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Personality selectors, pages, etc.
Trump says Special Prosecutor Jack's Smith's wife's sister and friends openly hate Trump.
By Curt_Anderson
January 16, 2023 10:20 pm
Category: Personality

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Damn! How does Trump know all this? He must have his own network of spies and internet sleuths.

Like other narcissists, Trump constantly monitors how people feel about him. He assumes that no actions can be impartial, disinterested or motivated by devotion to duty. New York Times journalist Maggie Haberman notes that “Trump learned early to personalize every conflict and see political relationships as transactional.”

Thus it was not surprising when, last week, he went on a rant about Jack Smith, the special prosecutor appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland to supervise the Justice Department’s investigation of Trump. In an appearance on conservative talk radio’s The Mark Levin Show, Trump accused Smith of being motivated by hatred and called on him to resign.

“The prosecutor should resign, he’s got a conflict,” Trump said. “He is a terrorist. He is a Trump hater. His best friends are Weissmann (Andrew Weissmann, who worked on special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia inquiry) and all of these characters, Lisa Monaco at the Justice Department, one of the top officials. This is a disgraceful situation. He should resign!”

Speaking of himself in the third person, the former President went on the say that Smith’s wife also “hates Trump, probably even beyond him. And his wife has a sister who openly hates like a level that you can’t even believe.”

The Independent reports that Trump also posted on Truth Social, his social media platform that Smith is a “Trump Hating THUG whose wife is a serial and open Trump Hater, whose friends & other family members are even worse.”

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Comments on "Trump says Special Prosecutor Jack's Smith's wife's sister and friends openly hate Trump.":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on January 17, 2023 4:34 am

    From your EDITORIAL:

    "And, in the run up to Merrick Garland’s appointment of Robert Hur to investigate President Biden’s handling of classified documents, Trump upped the ante. He again took to Truth Social to demand evenhandedness on the field of hatred."

    How wrong can it possibly be that the Swamp be evenhanded in dealing with Trump!!!!!?

    Trump Trump Trump is bad.
    Nasty things Trump did.
    Carefully, carefully will we watch.
    Nuthin will be hid.

  2. by Curt_Anderson on January 17, 2023 12:56 pm
    Has it occurred to you that Trump is currently the "victim" of various investigations and court cases because Trump has always been a scofflaw, conman, serial reneger and a deadbeat when it comes to paying his debts. Trump has a long and checkered legal history. Why should anything change just because he was elected president?

    Btw, when a poor person skips out on a $20 restaurant bill it's criminal case. When a rich person skips out on a $2,000,000 obligation it's civil case.

    Some of Trump's legal history
    In 1973, Trump was accused by the Justice Department of violations of the Fair Housing Act in the operation of 39 buildings. Trump settled the charges out of court in 1975.

    In 1990, Trump was sued for $2 million by a business analyst for defamation, and Trump settled out of court.

    In 1991, Trump Plaza was fined $200,000 by the New Jersey Casino Control Commission.

    In 1996, Trump was sued by more than 20 African-American residents of Indiana who charged that Trump reneged on promises to hire 70% of his work force from the minority community for his riverboat casino on Lake Michigan.

    A sexual assault claim from 1994 for child rape was filed against Trump on October 14, 2016.

    In 2000, Donald Trump paid $250,000 to settle fines related to charges brought by New York State Lobbying Commission.

    In 2001, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission brought a financial-reporting case against Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts Inc., alleging that the company had committed several "misleading statements in the company's third-quarter 1999 earnings release".

    In 2006, the Town of Palm Beach began fining Trump $250 per day for ordinance violations related to his erection...(wait for it)...of an 80-foot-tall (24 m) flagpole flying a 15 by 25 feet (4.6 by 7.6 m) American flag on his property.

    After the 2008 housing-market collapse, Deutsche Bank attempted to collect $40 million that Donald Trump personally guaranteed against their $640 million loan for Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago. Rather than paying the debt, Trump sued Deutsche Bank for $3 billion for undermining the project and damage to his reputation.

    In 2013, 87-year-old Jacqueline Goldberg unsuccessfully sued Trump on allegations that he cheated her in a condominium sale by bait-and-switch when she was purchasing properties at the Trump International Hotel and Tower.

    In October 2016, the Ontario Court of Appeal ruled that Trump, together with two principals of a connected developer, could be sued for various claims, including oppression, collusion and breach of fiduciary duties, in relation to his role in the marketing of units in the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Toronto, Canada.

    In July 2011, New York firm ALM Unlimited filed a lawsuit against Trump for non-payment. ALM had been hired in 2003 to seek offers from clothing companies for a Trump fashion line, and it had arranged a meeting between Trump and PVH, which licensed the Trump name for dress shirts and neckwear.

    As of 2019, investors are suing Donald Trump and his family for fraud, false advertising, and unfair competition. They allege that Trump recommended the multi-level marketing company ACN as a good investment and that Trump did not disclose that he was being paid by ACN.

    In 2013, in a lawsuit filed by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Trump was accused of defrauding more than 5,000 people of $40 million for the opportunity to learn Trump's real estate investment techniques in a for-profit training program, Trump University, which operated from 2005 to 2011.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on January 17, 2023 1:28 pm

    Has it occurred to you that Trump is currently the "victim" of various investigations and court cases because Trump has always been a scofflaw, conman, serial reneger and a deadbeat when it comes to paying his debts. Trump has a long and checkered legal history. Why should anything change just because he was elected president?


    I'm sure I've posted this before at least a few times. I despise Trump. I think that Trump is despicable.

    But, your take on Trump, that he is in the fix he's in because of past deeds is off base in my opinion. Trump is the "victim" of intense and irrational hate in the hearts of the people of the Swamp...both GOPs but, more so progressives.

    I think the facts of the now dueling documents scandals tell a vivid story that justifies Trump’s plea that there be even-handedness. His wife's bedroom was invaded by members of Joe Biden’s federal constabulary!!!!!

    Now, when the Swamp's President has been forced to admit...AFTER THE TRUTH WAS REPORTED ON SEPARATE OCCASIONS BY TWO NETWORKS...that he, too, has mishandled and swiped Top Secret Classified Documents, there's been no federal search, certainly no manhandling of Jill's unmentionables. In fact, the Swamp continues to allow the private attorneys whom Biden is paying to represent him and who have no clearance to handle classified documents, to investigate Joe's misdeeds.

    So, no. I think that Trump, as despicable as he is, a "victim" of abuse not justified in this constitutional republic, because the Swamp hates him.

  4. by Curt_Anderson on January 17, 2023 2:12 pm
    I'll address your points.

    "His wife's bedroom was invaded by members of Joe Biden’s federal constabulary!!!!!"

    Yes, after six months of Trump blowing off The National Archives and Records Administration, the FBI finally implemented a search warrant to retrieve the classified documents. It's preposterous to think that a wife's bedroom is off limits when a search warrant is issued. If that were true, bank robbers and other thieves would have the perfect place to hide their stolen goods.

    "Now, when the Swamp's President has been forced to admit..."

    I don't recall you complaining that Trump didn't admit months earlier that he was knowingly holding onto classified documents. We only learned about it after Mar-a-Lago was finally searched. No laws compels Trump or Biden or anybody else to report to the news media their dealings with law enforcement or the courts.

    "that he, too, has mishandled and swiped Top Secret Classified Documents, there's been no federal search..."

    First off, NARA apparently didn't know the classified documents were missing. Second, Biden, unlike Trump, returned the documents voluntarily as soon as he knew he had them. Search warrants are not issued when the items in question are returned. They are issued only when there is good reason to believe that particular items (stolen or whatever) can be found in a particular location. Anything else would be a witch hunt which Trump is forever decrying.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on January 17, 2023 2:26 pm

    I don't recall you complaining that Trump didn't admit months earlier that he was knowingly holding onto classified documents.

    You know d@mn well that pb has never, ever, never, ever, wever defended Trump on the documents issue. You know that. Can't you post anything beyond,

    Trump Trump Trump Trump
    Trump Trump Trump Trump
    Trump Trump Trump Trump...TRUMP!


    Are you honestly trying to argue that Biden and Trump have been treated equitably?

  6. by Curt_Anderson on January 17, 2023 3:14 pm
    "Are you honestly trying to argue that Biden and Trump have been treated equitably?" --HtS

    Of course not. A special counsel was named to investigate Joe Biden who returned classified documents voluntarily without be asked. A special counsel was named to investigate Trump who refused to return classified documents and furthermore lied and made all sorts of excuses about having them.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on January 17, 2023 3:23 pm

    If that's so, how is that the treatment of Biden and Trump is inequitable? By your accounting they've both been treated fairly.

  8. by Curt_Anderson on January 17, 2023 4:38 pm
    They were treated the same in regards to the appointment of special counsels, but not fairly.

    Trump's reticence to return the documents and runaround he gave NARA and the DOJ is obstruction of justice. His lawyer lying to the DOJ on Trump's behalf is obstruction of justice.

    Biden didn't spend six months fighting the NARA refusing to return the documents. Biden didn't have to be asked to turn over the documents.

    Special counsels have never been named before to investigate instances of inadvertently taken but voluntarily returned classified documents. It's not even considered a crime unless the documents were taken knowingly. And you have assured us that Biden is demented--so how could he know? Especially when even NARA didn't know.

  9. by HatetheSwamp on January 18, 2023 4:06 am


    The only thing about Trump’s treatment I've objected to is the fascist, strong-arm search of his wife's and son's personal space. But, golly, buddy! Considering the, at the very least, incompetence and ineptitude of Biden in the handling of TOP SECRET Classified Documents...if not outright can you be comfortable with the DOJ allowing the lawyers representing the interests of anyone already admitting to a federal crime investigate the extent of the crime?

  10. by Ponderer on January 18, 2023 6:12 am

    Your years-long and ongoing abject defense of Donald Trump is absolutely nauseating, Bill. Made even more disgusting by your desperate denial that you are even doing it. This whole thread is a cavalcade of you defending him by ignoring his blatant and undeniable criminality and changing the subject.

    You are still constantly defending him. You've never even slowed down. No matter what crimes he has committed, you step right up, refuse to acknowledge that he did anything wrong, and attack, misrepresent, and demonize all perfectly legitimate and called for efforts to hold him accountable for his crimes.

    You defend him, Bill. As if you are religiously obligated to. Like defending him is the existential foundation of your very being. Like coming to full conscious grips with the true picture of who and what he is, and all of what he has done to this country, would utterly destroy your ability to go on living.

    Are you seriously unaware that defending him is blatantly what you are doing?

  11. by HatetheSwamp on January 18, 2023 6:18 am


    Quote one sentence where pb defends OrangeMan.

  12. by Ponderer on January 18, 2023 6:33 am

    "But, your take on Trump, that he is in the fix he's in because of past deeds is off base in my opinion. Trump is the "victim" of intense and irrational hate in the hearts of the people of the Swamp...both GOPs but, more so progressives." -Hate

    Happy to oblige!

  13. by HatetheSwamp on January 18, 2023 6:57 am

    How is that defending Trump?

    It's merely exposing you, and you lot, for the sort of animosity that got Melania's undies groped by Big Brother henchmen. And, his teenage son's personal space invaded.

    You're doing the "blame the woman" thing. Supposing that it's OrangeMan and Melania and Barron who are at fault for the felonies inflicted on them.

  14. by Ponderer on January 18, 2023 7:27 am

    I must congratulate you for having gained the self confidence to completely ignore just how blitheringly stupid and willfully pig-ignorant your flailingly desperate, vapid, irrelevant, and non sequitur responses to reality show you to be.

    You are perfectly comfortable and content as your reality-ignoring, delusional self. And knowing that you will never change, that makes me happy for you in at least that.

    Seriously though... You are a flabbergastingly, willfully stupid person, Bill. That you are so proud of and feel so superior about it only intensifies your demonstrable stupidity.

  15. by HatetheSwamp on January 18, 2023 7:33 am

    You are a flabbergastingly, willfully stupid person, Bill.

    It always comes down to that with you progressives, eh, po. What's the reason that we think differently? Two options:

    A. You're superior to me.
    B. I'm inferior to you.

    Right. That's gotta be it.

  16. by Ponderer on January 18, 2023 2:45 pm

    "It always comes down to that with you progressives, eh, po." -Hate

    Having failed over many years to ever witness your assertions and declarations comport with reality, we are forced to come to certain conclusions about you I am afraid.

    "What's the reason that we think differently? -Hate

    C. You choose to ignore reality and I don't.

  17. by HatetheSwamp on January 18, 2023 3:00 pm

    In that Dictionary of Philosophical Terms?, the sketch beside the entry on Subjectivity is Truth?, that's you. Ain't, po!!!!!?

  18. by Donna on January 18, 2023 3:04 pm

    House members are limited to serving on 2 committees, and they don't have to be assigned to a committee, yet McCarthy assigned Santos to the maximum # of committees.

  19. by HatetheSwamp on January 18, 2023 3:15 pm

    Due process, Donna. You really do hate it! Amazing!

    The issue here is to the voters in that district. They elected him. No misconduct has been proved to this point. Until it is, the citizens deserve representation.

  20. by Curt_Anderson on January 18, 2023 4:54 pm
    The voters are stuck with him unless McCarthy does something. Members of Congress cannot be recalled by the voters. Any attempt by a state to recall a member of Congress is prohibited by the Federal Constitution.

    But Congress can vote to expel a member.

    Here is the latest of the Talented Mr. Santos...

    George Santos took $3,000 from dying dog’s GoFundMe, veterans say
    CNN — Two New Jersey veterans say now-Congressman George Santos promised to raise funds for lifesaving surgery for one of their dogs in 2016, then became elusive and took off with the money.

    Santos, the embattled freshman Republican, faces growing pressure to resign after he lied and misrepresented his educational, work and family history. Santos has admitted to “embellishing” his resume, but has maintained he is “not a criminal.”

    Rich Osthoff, a US Navy veteran, told CNN his pit bull Sapphire began developing a tumor in 2015, and it continued to grow in 2016. Osthoff said he was homeless, living in a tent, at the time after losing his job and house.

  21. by oldedude on January 18, 2023 8:39 pm
    Actually, donna. These are the rules the dims set up for themselves. Unfortunately, NOW they apply to the other side of the rink. DEAL WITH IT. YOU MADE THE RULES NOW YOU HAVE TO LIVE WITH IT!

    I know you "personally" didn't make the rules, but the one's you worship did. And the GOP warned them not to do this. Now it's turned on them. Deal with it. Is it right? is it moral? I don't care your side made the rules, now you have to live with them.

  22. by HatetheSwamp on January 19, 2023 3:40 am

    The voters are stuck with him unless McCarthy does something. Members of Congress cannot be recalled by the voters. Any attempt by a state to recall a member of Congress is prohibited by the Federal Constitution.

    Absolutely, Curt.

    But, the House has had a Speaker for less than two weeks. Membership of the committees is still being determined. What is your problem with due process? I used to accuse only po as chompin at the bit to join a lynch mob. But, d@ng it! Donna and you seem hell bent to push po aside to be the one in front of the line holding the noose.

    I blame the J6 Committee. You've all become Stalin wannabes.

  23. by oldedude on January 19, 2023 5:10 am
    I laid out the facts previously and haven't changed my positions. BOTH of these people have had classified IAW obombers EO. Neither has changed that. I think it's an excuse either way. I would also check obomber's private residence, etc for classified because I believe the EO violates the law and regulations of handling classified. That hasn't happened because no one has challenged the EO. So like it or not, that's the rule. I live with it.

    Hearsay says Trump had classified that was unsecured.
    Evidence (the administration has admitted to) says pedojoe, so far, hasn't had classified that was secure. I stuck up for joe on his holidays, which I still do.

    I would think that in some way, pedojoe would have an area secured enough for a SCIF. WTFO? Why wasn't this stuff secured? It would be easier to keep it all in one place under the procedures outlined in the law. Unless you needed to separate it to keep people from finding out what was in them.

    So this brings up another issue. Why were the documents found now? A good guess is that the dims want joe not to run. The perfect way of doing that is to have him doing the same thing he went after Trump about. Even the MSM has turned on him. I don't believe that is a coincidence. Garland hates Trump with the light of a thousand suns. As far as this thread, Trump did some counter-intel. Perfectly legal (so far) and is commonly done.

    We also don't know what was in the classified, and why it was kept. My "assumption" is that Trump had evidence the IC and DOJ knew the dossier was BS. Joe had info regarding pedojr's "business" interests abroad.

    I'm not getting my underwear twisted on this. I'm watching the kabuki play out.

  24. by Ponderer on January 19, 2023 6:54 am

    Oh my yes. It was unimaginably irresponsible for Biden to have not fully secured whatever classified documents he didn't know that he even had.


  25. by oldedude on January 19, 2023 8:45 am
    Then he's stupider than what he appears to be, and needs to be taken out of office immediately. Welcome to the 25th amendment!

    Thanks for your support in this matter!

  26. by Ponderer on January 19, 2023 9:12 am

    The point I was making
    olde dude's head

  27. by HatetheSwamp on January 19, 2023 9:35 am

    I have to agree with po on the irresponsible thing. I don't think Clouseau is irresponsible. He's demented. That secured in my garage with my Corvette. That's dementia. No doubt.

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