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Biden falls...Crowd CHEERS
By HatetheSwamp
June 1, 2023 12:10 pm
Category: President

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Tell me people aren't laughing and cheering!

Doddering Old Fool!

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Comments on "Biden falls...Crowd CHEERS":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on June 1, 2023 12:15 pm

    Apparently, he's pointing to the invisible man whose hand he often shakes, claiming that guy tricked him.

    Bahahahahahahahahahaha baha baha baha.

    It's time, Dems, to replace the Ol Fart!

  2. by HatetheSwamp on June 1, 2023 12:16 pm

    We call im Clouseau for a reason!

    Baha baha baha bahahahahahahahahahaha

  3. by HatetheSwamp on June 1, 2023 12:58 pm

    Would you be surprised to find out that "The 25th Amendment" is trending on Twitter!!!!!?

  4. by Ponderer on June 1, 2023 4:50 pm

    Yeah, I bet your dad was a barrel of laughs too the last few years of his life, eh Bill?

    It doesn't take much to make an old person stumble you un-empathetic, disgusting excuse for a human being.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on June 2, 2023 3:17 am


    That's the point. Because our family actually loved my dad, we made sure he always used a cane, then a walker, and, at the end, held him up when he needed to take a few steps.

    You, on the other hand, want this fragile old man to run for President, then BE effin President for nearly the next six years!

    Wanna splain how I'm the one of the two of us who's un-empathetic.

  6. by Ponderer on June 2, 2023 7:27 am

    "Wanna splain how I'm the one of the two of us who's un-empathetic." -Hate

    I'm not the one laughing at another human being's advanced age and frailty. I'm not the one who thinks it's hilarious when an elderly man falls and possibly hurts themself. I am not the one cheering on all the other sociopaths who think it's funny. I am not the one reacting with, "Bahahahahahahahahahaha baha baha baha".

    As long as he feels himself capable of doing the job and keeps being able to do it as well as he has been, I am not going to support forcing him into retirement. I applaud his dedication to the duty of the job he's taken on and how well he's pulling it off, and I am not about to proclaim myself the arbiter of what he is capable of doing.

    But I get it. You don't want him to be the Democratic nominee in '24 to run against whatever MAGA Republican candidate he'll be opposing. As well you shouldn't.

  7. by Ponderer on June 2, 2023 7:39 am

    And if he decides to perform the rest of his term and the next one confined to a wheelchair, I will still support him and feel the same way.

  8. by islander on June 2, 2023 8:12 am

    Ponderer ... 🍻

  9. by Curt_Anderson on June 2, 2023 9:07 am
    Biden tripped over a small, black sandbag used to weigh equipment down. Biden joked he was “sandbagged”. You can see the black sandbag on the left side of the photo in the article that I link to below. Not that long ago I tripped over a root while running on a trail. My running partner who is a doctor joked, “well, Curt you passed your bone density test”.

    Thankfully my family didn’t insist I begin using a cane.

  10. by oldedude on June 2, 2023 10:19 am
    Biden tripped over a small, black sandbag

    That's worse than I thought! It also shows he's got the shuffles. It's either Parkinson's or dementia or both. It's a physical affect of both of those.

  11. by Ponderer on June 2, 2023 12:54 pm

    "It's either Parkinson's or dementia or both. It's a physical affect of both of those." -olde dude

    And yet he's still far superior to any excuse for a candidate that the MAGA Republican party might run in '24.

  12. by islander on June 2, 2023 1:09 pm

    "Not that long ago I tripped over a root while running on a trail".~ Curt

    A couple of weeks back back while clearing some brush and cutting up a fallen tree I stepped back, tripped on a root, and ended up sitting on my butt!!

    Fortunately, nobody filmed me! 🤣

  13. by HatetheSwamp on June 2, 2023 1:12 pm

    Yeah, OD. Despite what Curt is saying, no one else tripped. Their brains and feet still work together.

    "And if he decides to perform the rest of his term and the next one confined to a wheelchair, I will still support him and feel the same way."

    po and isle,

    Thing is. If you think that Clouseau's gunna sit in his wheelchair and be FDR, you're dreaming. It's his brain that causes him to stumble, what?, four times in the last month...IN PUBLIC. Who knows how often in total...just in the last month. My sincere belief is that you can see that, too, but, the Doddering Old Fart is only a means to an end for you and that you don't give a d@ng about him as a person.

    You're vicious. Heartless.

    The man should be using a cane for every step he takes. Watch him walk. It's obvious.

    I posted the question why you think that the DOF is significantly less popular than Trump was at this point in his term. Why do you think? I suspect that people see how frail he is, hear his stammering, see him stumbling and know the truth you two either deny or are too cruel to take into account.

    Joe should be allowed to spend his summers checking out the sunrises at his beach home...and, the rest of his time visiting his grandkids.

  14. by islander on June 2, 2023 1:52 pm

    You don't see too many 80 year olds as fit, trim, and able to run across the White House lawn to get out of the rain (or for any other reason).

    Also, of course, we know couch potatoes rarely trip...or do much of anything really LoL !!

  15. by islander on June 2, 2023 1:55 pm

    "The man should be using a cane for every step he takes. Watch him walk. It's obvious." ~ Hate

    Hate is such a shameless phony ! 👎

  16. by Ponderer on June 2, 2023 2:06 pm

    I still fail to see how his falling is something that anyone should find humorous and laugh at. The only explanation I can come up with is that you are an un-empathetic, heartless asshole, Bill.

    But please correct me if I am wrong and tell me why it's something that is okay to laugh at.

    I slipped on a banana peel once back in my fifties. It was in a dark parking lot and no one was around, but I'm sure that anyone seeing me fall on my ass like that would have gotten a good laugh out of it, and I wouldn't have blamed them. I even laughed myself when I realized what had just happened.

    But I understand now that anyone laughing at me, nor I at that moment wouldn't have been able to take the severe shoulder problems I have been plagued with for years ever since into context. When I got home, I realized that something pretty bad had just happened and there was going to be hell to pay. And sure enough there was. And still is. The first three years were the worst. To this day I reflexively cringe at the sight of that centuries-old gag performed on TV or in a movie. I instantly bring this context to the sight of anyone elderly falling now. And I don't laugh.

    But Bill, you have already filled in all the context of how serious it could have been for Biden or how serious you believe it is. You know full well the context of how it went with your father and you've seen your way clear to making the comparison with Biden in here. You claim to be the most aware of Biden's situation of anyone in here.

    And you still laughed, Bill. "Bahahahahahahahahahaha baha baha baha", as you put it.

    So please... If you weren't laughing at Biden falling simply because you are a heartless, un-empathetic asshole as I strongly assert you are, why were you then?

  17. by oldedude on June 2, 2023 2:57 pm
    "It's either Parkinson's or dementia or both. It's a physical affect of both of those."

    If his handlers actually cared about his safety they would have made sure the small sand bag was out of the way. They would have cleared the entire path for him. I don't think that's unreasonable for any head of state regardless of their condition. This is the last thing you want videoed (as you can tell). I would blame them, not what people thought of the episode. But maybe they were paid by the DNC (or others) that don't want him to run.

  18. by Ponderer on June 2, 2023 4:54 pm

    Thanks a bunch, od. You're the number one star Monday morning quarterback of SelectSmart.

    Shithappens on stages, od. It could have even been from catching on the edge of some gaffer's tape.

  19. by Ponderer on June 2, 2023 4:55 pm

    Still workin' on it there Bill...?

  20. by HatetheSwamp on June 3, 2023 4:19 am

    "I still fail to see how his falling is something that anyone should find humorous and laugh at."

    Did you watch the video with sound? Tell me there wasn't a burst of laughter. Because there was.

    Those Air Force grads and their families and friends had been forced to listen to the ramblings of Clouseau's demented mind, splaining to them that their greatest achievement was to be a part of a diverse graduating class.

    Then, in a moment of spontaneity, Clouseau demonstrated his physical frailty and, in the moment, the people in the audience were honest. They released their anger and frustration at our Biden-wokefied military. The outburst of laughter is one of those rare moments of unreserved honesty that happen rarely. But, it was unabashed honesty. Pure honesty. What those people, representing many tens of millions, know to be true about "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap"...with no doubt.

    I monitor right-wing media and the fall was the headline for 24 hours. Here's what you should know: After that brief instant, no one laughed at Clouseau. They all expressed sincere relief that he wasn't injured, then reflected on the fact that his frequent stumbles and occasional falls tell the truth about his brain.

    When they laughed, it was at YOU...the people who still think he's fit. Joe's frail. You are INSANE. Baha baha baha

  21. by Ponderer on June 3, 2023 6:50 am

    I never said anything about others laughing. Sure others laughed. But I was never talking about them.

    I am asking you why you laughed, Bill. And you are dancing wildly around in full obfuscation mode to keep from explaining the reason that you did.

    Since you brought up others laughing, it appeared to make you quite giddy that they were. You seemed fully supportive of their laughter and happy to join the hillarity with your "Bahahahahahahahahahaha baha baha baha.". You apparently saw it as quite comical and worthy of a good laugh. Like it made your day to have something like that to laugh at him over. All the while, you couldn't have cared less if he had broken his hip or something. I guess that would have been even funnier to you.

    And then you try to bullshit us into thinking that you actually care for his wellbeing! Actually trying to convince us that you cared more about him than we do!

    What a contemptible and disgusting hypocrite you are, Bill. You'll laugh at his health problems and then mendaciously use them as a prop to make a point as if you cared anything about him or his health.

    You are simply despicable.

  22. by oldedude on June 3, 2023 7:19 am
    Shithappens on stages, od. It could have even been from catching on the edge of some gaffer's tape.

    You didn't read the whole thing, did you?

    Aside from the shuffling (which he does). I also said the below. Please don't be as blind as isle. You're far better than that.

    That was my point. Even the trumpster said this can happen to anyone, and he just hoped it wouldn't happen to him which is why he's really careful. Because it can happen to ANYONE. (I found it really interesting he would be that understanding to another human being. That's really out of his norm).

    To restate this: I still think the handlers should have rechecked the area and managed that much better. Not for just pedojoe, but for anyone and everyone on stage at any time.

  23. by Ponderer on June 3, 2023 7:54 am

    "I still think the handlers should have rechecked the area and managed that much better." -olde dude

    And I totally agree. There should have been no chance of him tripping over anything I wouldn't be surprised if it cost somebody their job. And I kinda hope it did.

    If there isn't already such a thing, there should be a "detail" checking every square foot of any area that the president is going to be or likely to be walking on ahead of time.

  24. by Ponderer on June 3, 2023 8:16 am


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