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Baltimore Bridge Collapse Victims Were Working to Support Families, Co-Worker Says
By Curt_Anderson
March 26, 2024 7:31 pm
Category: News

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The men who died in the frigid, dark water last night are the people who Donald Trump says are "poisoning the blood of our people". They also fill potholes and repair roads.

A colleague of the men presumed dead said many of his co-workers were migrants supporting their families.

“We’re low-income families,” said Jesus Campos, who has worked at the construction company, Brawner Builders, for about eight months. “Our relatives are waiting for our help back in our home countries.”

The men worked for Brawner, a contractor based in Baltimore County, a senior executive at the company said on Tuesday. The executive, Jeffrey Pritzker, and the Coast Guard said that all of the missing workers were presumed dead, given how long it had been since the collapse.

“They were wonderful family people,” Mr. Pritzker said, before describing the victims’ survivors. “Spouses, children.” He added, “It’s just a very, very bad day.”

The company routinely does maintenance on bridges operated by the state. Its workers were repairing the bridge’s roadway when it was struck by the ship.

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Comments on "Baltimore Bridge Collapse Victims Were Working to Support Families, Co-Worker Says":

  1. by oldedude on March 27, 2024 3:15 am
    So what you're saying is you support paying them sub wages because it's illegal to hire them. Either that, or they are legally here, which means they're NOT the one's trumpster was talking about in your reference.

    I know you've never understood a "setup" but this sounds like one to me.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on March 27, 2024 3:44 am

    Right, OD. What Curt think is incomprehensible.

  3. by Ponderer on March 27, 2024 6:50 am

    "So what you're saying is [blah blah bullshit blah bullshit bullshit bullshit blah blah blah...]" -olde dude

    Curt, isn't it astounding how no matter what we ever say, these Amazing Kreskins always know that we're saying something else? How they always know the only possible scenario of any given situation and how it always fits their philosophies and various bigotries perfectly?

  4. by HatetheSwamp on March 27, 2024 7:08 am

    No, po.

    It's stuns and appalls me that you supporters of the immigration chaos the string-pullers have created do so to provide a slew of illegal, unskilled foreign laborers... who can be oppressed and hired for less than minimum wage.

    That's the blahblahbull$hit OD's talking about and you, surprisingly and shockingly stand for.

    Shame on you. EFFINshame on you!

    And, OD?, bang on!

  5. by Curt_Anderson on March 27, 2024 8:56 am
    There is no evidence they were being unfairly paid. Considering the education and skill required to do the work it probably wasn’t great pay but apparently it was enough for them to support their families and to send some money back home. And there was no evidence that they entered the country illegally.

    What they were doing was paying taxes, paying into Social Security, and doing what we expect of hard-working American citizens. Their work probably did not require great fluency in English and I bet they were happy to have the jobs.

    Any American of European ancestry will have a similar family history of hard-working people with minimal skills and little money who left the old country for a better life in the United States.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on March 27, 2024 9:21 am

    Fine. OD's point is that:

    "...they're NOT the ones trumpster was talking about in your reference."

    OD's bang on!

    And, you? I won't put those words on SS. Ba!

  7. by Curt_Anderson on March 27, 2024 9:34 am
    Yes, I know. Trump included them when he said “some, I assume are good people”.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on March 27, 2024 9:46 am

    You are busted Curt. Acknowledge your deranged TrumpHate. Move on. It'll do you good.

  9. by oldedude on March 27, 2024 10:00 am
    There is no evidence they were being unfairly paid.
    The point is that most folks coming across the border are not paid to standard. With the exception of federal contractors (cleaners and maintenance folks in federal buildings), I don't know of any law that mandates they be paid at the same rate. This is a standard for many green carded folks.

    Considering the education and skill required to do the work it probably wasn’t great pay but apparently it was enough for them to support their families and to send some money back home.
    I'll agree with that.

    And there was no evidence that they entered the country illegally.
    Sorry, I assumed that was the reason you made a deal out of it.

    I've said this many times before. If we know who is coming across the border, I would love to see immigration. And right now we don't have a clue. You maintain that those coming through evading all LEAs are upstanding folks that just want a better life. I have a different view. If they're avoiding LEAs, there's a reason for that. Like the four guys that tried to murder NYC cops. You keep insisting they don't exist, and the facts are they do. Individuals on the terrorist watch list are coming in. We KNOW that. Chinese that are sworn to the CCP are coming in. Why do you think they're allowed to leave China? That makes no sense. At all.

  10. by Curt_Anderson on March 27, 2024 10:36 am
    Have you noticed that the people who cry crocodile tears over the supposedly unfair wages paid to immigrants (who largely work in agriculture, hospitality and service industries) are the same people who whine about the cost of groceries, restaurant meals and prices generally?

    The anti-immigrants claim immigrants are taking jobs from native-born Americans. Don't believe it. Without immigrants food would be rotting in the fields, on the vine and in the trees.

  11. by HatetheSwamp on March 27, 2024 10:45 am

    Probably so. po's delusional.

    Honestly, though. Doesn't it other you that so many Dems justify the string-pullers' border chaos because undocumented immigrants provide the US with a large pool of low-wage workers!!!!!?

    It's you Karl Marx had in mind.

    pb ain't a commie but Marx had you woke, white electric limousine lovin American progressives nailed. Baha haha!

  12. by Indy! on March 27, 2024 11:00 am

    If either of the... ahem... "two" parties wanted immigration reform - they would make it happen. When they want a raise - it happens the first day someone brings it up, One of the problems we have is this false economy where everything has to be subsidized in some way just so regular folks can afford to eat. Why? Because all the money has been flowing upwards the past 40+ years.

  13. by oldedude on March 27, 2024 11:15 am
    Have you noticed that the people who cry crocodile tears over the supposedly unfair wages paid to immigrants (who largely work in agriculture, hospitality and service industries) are the same people who whine about the cost of groceries, restaurant meals and prices generally?
    The issue is NOT about the illegals, they are being abused. Your information is old. Yes, those are still leading industries, but far less so than they were 10 years ago. Many of the illegals are working in large cities. And they are taking jobs. The other jobs they're in now are "entertainment" (the sex slaves you like so much) jobs and being thrown away like human trash. I know you don't give two hoots in hell about them, but the cartels now make more off of human slavery than they do the drugs.

    The anti-immigrants claim immigrants are taking jobs from native-born Americans. Don't believe it. Without immigrants food would be rotting in the fields, on the vine and in the trees.

    For about the hundredth time, I am NOT anti immigration. I am anti ILLEGAL immigration against that percentage that are terrorists, drug dealers, slave holders, etc. Again, my niece, and my daughter in law are both immigrants. My grandfather and grandmother were immigrants (the zero generation). You really need to quit making shit up. But it's a favorite thing to do with the sheep. You can't understand that we may actually agree on some things. You and po especially "assume" a lot of extremely wrong shit to make you feel good about yourself. I'd say that if you're that fragile, you need to be checked.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on March 27, 2024 11:29 am


    Who is anti-immigrant in America, really. I'm sure there are a few but, honestly, I defy our woke, white electric limousine lovin progressive Swampcultists: Show us people in America who oppose immigration.


  15. by Curt_Anderson on March 28, 2024 12:49 pm
    The true face of immigration
    (CNN)[...] All of those missing [in the Baltimore bridge collapse] were immigrants, outsiders who had come to the US from Mexico and Central America for a better life. Their stories and aspirations mirrored the lives of millions of new entrants to the United States. They are far more representative of the migrant population than the extreme and misleading picture often spouted about migrants by Donald Trump. The Republican presumptive nominee often falsely claims foreign countries are sending their “worst people” as a de-facto invasion force to the US. “Under Biden, other countries are emptying out their prisons, insane asylums, mental institutions, dumping everyone including mass numbers of terrorists into our country. They’re in our country now,” Trump said at a rally in Manchester, New Hampshire, ahead of the state’s presidential primary in January.

    Trump’s demonization of immigrants who are trying to cross into the country illegally, who he claims are “poisoning the blood” of the country, often feels like a shorthand condemnation of migrants as a whole.
    Often, migrants do jobs that other people don’t want to do – the ones with the lowest wages and the worst conditions. Some do so to support families in the US and to lay the foundation of better lives for their children and grandchildren. Many send money home to support relatives who live in far less affluent economies. Mexican immigrant workers for instance transferred more than $60 billion in remittances to their country in 2023, according to Mexico’s central bank.

    The sacrifices of those missing might be worth remembering when the anti-immigrant rhetoric cranks up again in the run-up to November’s presidential election.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on March 28, 2024 1:04 pm

    They are far more representative of the migrant population than the extreme and misleading picture often spouted about migrants by Donald Trump.

    The Republican presumptive nominee often falsely claims foreign countries are sending their “worst people” as a de-facto invasion force to the US.

    Falsely? Nuh uh. Trump's despicable. But, he's right about that.

    Often, migrants do jobs that other people don’t want to do – the ones with the lowest wages and the worst conditions. Some do so to support families in the US and to lay the foundation of better lives for their children and grandchildren.

    Oy, Curt. You're proving Marx exactly right about capitalist exploitation. It's curious to me that only progressive SwampDems are enthusiastic supporters of that exploitation.

    Uh, Curt?, Marx thought that the exploitation of the poor by capitalists such as yourself was a bad thing... an EFFINbad thing.

    You're spouting unproven woke Swampcult myth... all bull$#!t.

    This is why that "dithering and diminished" "feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" is losing black men and probably has lost them for generations.

    You are as dogmatic about progressive myth as Christian fundamentalists are about creation in 6 24 hour days.

    Go for it, buddy.

  17. by Curt_Anderson on March 28, 2024 1:40 pm
    I am a capitalist, Comrade HtS. I am not opposed to pay that is commensurate to the skills required for the job. You nativists only bring up wage disparity when lamenting immigration.

  18. by Curt_Anderson on March 28, 2024 1:57 pm
    "The Republican presumptive nominee often falsely claims foreign countries are sending their “worst people” as a de-facto invasion force to the US.

    Falsely? Nuh uh. Trump's despicable. But, he's right about that." ---HtS

    Trump is wrong. It's not true, and you will never link to credible source reporting that it is true. What is true is that immigrants have always tended to be the people who are worst off and have the worst lives in their home countries as a result of poverty, pogroms and/or persecution.

  19. by HatetheSwamp on March 28, 2024 2:37 pm

    I am a capitalist, Comrade HtS. I am not opposed to pay that is commensurate to the skills required for the job.

    What you are is up for people who entered the country illegally taking unskilled jobs at a wage that is less than unskilled citizens demand for the same work. You're for paying a pittance to people who are flooding the employment market at the expense of our own people. That immigration policy is driving black males to Trump.

    Trump has a shot at winning in November, the ballot harvesting, ballot curing and diddling with the chain of custody of mail-in ballots notwithstanding.

    Trump is wrong. It's not true, and you will never link to credible source reporting that it is true.

    Both things can be... EFFINare... true.

  20. by Curt_Anderson on March 28, 2024 2:49 pm
    I said find a credible source, not Fox News reporting on House Republicans regurgitating Breitbart.

  21. by oldedude on March 28, 2024 6:46 pm
    Do we actually need to start this bullshit about you, of all people chickenshitting each other's sources?

    One of the things with this collapse. I'll just say it here.

    We "thought" at first, there were six individuals "not" missing from the bridge. That in itself was understandable and although unfortunate, I thought was a pretty clear number. Then it came out. SIX were missing!. If there were people on the bridge and there were "only" six missing, I thought that was excellent. I am fearful of the missing. I always am. It's what I used to do. But you dive in moving, crappy water and look for those that got caught up in cables, and water, and stuff that no one can describe except to those that have seen it. And experienced finding "bodies" for the purpose of returning them to their families. Fortunately, it's fresh water at this point. I'm sure some were trapped in rubble and couldn't free themselves. That is heartbreaking. YOU can see an easy way out. In their las few seconds, they have no view of it. You don't say that to the families. Our SOP was that the rescuediver "Always" talked to the family first. They had the obligation to do so. And the honor. You owed it to the dead. You were wet, nasty, smelled like river or sea, or whatever.

  22. by HatetheSwamp on March 29, 2024 6:19 am


    IMO, the quintessential danger in democracy is that the majority consists of people who vote irrationally and who never seek truth.

    Here and now, that's the case with our woke, white electric limousine lovin progressive Swampcultists but, equally, of MAGAs

    On SS these days, you and I alone are truth seekers. Curt's well read enough but he only consults his Holy Trinity in order to add fuel to the fire of the preferences and prejudices that he brings with him to every moment of his life.

    Same with the rest of the current batch of progressives.

  23. by oldedude on March 29, 2024 7:34 am
    I think, like you I would argue the woke, white electric limousine lovin progressive Swampcultists are just as "willing" to open up and actually "discuss" as equally as the "MAGAs." Which is Zero.

    Tarlov used the same article curt did last night and led with "trumpster is bad" just like curt. Dana even jumped in to disembowel that argument.

    I generally appreciate Tarlov's view of things. We rarely agree, but her points are good, well articulated and thought through.

  24. by Indy! on March 29, 2024 11:26 am

    So now peebs is a Marx fan? 😂

  25. by HatetheSwamp on March 29, 2024 11:43 am

    Noop. pb's just about as far from being Marxist as one can be...

    ...but, pb's fascinated to the point of being flabbergasted that Curt... and most mainstream, as you used to say, Blue MAGAs, are so vehement that the great advantage of allowing migrants to flaunt immigration law is so American capitalists can exploit them by paying them a wage lower than American citizens would accept.

    The Blue MAGAs pretend to be progressive but, when pushed, they're filthy. Heartless.

  26. by Curt_Anderson on March 29, 2024 12:05 pm
    If you have evidence that six dead road maintenance workers were earning less than Maryland‘s minimum wage of $16.70 (and time and half for night time) please share. Btw, Maryland’s unemployment rate is 2.4%.

  27. by HatetheSwamp on March 29, 2024 1:00 pm

    I hope this ain't true. Highway construction workers making only $16.70... to work at night!!!!!?

    My wife's last job was as an office worker in one of those companies. She made as little as anyone who worked for the company. She left 8 years ago... and was making about $10/hr more than that.

    Eight years ago.
    As the worst paid person in the company.

    The people who worked on the road for that company made tons more than she did.

    But, that's beside the point. You have posts all over SS praising the "dithering and diminished" string-pullers' immigration chaos precisely because it provides dirt cheap labor for moneygrubbing cheapskate American employers.

    I could understand that of crooked GOP businessmen. But, you're woke... and you are run of the mill... garden variety. Typical progressive.

  28. by oldedude on March 29, 2024 1:58 pm
    As ofMarch 18, 2022. Construction workers on many city-funded projects will make at least $22 per hour starting this year, Mayor Brandon Scott said.

    The Board of Estimates earlier this week approved raising the base rate of pay from $8 per hour to $22 per hour, roughly equating to a $43,000 annual salary, on all municipal contracts above $5,000.

    All workers in the construction trades are impacted by the change, with the exception of contractors on federally funded Housing and Urban Development projects, whose wage is set by the U.S. Department of Labor.

    curt- Still not what I thought, although this is still at night, and I did see a reference to $29/hour. Flaggers are at the bottom at $21/hr night shift. Government hiring are generally "required" to E-verify every employee. So at the minimum, they have to have green cards. Without those are those I have been talking about. General construction firms will hire "undocumented" at a much lower rate. And some firms will "say" they've "checked everyone" and slide some through for a lower rate. Depending on the agency, they can get caught and put out of business four or five times.

    If they are MDOT, they're legals working for a set grade/step. That's the way governments work. My statements have been more about city/ counties/ state (sometimes) subcontracting.

    If you have evidence that six dead road maintenance workers were earning less than Maryland‘s minimum wage of $16.70 (and time and half for night time) please share.

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