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pb's Legal Goober #1 announces he's leaving the Dem Party
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Israel’s military says six hostages ‘brutally murdered’ in Gaza, including Israeli-American Goldberg-Polin
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Government selectors, pages, etc.
Six House Dems vote with GOP to condemn Kamala Harris for 'border czar' role
By HatetheSwamp
July 26, 2024 4:26 am
Category: Government

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In the end, three issues are going to settle this election:

1. Kammy's role in hiding the "dithering and diminished" Doddering Old Fool's cognitive decline from voters.
2. Bidenomics' oppressive inflation which is killing voters when they buy groceries and pump gas. And,
3. The burden that the influx of about 10,000,000 illegal immigrants is placing on voters.

"The House of Representatives voted along bipartisan lines to condemn Vice President Kamala Harris' handling of the U.S.' southern border, the first piece of legislation targeting Harris since she became the Democrats' presumptive 2024 nominee.

Six Democrats joined all Republicans in voting for the measure, which passed 220-196.

The House Democrats who voted for the resolution are Reps. Jared Golden, D-Maine; Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, D-Wash.; Mary Peltola, D-Alaska; Henry Cuellar, D-Texas; Don Davis, D-N.C.; and Yadira Caraveo, D-Colo.

House Majority Whip Tom Emmer, R-Minn., told Fox News Digital, "The mainstream media can try to rewrite history all they want, but the American people know the truth and our House Republican majority will remind them. Kamala Harris is Biden's border czar, and the unprecedented invasion at our borders is hers to own."

pb'll say two things about the state of the campaign today.

1. The Dems are still campaigning to shore up their base and it's late July.
2. Kammy is on the defensive already over the border, defund the police, energy policy and her antisemitism.

pb still thinks she'll win the popular vote. But, in purple states, these issues are against her.

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Comments on "Six House Dems vote with GOP to condemn Kamala Harris for 'border czar' role":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on July 26, 2024 5:52 am

    ReXed by the gay Guy Curt never heard of. From Matt Wolking:

    "Kamala Harris is a national security disaster.

    In 2019 she mocked the idea that terrorists "are trying to invade the country" through the southern border. "It couldn't be farther from the truth."

    Just last month it was reported that, on her watch, hundreds of migrants tied to an ISIS trafficking network have been smuggled into our country, and many are still roaming free.…

    On her watch, 8 suspected terrorists with possible ISIS ties crossed the southern border and were later arrested in New York, L.A. and Philadelphia.…"

    Benson's caption: "Oops"

    BTW, Guy Benson is more up on bringing the receipts to prove Kammy's woke progressive than anyone pb knows of.

    Oh, and be sure to watch the devastating 20 second video... which, I'm sure you'll be seeing in GOP ads. Baha.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on July 26, 2024 6:13 am

    From Jaimee Michell, founder of Gays Against Groomers:

    "The media is once again trying to rewrite history for Kamala Harris."

  3. by Donna on July 26, 2024 7:23 am

    Things at the southern border would have gone much better if the MAGA Congress had gone through with the border bill compromise that was all set to be voted on and enacted until their sociopathic leader ordered them to kill it because enacting it would gave helped Biden win the election. Clearly Trump doesn't give a rat's ass about border security.

  4. by Curt_Anderson on July 26, 2024 7:25 am
    You can be sure that the Kamala Harris campaign will be reminding voters, and in many cases, informing voters that it was congressional Republicans who killed the bipartisan border deal authored by Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) at the behest of Donald Trump.

    The proposal would have expanded detention capacity while making it harder for people to qualify for asylum.

    The legislation would’ve ended a practice known as "catch and release," in which those caught crossing the border illegally are released into the United States while they wait for the government to process their asylum application.

    The deal expanded the number of green-card-eligible visas every year for the next five years and guaranteed that children of H1-B visa holders remain eligible for green cards once they turn 21.

    What role did Donald Trump play in killing border deal?

    In the weeks leading up to the border package vote in February, former President Donald Trump, leveraging his popularity with GOP voters, lobbied Republicans in Congress to oppose the deal.

    Trump has made it clear he plans to make immigration a central platform for his 2024 reelection bid.

    Lankford's response to GOP attacks over border bill

    Lankford has complained the deal has been misunderstood.

    "It would be absolutely absurd for me to agree to 5,000 people a day. This bill focuses on getting us to zero illegal crossings a day," he told Fox News in January. "This is not about letting 5,000 people in a day. ... This is set up for, if you have a rush of people coming at the border, the border closes down. No one gets in."

    After the deal died, Lankford said from the Senate floor:

    "What's been told has been false, day after day. I've had a few folks that have said, 'If I can't get everything, I want nothing.' I don't find most Americans are that way in their day-to-day life. Americans are ticked off that this is not resolved, and they expect us to get things done. So why don't we do that?"

  5. by HatetheSwamp on July 26, 2024 7:41 am

    You can be sure that the Kamala Harris campaign will be reminding voters, and in many cases, informing voters that it was congressional Republicans who killed the bipartisan border deal authored by Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) at the behest of Donald Trump.

    Yikes, Curt! It's so good to have you back in all your Good German Glory!

    Here's the truth that GOPs will be preaching soon:



  6. by Curt_Anderson on July 26, 2024 7:57 am
    And it's good to see you continue on with your lame arguments in all their glory.

    I am here to tell the truth. You can bet that the facts reported by the Oklahoman newspaper (which I quoted above) will make their way into Harris campaign ads.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on July 26, 2024 8:20 am

    We'll see how this battle of ideas plays out in the public square.

    All of us bring our preferences and prejudices to every moment of our lives. What's going on now is what the people who don't pay attention conclude. And, they don't consume your Holy Trinity nor po's metaphorical Rachel.

    Ever hear of the murder victim "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" CALLED LINCOLN Riley? When did the blob of pond scum who bashed her head in enter the country? Before or after the Dem border deal? When Kammy was border Czar.

    It certainly was after Senate Dems refused even to debate HR 2.

    Nuh, bruh. My guess is that Dem talking points won't hold up. They're already waaaaaaay under water on immigration.

    But, I advise Kammy and her surrogates to take their best shot.

    Nuthin to lose.

  8. by Indy! on July 26, 2024 11:47 am

    The real numbers according to

    Government statistics show that in the initial processing of millions of encounters, 2.5 million people have been released into the U.S. and 2.8 million have been removed or expelled.

    The 10 million number pb is using is only used by a couple of MAGAts at the far end of the political spectrum (some might say "off the spectrum" - Marco Rubio and his ilk). Nikki Haley and the... ahem.... "more reasonable" GOPers (if there is such a thing) use smaller numbers - 4, 6, 8 million (depending on which crowd of R loons they're talking to).

  9. by HatetheSwamp on July 26, 2024 12:00 pm


    Bottom line. The border is a top issue among voters and GOPs are depantsing Dems so much so that the whole SwampDem media is trying to convince voters that the Doddering Old Fool didn't delegate the border issue to Kammy.

  10. by Indy! on July 26, 2024 12:26 pm

    Doesn't matter a whit because every GOPer - including you - is going to vote for Trump no matter what happens. When it comes to the few crossovers - wives who would like to keep their reproductive rights, etc... - immigration is not going to be their hot topic that changes their vote.

  11. by oldedude on July 26, 2024 5:08 pm
    Curt- regarding your "response" to Lead. If they do have control of both houses, and the executive branch, why is it soo hard for them to form a bill that could bring a few GOP members over to their side? This is the exact argument the dims had for the GOP when they had the same. If they are unable to form a bill that no one except those being whipped into voting for it will support? Is that a good bill? Of course not. Of course, they could have pulled the little nancy "you have to read the bill to pass the bill" bullshit. The dims already fell for that. And the GOP will never forget little nancy doing it. So she screwed the pooch (see Champers, Neighbours From Hell)* until the next millennia.

    *Champers – Marjoe's pet poodle. He is suicidal as he is forced into sexual relations with his owner. Throughout the series, he tries to kill himself in different ways, but ends up in failure due to random things (usually caused by the main characters).

  12. by HatetheSwamp on July 26, 2024 5:24 pm

    Which is what they did with the infrastructure bill and the so-called Inflation Reduction Act.

    When they wanted to do something, they did it.

    They wanted this border mess. My guess is that common sense voters get that.

  13. by oldedude on July 26, 2024 6:07 pm
    I agree. If the bill was "good" for the country, everyone would have voted for it.

    and kammy owns the border czar title. As much as they shoved that down our throats? She owns it. What makes me mad is they're not even hiding that they are lying to the American (dim and GOP alike). And if they're that worried about it, they should have had their "stuff" together way before this. She's a fraudster, nothing more. I can see the ads now. Every lying sheeple news outlet saying she IS the border czar, and them all retracting. What are we to believe? How can we believe anything they will ever tell us? Kammy is a lying POS.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on July 27, 2024 4:09 am

    pb is HatetheSwamp first and foremost because both parties use the border issue to fire up the base and to raise moolah.

    The Swamp provides a good cop and a bad cop and lets the suckers decide which is which. On SS that's, especially, po, Curt and Donna.

  15. by oldedude on July 27, 2024 8:15 am
    To your point. The electorate (read voters) DO want a reasonable immigration policy to include DACA. It's the swamp that makes the billions of dollars on the screwed up system we have now. Kickbacks to the swamp for human trafficking, drug distribution, sex trafficking, illegal employment, etcetcetc. The swamp doesn't want to change. They make far too much money in what they do. That is the worst brick wall in the way of any sort of reasonable work on the issue.

    I'm for finding ways of having DACA folks a way to get in legally without being harassed or threatened. Many of these folks are good solid citizens. Why can't we get them in a pipeline and get them in (if they want).

    With that, there needs to be a rational border policy. Who we let in, and how we do that. Actually vetting everyone that comes in, and charging those not coming in illegally. And who's accountable for those coming into the country. Do we need farm laborers? yes. Many of those are annual folks that come in routinely, and then go back to their countries every year. There's a J6 VISA for that purpose. We had them working as cleaners in our office building in the beltway. They loved it! They weren't criminals, many of them had families with them, the kids were getting an "American" education. And their VISA was streamlined. They also have a section for Agricultural workers, and a bunch of others. This can happen. Just not with the swamp.

    I'm not absolute on any of these "ideas." I just think it may be a good place to "start."

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