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The DeSantis Drop Out Pool IS NOW CLOSED! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!
By Ponderer
January 20, 2024 7:00 am
Category: Humor

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Just to restate my pick of February 8th as the day he'll drop out of the race. I'm sticking with it, even though it may come a bit sooner than I had expected. The man is rather soggy toast at this point.

DeSantis Gets Torched After Admitting How He Went Wrong

DeSantis Gets Torched After Fumbling Blame For His Weak Campaign

Florida Governor and fading Republican presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis has been roundly mocked throughout his campaign by Democrats and Republicans and his swan song — where he contemplates what might have been. Talking to Hugh Hewitt, DeSantis says he made a mistake right “out of the gate” when he should have, in retrospect, “just been blanketing…gone on all the corporate shows…and reach a broader folk.”

Ron DeSantis just failed in Iowa. And it’s only going to get worse from here.

Ron DeSantis is in trouble. After years of hype as the politician who would topple former President Donald Trump, the Florida governor came in a distant 2nd place in the Iowa caucuses. Yes, he somewhat surprisingly held off a late charge from Nikki Haley, but he still trailed Trump by nearly 30 percentage points among Republican voters. And the road ahead for him looks even more daunting.

For DeSantis, everything was riding on Iowa. While the state's voters often opt for candidates who don’t win the eventual GOP nomination — Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas beat Trump there in 2016, for example — the caucuses narrow the field and set the tone for the rest of the race. In this case, the takeaway is that Trump is indeed as dominant in the Republican field as poll after poll has suggested, and that he has no real rival. Iowa was DeSantis’ one major opportunity to disrupt the narrative that Trump’s nomination was inevitable, and he didn’t.

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Comments on "The DeSantis Drop Out Pool IS NOW CLOSED! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on January 20, 2024 7:11 am

    pb's still saying after the South Carolina Primary. pb thinks that he'll hope to exceed expectations here in South Carolina...and won't. Then he'll throw in the towel.

  2. by Indy! on January 20, 2024 4:01 pm

    Everybody on Twitter thought DiSantis was going to be a juggernaut to the White House because of all the stupid laws he passed in Florida (most of which are either overturned, ignored or headed toward being overturned). I would tell people he's a fucking idiot who only got elected because the Florida D party is even more pathetic than the national D party. He got elected because Ds don't show up for the losers (and former Repubs) the party nominates every four years.

    That and the voice. Who's going to elect a president that sounds like Mickey Mouse? Personally I believe that's Ron's REAL beef with Disney - the constant Mickey Mouse comparisons.

  3. by Ponderer on January 21, 2024 9:08 am

    Indy!, do you have a date to guess for the pool...?

  4. by Curt_Anderson on January 21, 2024 9:15 am
    I am only guessing of course, but I cannot see DeSantis lasting past this Wednesdays after the New Hampshire’s primary.

    If Haley can be within single digits of Trump in NH, her chances greatly improve and DeSantis is out of luck.

  5. by Indy! on January 21, 2024 12:06 pm

    Curt's logic is sound and probably correct, but I don't want to ride his coattails so I'm going to say he sticks around for Nevada because he probably has the cash to make it that far. That's Feb. 8 according to wiki, so I'll give him one day to cry after he realizes his dream has died and then he'll drop out...

    February 10, 2024

  6. by Ponderer on January 21, 2024 12:52 pm

    I guess I win, Indy!!!!


    Ron DeSantis drops out of 2024 Republican presidential race ahead of the New Hampshire primary

    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis suspended his presidential campaign on Sunday, posting a video on X saying he could not ask his campaign staffers to give their time "without a clear path to victory."

    "It's clear to me that a majority of Republican primary voters want to give Donald Trump another chance," DeSantis said.

    He added that he had signed a pledge to support the eventual nominee. As he left the race, DeSantis took a parting shot at opponent Nikki Haley. Trump, he said his video, "has my endorsement because we can't go back to the old Republican guard of yesteryear — a repackaged form of warmed-over corporatism — that Nikki Haley represents."

    Soon after DeSantis announced he was dropping out of the race, Haley told reporters he had run a good campaign and said, "May the best woman win."

  7. by HatetheSwamp on January 21, 2024 1:14 pm

    He was here, i.e., Myrtle Beach, yesterday. He gave no indication that the end was near but it was obvious to us who supported him, that his campaign was a disaster.

    I still think that, among the GOP alternatives, were he President, he'd have been the most effective in office. Agree with him or not, he's gotten things done in Florida.

    As it developed, he was too much right-wing Big Brother for ol pb. But, I'd have voted for him.

    I'm guessing that most of his miniscule voter pool will go to Trump...who's been a lock for a long time anyway.

  8. by Ponderer on January 21, 2024 1:14 pm


    Curt guessed this coming Wednesday! I missed that.

    CURT WINS!!!

  9. by Curt_Anderson on January 21, 2024 1:16 pm
    Since you guessed February 8th and I said DeSantis wouldn't last past past this Wednesday, I believe I won the DeSantis Drop-out pool. Although I await the judges' final decision.

    By the way, I don't know that DeSantis got anything out of his failed attempt, but other also-rans have prospered despite their campaign failures. If they hadn't thrown their hat into the ring, who would have heard of people like Vivek Ramaswamy, Andrew Yang, Maryanne Williamson or Pete Buttigieg?

  10. by Ponderer on January 21, 2024 1:17 pm

    Say Indy!, what do you think of the notion that DeSantis has "gotten things done" in Florida?

  11. by Ponderer on January 21, 2024 1:22 pm

    Yep, you're the winner, Curt. Congratulations

    And you're right about also rans. They are always into it for at least whatever they can get out of having run when they don't win. They always tend to have excellent "Plan-B's" ready to go.

  12. by Ponderer on January 21, 2024 1:27 pm

    "Gotten things done". For fucksake. Hitler got things done. I mean, my God! The Autobahn! The Volkswagen Beetle! The trains ran like clockwork...!

  13. by HatetheSwamp on January 21, 2024 1:35 pm


    Barack Obama got things done.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on January 21, 2024 2:23 pm

    Here's the DeSantis announcement video. What a statesman.

  15. by Indy! on January 21, 2024 8:12 pm

    Pondy - to answer your question, I think everyone (including peebs and OD if we judge by their past opinions on DeSantis) will agree the attacks on Disney was the centerpiece of his time as Florida governor. He actually claimed he would make Disney produce more family oriented fare and eliminate the "woke elements" of their entertainment. OD has crowed many times about how Disney was going out of business because their stock declined along with every other stock a couple years ago when the market crashed. Oh sure - DeSantis has done a couple other "high profile" things (read: political stunts) like trying to ban thought provoking books in schools, etc... but Disney is the big one. So how's that going?

    By Trying To 'Move On,' DeSantis Admits His Fight With Disney Was a Political Stunt All Along
    Eric Boehm August 15, 2023

    The fact that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is now trying to back away from his fight with the Walt Disney Company should confirm at least one thing about the whole ugly mess.

    It was never a principled fight against special privileges granted to a private company. It was a political stunt meant to raise DeSantis' profile on the national stage.

    That mission having been accomplished—and with the prospects of a legal battle against Disney looming—DeSantis told CNBC on Monday that he has "moved on" from the issue. He also encouraged Disney to "drop the lawsuit" that it filed in April against his administration.

    In that lawsuit, Disney claimed that DeSantis led a "targeted campaign of government retaliation" after the company's then-CEO, Bob Chapek, had spoken out against DeSantis' decision to sign a bill limiting the discussion of gender and sexuality in grade school classrooms. (The ban was later expanded to include nearly all public school classrooms in the state.) DeSantis responded to that criticism by launching a crusade against Disney's special self-governing district, the Reedy Creek Improvement District, culminating in the passage of a state law that gave the governor the authority to appoint a new board to run the zone.

    DeSantis and his allies have framed that maneuver as a strike against corporate special interests, but Disney's lawsuit makes a compelling case that the governor specifically targeted Disney to punish the company for Chapek's comments. The complaint draws from numerous public statements and from remarks made within DeSantis' recently published book to argue that DeSantis sought to punish Disney for constitutionally protected speech.

    It makes a lot of sense for DeSantis to try to walk away from this fight, in no small part because getting his butt kicked in federal court over a fairly fundamental constitutional issue wouldn't be a good look for a guy who is hoping to become president. Even if he doesn't lose, the lawsuit will be an ongoing source of bad news for DeSantis and will give reporters the opportunity to ask questions he'd rather not have to deal with—like the newly uncovered ethical issues surrounding one of the people DeSantis appointed to the Reedy Creek board. Ending the fight would also save taxpayers from having to foot the legal bills for DeSantis' defense, which is nice.


  16. by Indy! on January 21, 2024 8:19 pm

    BTW, I will not remember Ron for his time as governor - he didn't affect my life at all because I don't live in a super red county (the only ones that follow his stupid ideas) and I haven't been to DisneyWorld since 1980 (or '81? The year of the Stones Tattoo You tour). Nope - what I'm going to remember his Ron's hilariously failed entry in the presidential race via a twitter live feed. The constant back and forth between him and his twitter "experts" trying to figure out if they were even broadcasting with endless "Are we on?" and "Is this thing working?" queries. It was a laugh riot and should have killed his campaign right there because there was no recovery from a gaffe like that.

  17. by HatetheSwamp on January 22, 2024 3:34 am

    Pondy - to answer your question, I think everyone (including peebs and OD if we judge by their past opinions on DeSantis) will agree the attacks on Disney was the centerpiece of his time as Florida governor.

    Actually, I think that, for po, it's the DeSantis anti-TQ policies that has po's panties in a bunch. He's a leader of those "fascistic and disgusting" Christian theocrat mommies and daddies and nannas and pappaps who merely want to raise their kids without government intrusion...

    ...and, po hates him for that.

  18. by Ponderer on January 22, 2024 6:57 am

    "[...] getting his butt kicked in federal court over a fairly fundamental constitutional issue wouldn't be a good look for a guy who is hoping to become president." -Indy!

    No kidding! I mean who does he think he is? Donald Trump???

    DeSantis will be remembered as the pig-ignorant idiot and flaming propagandist that we always declared him to be from the start in here. The man is as transparent as Saran Wrap. We had him pegged from the git-go.

    But at least one of us in here decided that he was the cat's pajamas. Oh he was the ultimate political force that was going to take down the Swamp single-handedly boy I tell you what. All his political stunts and inhuman pranks that he pulled on poor defenseless minority individuals were like heroin to this hopelessly addicted person. He couldn't get enough of DeSantis's bullshit to swallow. The more hateful, authoritarian, and sociopathic it was, the more delicious he found it to be.

  19. by HatetheSwamp on January 22, 2024 7:32 am


    You're so silly when you slide into your FLAMING PIG-IGNORANCE. Baha.

    Subjectivity is truth, man!

  20. by Indy! on January 23, 2024 11:06 pm

    Totally forgot the trans thing - like 90% of other Floridians. For all his bluster, I doubt DeSantis will be remembered for very long after he's out of office. All his rules and regulations will be overturned, Disney's lawyers will bankrupt him and his family with endless legal actions against him and his wife and kids will eventually abandon him on the side of some Georgia highway on their way out of Fla.

    The other thing I'll remember is the goofy white boots...

    Let’s discuss Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ weird white boots

    This is the second time in recent months that DeSantis has 'pulled a Dukakis.'
    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was heavily criticized yesterday for showing up in the Fort Myers Beach area wearing campaign gear, stopping Hurricane Ian relief efforts for a photo-op, and then calling residents liars after they expressed frustration with the DeSantis-induced recovery delays.

    But there also appears to be quite a bit of discussion about Ron’s tall, impeccably clean, white boots.

    While many people have famously worn white boots in the past, like shrimp boat captains, Lt. Dangle in “Reno 911,” and of course, Nancy Sinatra, it was certainly surprising to see the Republican Governor surveying hurricane damage in what appeared to be the Green M&M’s boots.

    As others have pointed out on Twitter, politicians have shown up to disaster areas in galosh-like boots in the past, but the decision to wear sparkling white, knee-high boots to survey storm wreckage is unique to DeSantis.

    Of course, this is the second time in recent months that DeSantis has “pulled a Dukakis,” and sported something incredibly embarrassing. Back in August, the governor released a “Top Gov” campaign ad spoofing the new Top Gun: Maverick film, only to show himself wearing an odd-fitting helmet that closely resembled the popular “limecat” meme.

    More at the link - including some hilarious tweets...

  21. by oldedude on January 24, 2024 7:14 pm
    I think everyone (including peebs and OD if we judge by their past opinions on DeSantis) will agree the attacks on Disney was the centerpiece of his time as Florida governor.

    How in the fuck did I enter this conversation? Straight answer. Oh that's right, you're a "delicate" "man" so I guess I can't get that....
    I haven't supported Desantis as a Prez candidate at all. So are you pulling bullshit from the air? or are you just stupid and can't remember from minute to minute?

    Please pull your head out of your arse and remember from minute to minute.

  22. by Indy! on January 24, 2024 9:25 pm

    Disney stock up again today, Odorous. 🙂

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