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Pro-Palestinian advocates urge 'uncommitted' vote during Michigan presidential primary
By HatetheSwamp
February 26, 2024 3:30 am
Category: Politics

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Rashida Tlaib, Andy Levin, and others are urging Michigan Democrats to send a message to the president about Gaza by voting “uncommitted” in the state’s February 27 primary.

“This is the way you can raise our voices,” said Tlaib in a video posted Saturday. “Right now, we feel completely neglected and just unseen by our government.” The House member, who campaigned actively for Biden in the fall of 2020, says, “It is also important to create a voting bloc, something that is a bullhorn, to say, ‘Enough is enough. We don’t want a country that supports wars and bombs and destruction. We want to support life. We want to support life. We want to stand up for every single life killed in Gaza.’”

The “Listen to Michigan” campaign has gained significant traction as the primary approaches. It’s backed by more than 30 Democratic elected officials—including Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud, who leads a city with one of the largest Arab-American populations in the United States, and state Representative Abraham Aiyash, the party’s majority leader in the state House of Representatives. In a joint statement where they pledged to vote “uncommitted” on February 27, the officials announced, “These are not empty words, they signify our steadfast commitment to justice, dignity, and the sanctity of human life, which is greater than loyalty to any candidate or party.”

The “Listen to Michigan” campaign has been endorsed by the widely circulated Metro Times in Detroit.

It is hard to see how Biden can beat Trump without winning in Michigan. The state is part of the “Blue Wall” of Great Lakes battlegrounds—along with Wisconsin and Pennsylvania—that is critical for Democratic presidential prospects. In 2016, Democrat Hillary Clinton lost the “Blue Wall” states to the Republicans, and Trump became president. In 2020, Trump lost them to the Democrats, and Biden became president.

For all the lies Trump tells, he's telling the truth when he claims, repeatedly, that Joe Biden can't put two sentences together.


Joe Biden is incapable of leading. To deal with the complex challenges of the post 10/7 world will require a President with a working brain.

Joe Biden don't have one.

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Comments on "Pro-Palestinian advocates urge 'uncommitted' vote during Michigan presidential primary":

  1. by oldedude on February 26, 2024 11:45 am
    The interesting thing is this is the common thread among the left. The common enemy in the world are western nations and that terrorism is the only way to move forward. With the help of the PRiC's CCP, they can achieve that goal of racism, murdering infants, genocide, and other "socially responsible" (according to them) goals. They've talked about putting those who disagree with them into internment camps, haven't condemned the burning of cities (it was "just" a peaceful protest).

    I expect Tlaib will get her wish. Another issue the left isn't looking at. Muslims for the most part agree with the hated conservative Christians regarding the most left-loved CSHE programs. This also violates the core values of their religion. The question is about that having enough to make them run away from the dims.

  2. by Curt_Anderson on February 26, 2024 12:55 pm
    I would have more sympathy for the Palestinian/Muslim/Arab population in Michigan if they were calling for an end to Israeli aggression against Gaza AND for Hamas to immediately return all the kidnapped hostages.

    Israel's heavy-handed approach is counterproductive to their own interests. I don't really know what they should do given Hamas' proclivity to hide behind citizens. I also don't know if the citizens of Gaza are mostly unwilling victims or if they are mostly collaborators. It's astounding that the location of the hostages has been kept a secret.

    Somehow the world is telling Israel, sure, some 1200 of your citizens were raped, mutilated and murdered. Another 200 or so were kidnapped. Get over it!

  3. by HatetheSwamp on February 26, 2024 1:04 pm

    Much of the world is.

  4. by Indy! on February 26, 2024 6:03 pm

    Israel has plenty of willing dupes calling for the release of the hostages - the left doesn't need to add their voices and the only reason people are calling for them to join the chorus is to negate their message that Israel is an apartheid state that needs to be reigned in by the civilized world. And not to be the bearer of more horrible truths a lot of people can't face - but 1200 deaths is nothing in the face of the millions Israel has murdered, displaced, raped and pillaged with the full support of the US government and military. Israel is not the victim here - they are the oppressors. Pretending like they are the ones carrying the burden of this conflict is the same as pretending the Jews of Auschwitz were the ones oppressing Nazi Germany.

  5. by oldedude on February 27, 2024 12:55 am
    curt- Somehow the world is telling Israel, sure, some 1200 of your citizens were raped, mutilated and murdered. Another 200 or so were kidnapped. Get over it!

    This has been my problem also. Israel is surrounded by groups that want them exterminated with (real) genocide. My belief is that a country has a right to defend itself. I've even brought that up with "russia," although it's from the Russian point of view, "Russia" has a sovereign right to its borders. But not the countries that surround it.

    It is happening in Congo, Yeman, (etc) also. This is the issue with terrorism. To some "normal" leftists, their plight makes them "right." When you look at the issue from an actual geopolitical perspective, you see it from another perspective. Much like Milosevich. It's okay. Oh yeah a million people were murdered and (literally) thrown into open graves under his direct command... Oops... I had teammates that had to dig up those bodies (meaning many layers of bodies thrown into a ditch with several thousands of decomposing bodies in them). They were actually responsible for leading efforts in finding families of those murdered. You can't unfuck that out of your mind. It's there forever.

    The issue is that "others" that have zero experience in their warfare are "insisting" they are experts, which is not true. These amateurs hold themselves in their own "esteem" out of their own delusional thought they are worth something when they've not seen the world outside of a three-week "vacation" their parents sent them on to "europe." Not the same.

  6. by Indy! on February 27, 2024 10:15 am

    So let me see if I have this straight. According to you...

    "The issue is that "others" that have zero experience in their warfare are "insisting" they are experts, which is not true."

    But because you...

    "...had teammates that had to dig up those bodies (meaning many layers of bodies thrown into a ditch with several thousands of decomposing bodies in them)."

    You're now pretending you are an expert because you knew someone who told you about it.

    Right - got it. You're as phony as they come. And believe me, OD - I can't "unfuck that out of my mind" either... 😂

  7. by oldedude on February 28, 2024 5:13 am
    You, as usual, can't buy a clue about what I'm talking about given your lack of actual experience except when it comes to how you got felt up by the cartels. Of course, being the Party favour for them may have been fun for them, it only gave you "experience" in actually being wanted for an hour or two. Nothing more.

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