reaching out to the political center, not offending Hispanics and blue collar whites. Don't you think!!!!!?

  8. by Curt_Anderson on April 2, 2024 10:13 am
    “And at least the vast minority are doing well at shifting our narrative from things that are pedojoe's epic failures like the border…” —OD

    Spoken like a true Christian from the melting pot called America. Biden and the libs should heed your advice. Tolerance of people who are different from us…why that’s blasphemous. With an attitude like that Biden could get crucified.

    Matthew 25:35
    35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,

  9. by HatetheSwamp on April 2, 2024 10:23 am


    Do you think OD is a Christian?

    And, buddy. Show me Jesus preaching tolerance.

  10. by Curt_Anderson on April 2, 2024 10:46 am
    I didn't say or even think that OD is a Christian. I recall him saying he was a Buddhist or some other religion du jour. I said he was speaking like a typical American Christian.

  11. by oldedude on April 2, 2024 11:34 am
    curt. Good tap dance as usual. I'll go with that, although you've missed the past two+ years. I was a Shambalaha Buddhist for over 40 years. That's not really a "religion Dejour." I'm not going to 'splain that 'causes you really don't matter anyway. What really matters is your complete lack of any empathy whatsoever. How do I get that? Your own writing, which is the only way I can. I don't know you, I don't really want to.

    Tolerance of people who are different from us…why that’s blasphemous. With an attitude like that Biden could get crucified.
    Quick question. Where's your "tolerance" towards others? Quite honestly, your "tolerance" is towards the cartels, terrorists, and others who want Christians to die. Then you "chose" specific passages and ask me why I'm not on your side. I'll tell you. Because you don't follow anything you quote. That means you're just a little more than a hate filled moron. You can't expect others to like you if you hate them. It really is just that simple.

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