Romans 16:17,18
17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
It has been quite something watching how the Christian Right Wing of this country for the most part went so all in, hook, line, and sinker, for the wildly unchristian and inhumane massages that Trump was selling. Suddenly it was alright for Christians to hate their fellow man and to completely ignore all of Jesus's teachings.
Although, it's of course not the first time that The Faithful have given in to such a huckster. Trump is a Golden Calf if there ever was one. And boy oh boy did the religious right in this country put him up on a pedestal or what??? He came along and suddenly everything they learned in Sunday School went right out the window. They couldn't crown him their king fast enough.
And all he had to do was tell them exactly what they wanted to hear. He simply fed into their ingrained paranoias and bigoted views and they gave him the key to the city.
It's hard to imagine a more ungodly man in this country than he is. Few in politics have ever been so heinously and sociopathically inhuman and devoid of any shred of empathy whatsoever. Few in politics have ever been so brazenly criminal and immoral and so totally narcissistic.
If Trump was sent by God, it's been terribly misread by Jesus's flock. It could well be that he was sent here as a test... which a great deal of Jesus's followers have failed utterly. Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, Sloth... Trump not only excels in these sins, he is a veritable poster boy for them. Love, Empathy, Selflessness, Humility, Charity, Chastity, Gratitude, Temperance, Patience, and Diligence and all other Christ-like attributes are absolutely foreign concepts to him. In fact, he believes such attributes are for "chumps".
But the religious right in this country couldn't care less. They couldn't melt all their jewelry down fast enough to give him and make him what he has become. Jesus and the Bible couldn't matter less to a rally full of Trump supporters. Unless of course they want to use the Bible as justification to attack some minority that they don't like sharing the planet with. Not that they could show you a single passage in the whole book that supports what they are doing if their lives depended on it.
The problem I see for these right wing Christians who love Trump so much is that this time around, there ain't gonna be no Moses coming down to show them the errors of their ways. Not that anyone or anything ever could achieve such a herculean task.
No, I think God is just gonna let them simmer in the soup that they have made for themselves till the pot boils over and they realize what they have done to themselves and this country.
At which point I imagine Matthew 7:21-23 will come into play.