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So what makes DeSantis the Best Hope for the MAGA Republicans?
By Ponderer
June 2, 2023 6:21 am
Category: Role Playing Games

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I think that it's adorable that anyone thinks that DeSantis will survive on a national stage beyond the MAGA Republican primaries, if he even makes it that far. America ain't Florida.

His draconian, sociopathic policies and unconstitutional proclivities are not going to be very popular to the vast majority of the voting public. Not to mention his anti-business stances and penchant for picking pointless and asinine personal fights with the biggest employers in his state. Or his anti-LGBT crusade. Or his war against history. Or his playing around with desperate people's lives like they're pieces on a board game. Or his affection for anti-democratic authoritarianism. Or his lack of any perceptible substance other than personal aggrandizement. Or his apparent blithering pig-ignorance when having to think more than two steps ahead is required. Or how he just comes across as a dick-headed asshole. Or the many other despicable qualities he shares with Trump.

Let's hear why you MAGA Republicans think that he's the best candidate for the MAGA Republican's to win '24. What's he got that no other MAGA Republicans planning to run so far have that will give him that winning edge?

Let's see if y'all are capable of presenting (without mentioning Biden or the Democrats at all) what you think are DeSantis's best qualities that are sure to entrance and captivate a majority of the American electorate and win him the presidency....

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Comments on " So what makes DeSantis the Best Hope for the MAGA Republicans?":

  1. by Donna on June 2, 2023 7:03 am

    I love your choice of photos! LOL!

  2. by Donna on June 2, 2023 7:47 am

    Nicole Wallace laughing at Ron DeSantis's anti-woke speech.


    View Video

  3. by oldedude on June 2, 2023 2:17 pm
    Here's your most woke senator.

    Rep. Jerry Nadler was seen dozing off during a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee.

    The viral video clip began whipping around Twitter Wednesday. “Disgrace … sleeping through this,” a low voice off-camera can be heard whispering. “Might want to wake him up.”

    The Wednesday hearing focused on edits to a regulatory reform bill before sending it to the full House floor.

    Nadler, the top Democrat on the committee, appears blissfully unaware as the proceedings happen around him.

    An aide behind the Congressman declines to wake him while moving in and out of the frame.

    At one point Nadler’s colleague Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Calif.) takes her seat in front of him and appears completely unfazed by the sleeping man behind her.

    After nearly four minutes, Nadler eventually comes to.

    “Wakey wakey. Good morning,” soft voices off-camera can be heard saying.

    Nadler has faced scrutiny before for allegedly napping during congressional hearings, including during the impeachment hearing of former President Donald Trump in December 2019.
    View Video

  4. by HatetheSwamp on June 2, 2023 2:56 pm

    There are no MAGAs currently posting on SS. Good luck getting a genuine reply.

    "His draconian, sociopathic policies and unconstitutional proclivities..."

    Ah. Yes! po: SS's resident law professor and constitutional scholar!

    Baha baha bahahahahahahahahahaha baha.

  5. by oldedude on June 2, 2023 5:14 pm
    Sorry about my post. I mentioned nonads.

    MAGA stands for "Make America Great Again".

    The use of the phrase by Donald Trump has been lauded as the most resonant campaign slogan in recent times.

    This is because it hit a nerve among Americans who believe the country has lost out to globalization.

    But more than that, it is a response to the decline of America.
    “Make America Great Again” meant America First, better trade deals, strict immigration laws, secure borders, a bigger and better military, less gun control and religious freedom. To supporters of Mr Trump, Mr Obama stole these things from them and in doing so, destroyed American prestige. ‘Make America Great Again’ was a decision; a decision that enough was enough.

    Mr Reagan and Mr Trump’s use of “Make America Great Again” are eerily similar. They were both a backlash to their predecessors, both of whom were Democratic presidents who were blamed for the decline of American prestige.

    If Mr Reagan’s use of the slogan had everything to do with Mr Carter, Mr Trump’s had everything to do with Mr Obama.

    In the MAGA world, you aren't necessarily a trumpster. You believe in free enterprise, controlled and limited federal government, a military that is ready and has the ability to fight at a moments notice, secure borders, 2nd amendment rights, and religious freedom all as the constitution sets out.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on June 3, 2023 3:56 am

    This, by Lewis Carroll, I believe, is among the most brilliant passages in English language literature:

    "When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

    ’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’

    ’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all."

    What you said about MAGA is, of course, technically and objectively true, but give any word to po?

    With po?, MAGA? Is the adjective that takes the noun "Republican" and fills with all the blind loathing packed into the Nazi's "Jew."

    Note: in her question, MAGA ain't necessary, other than to spew hate:

    "So what makes DeSantis the Best Hope for the MAGA Republicans?"


    Understanding what po means, Humpty Dumpty style, I won't accept that insult of you and I'll reject for myself.

    In po's way of thinking, there may be actual MAGA exactly the same way there may have been a Jew or two in the way Hitler thought.

    But. No one I know. And, if any, not many.

  7. by oldedude on June 3, 2023 5:01 am
    I agree. Well said by the way. We both had the same thing in mind. Avoid useless "F" bombs by setting common phrases up at the beginning. I think we both just thought to lay out the reality instead of fighting incessantly on their untrue "terms" of reality.

    It was interesting though. If you don't care about truth and just read the sheeple rags, I saw where the hatred comes from. Their media doesn't ask if there are changes to the word. Like saying "I'd like a coke." In many parts of the country, that means "a soda" or "a pop." (back to what you were talking about, so thanks for that) In unison, they agreed with pedojoe's use of the word limited to trumpsters. It IS very akin to saying "jews" or "gypsies" or "darkies" to any NAZI. So I do guess there's a correlation there.

    And I do agree that actual trumpsters using the term. And the two things are mutually exclusive. That said, the term has become synonymous with the love of country and seeing the hatred of the loss of freedoms of the left.

    Does the left have their "Proud boys?" Absolutely. And they support them by supporting their actions (burning down cities, public buildings, private businesses, private and police cars, etc). Again, making excuses, justifications, and reasons why they exist is a lot like the love of the KKK (from late 1860's to the 1970's). "They're protecting us" bullsht has been used for a century and a half. They are willing to approve of putting us in "re-education" camps, and they make reasons, justifications, and excuses for them publicly, but like the Klan, it's still very much a part of their ethos.

  8. by oldedude on June 3, 2023 5:06 am
    This goes back to the prison of two thoughts.

  9. by HatetheSwamp on June 3, 2023 5:25 am

    Well said, OD, preach it.

  10. by Ponderer on June 3, 2023 6:25 am

    Hey, I said my piece on why I believe that DuhSantis is a horrible candidate for president.

    If you two are incapable of the slightest verbalization of why you think he's a good candidate and prospect to become the president of the United States, then that's not on me. I think you two are quite well aware that DuhSantis is a terrible candidate and you can't even think of a good reason to support his run other than he isn't a Democrat. So we get all this irrelevant non sequitur obfuscation from you to distract from the fact that you can't even think of anything good to say about him. You two are predictable as heck.

    And I hate to break it to you, Bill. But the Republican party IS the MAGA Republican party. As long as Donald Trump remains in the lead in the polls, and he still remains the ersatz leader and driver of the party... it's the MAGA Republican Party. I mean look at what his closest followers almost did to our economy. Can you imagine such heinous nihilism with power being unleashed over this country?

    His degenerative influence on your party is something that you and olde dude should be totally up in arms about. You should hate what Trump and his MAGAs have done to your party more than I do! Yet you still support him and his minions in whatever they do.

    So it's not my fault that what you belong to is rightly called the MAGA Republican Party.

    When the GOP loses gigantically in 2024, I guarantee you that it will be because of Donald Trump. One way or the other.

    I actually and sincerely hope that what used to be just the Republican Party can regain some semblance of sanity and become a true party of the people once again and stop being little more than Donald Trump's megalomaniacal fiefdom.

  11. by oldedude on June 3, 2023 6:55 am
    She just proved you absolutely correct. I yield.

    Permission to make a analogy.

    This is like getting someone that has Stockholm syndrome from a cult and trying to tell them there is another world outside of the cult. They actually believe that being manipulated and sexually abused is all part of "God's will" according to her lawrd and massur. You can't change their mind regardless of proof.

  12. by Ponderer on June 3, 2023 6:58 am

    The Prosecution rests.

  13. by oldedude on June 3, 2023 7:22 am
    You're right! Thanks! you just proved our case! You're a sweetheart!

  14. by Ponderer on June 3, 2023 8:00 am

    Tell ya what, guys. How about if you start your own thread touting all the tremendously great reasons that you like DeSantis? I won't even comment on it. That way, you can trumpet all his best qualities and qualifications to be president without fear of me bringing reality into it.

    Sound like a deal?

  15. by oldedude on June 3, 2023 3:19 pm
    He's much more liberty leaning and small government than you. He actually understands OUR constitution (not the one from Mao running around in your mind).

    You wanted everyone to be locked inside their houses waiting for the living dead to come get you. Florida proved it didn't make a fukbit of difference at the end. We're healthier. He loves letting people have the full experience of our constitution (e.g. not locking people in their houses for stupid sht).

    Government made laws so kids can't get perped on. This state likes him for that. And then there's Orlando and Key West (for example). Lots of the LGBTQ+ community in both of those areas, and no one cares. People just get along.

    He reached the Asian population (first), then the Latinos came out in droves, and then the blacks. The minorities in FL have a much better chance of owning and maintaining a small business than any other state (save one).

    FL is drawing one of the highest incoming populations in the nation. Why? They like the way he does business. An honest government in the Dixiecrat (read dim) South. Without all the BS you put up with most states. Like not knowing where your tax money goes.

    We actually have laws here. And they're followed. If not, you get arrested. Period. Not like the dim cities. Out of the 25 most dangerous cities in the US? FL has ZERO. CA has FOUR. It's pretty bad when a Whole Foods store moves out of frisco because they can't make money from being ripped off and the city doesn't do anything about it.

    That's a start.

  16. by Ponderer on June 3, 2023 3:42 pm

    That's all really great, olde dude! I'm glad that you can feel so secure with him as your choice in him. We'll see how much of the country thinks the same way as you do about him.

    So just to recap, you believe that the qualities he has that would make him a good president are that he's Anti-Zombie, Anti-Vaxx (no pandemic will ever scare him!), Anti-Kid-Perping, Pro-LGBT Folk Staying to Themselves Somewhere On an Island in the Gulf of Mexico, Pro-minority store ownership, Pro-Population Explosion with dwindling resources and rising coastlines, and Anti-Shoplifting.

    Whew! That's all gonna take quite a series of bumper stickers I tell ya what. You're not gonna get all that on just one.

  17. by oldedude on June 3, 2023 7:51 pm
    Just to be clear, I was a Nikki fan but she turned in to a trumpster. I'm open right now to several possibilities.

    Pro-LGBT Folk Staying to Themselves Somewhere On an Island in the Gulf of Mexico

    Check your maps and please don't try and blow shit out your arse about the state.
    Orlando is equally between the east and west coast. north of Miami. I know that makes no sense to you, but it's pretty much TWO of the MANY areas I mentioned. There's also south beach, Miami, St Augustine, Tampa, etcetcetc where the community is out and about without just like all of floridians. Without two shits about what a californicator cares about. Oh, Key West is considered in the Caribbean sea... but again, nobody cares. they go and enjoy themselves and everyone just lives together without your bullshit. Straights, gays, trans, couples, multis, whatever you want is there. And nobody cares about you.

    You only have pro perps, pro murderers, no law enforcement of any kind. murdering babies after birth, burning down police precincts, having the highest violent crimes in the nation. WTF does that make for a better life?

  18. by Ponderer on June 3, 2023 8:03 pm

    "Check your maps and please don't try and blow shit out your arse about the state.
    Orlando is equally between the east and west coast. north of Miami."
    -olde dude

    And I was obviously not talking about Orlando. Are they still keeping Key West somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico? I'll admit that I missed them moving it if they did.

    "You only have pro perps, pro murderers, no law enforcement of any kind. murdering babies after birth, burning down police precincts, having the highest violent crimes in the nation. WTF does that make for a better life?" -olde dude

    Well geez! When you put it that way. But yeah, that's our platform alright. You nailed it. That's pretty much the platform of all Democrats in Congress.

    It was the same platform they all ran on when they historically kicked MAGA Republican butt in '22.

  19. by oldedude on June 4, 2023 5:22 am
    But yeah, that's our platform alright. You nailed it. That's pretty much the platform of all Democrats in Congress.

    At least we agree on something.

  20. by HatetheSwamp on June 4, 2023 2:04 pm

    "Just to be clear, I was a Nikki fan but she turned in to a trumpster. I'm open right now to several possibilities." -OD

    Hmmmm. I missed that. Interesting.

  21. by oldedude on June 4, 2023 2:24 pm
    She publicly threatened Ron a little more than a week ago. I had a lot of respect for her before. She broke the 11th commandment, like trumpster. My guess is that she's looking for the VP slot. I would have watched carefully at what happened to Mike afterwards.

    "Nikki Haley’s campaign doubled down on its strategy of targeting perennial GOP presidential primary polling runner-up Ron DeSantis on Tuesday, releasing a savage 3-page memo outlining what it perceives to be the weaknesses of his candidacy."

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