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The Cost of Being Woke and Having Others Pay for It
By oldedude
January 7, 2023 3:37 am
Category: Role Playing Games

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As wokeism surrounds us all, pedojoe finally had to admit he cancelled tens of thousands of jobs to help the economy and supply needed income to those "damned little red and brown people" that don't matter to the sheep. In a quietly posted report, this is where racism rears its ugly head. By cutting money in January when people need to heat their homes in the Northern Tier, the left did their due diligence of making more workers subject to the whims of the government. This as no one on this site has to worry about deciding if their family eats or doesn't freeze. These are were good paying jobs with benefits for workers and families. If you've ever worked or know folks who work in construction, a two year job is extremely big job and can help the workers and their families for years afterwards.

Biden Administration Admits Keystone Cancellation Cost Tens of Thousands of Jobs

The Biden administration has released a congressionally required report on the jobs impact of the president’s decision to cancel the Keystone XL Pipeline, which reveals a failed opportunity to create tens of thousands of jobs.

The report (pdf) [cited] was published without fanfare in late December by the Department of Energy (DOE) after being mandated to do so by provisions in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which required the agency to evaluate how many jobs would have been created absent Biden’s decision to axe the pipeline.

Biden signed an executive order on his first day in office that halted the Keystone XL project, saying the pipeline “disserves the U.S. national interest” as its construction and operation would be inconsistent with his administration’s larger agenda to tackle a “climate crisis.”

The report concludes that, had Biden not cancelled Keystone XL, the project would have created around 50 permanent jobs once the pipeline became operational and between 16,149 and 59,469 temporary jobs each year over a two-year period of construction.

The DOE said, however, that it believes the upper bound of 59,469 overstates the job creation potential of the project as this number includes jobs in Canada and sections of the Keystone pipeline that were outside the XL segment.

The report cites the final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement from 2014 that estimated the Keystone XL pipeline project would support a total of 42,100 jobs (direct and indirect) and create roughly 3,900 direct construction jobs in Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas over what was expected to be two years of construction.
These areas are in poverty- riddled areas of "reservations" (places whites consider(ed) not fit to live in). Typically poor, with some of the highest alcohol, drug, and sexual assaults and abuse in the nation. But I guess no one is "making them" do these things, so it's their fault.

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Comments on "The Cost of Being Woke and Having Others Pay for It":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on January 7, 2023 3:44 am

    Dem woke-ism plus Big Brother-ism is a deadly combination.

  2. by Donna on January 7, 2023 7:24 am

    "damned little red and brown people" - od

    Why is that is quotes? Who said that?

  3. by oldedude on January 7, 2023 11:12 am
    It's a common dim action as shown in the post. You're not interested at all (which YOU'VE argued) and you don't care about the folks that were fired. Mostly of the reservations near by that was a boom and great jobs. In January. In the Northern Tier of the US. You know, that area close to Canada? All those "flyover" states neither coast gives a sht about? Them.

  4. by oldedude on January 7, 2023 11:14 am
    Had you read completely, rather than "assuming," you would have found out.

    "'damned little red and brown people' that don't matter to the sheep."
    I guess if the shoe fits.... If not, don't take offense so easily.

  5. by Donna on January 7, 2023 12:09 pm

    I'm sick and tired of your "You this" and. "You thats", which are always bullshit. You're just an angry old man.

  6. by oldedude on January 7, 2023 12:58 pm
    It wasn't directed at "you," it was directed at the sheeple in general. Again, if it fits, fine. If it doesn't, fine.

    What I have seen exhibited over and over again is the sheep expect the darkies to fall in line like they did after the war (the one where the dims were the slave owners). It's a huge issue with the dim party (which is mostly about the leadership, not the rank and file).

    Trump got jobs into the inner cities via manufacturing. Good paying jobs with excellent healthcare and retirement, creating jobs at 10x the rate that obomber did in the inner cities (see cite#1). pedojoe could have taken that and ran with it. Expanded inner city community colleges to give the manufacturing industry trained employees and kept their vote. I would be very supportive of him had he done that and kept the pipeline. Instead, he killed the program, taxed the industry, and sent the jobs overseas. That, in my book is feloniously stoopid and racist. But in his words, "you ain't black if you don't vote for me."

    I already covered the pipeline that employed the poorest in our nation (and Canada), with the highest crime. No one cares two hoots in.... about them. Again, they had what they thought was a good job that was going to last a few years when it started, and then an expansion line. And then, in the usual white man fashion, the government (pedojoe) pulled that horse blanket right out from under them. In the middle of winter.

  7. by Donna on January 7, 2023 1:12 pm

    You directed that at me. Own it.

  8. by oldedude on January 7, 2023 2:21 pm
    If the shoe fits, which you say it does, I'll definitely own it. I will say though, it's rare that a liberal actually owns this part of liberalism. It's kind of like asking a Trumpster to admit that cliton was a good negotiator. They'll never admit to that because they're blind to any other side.

  9. by islander on January 7, 2023 4:07 pm
    "The report cites the final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement from 2014 that estimated the Keystone XL pipeline project would support a total of 42,100 jobs (direct and indirect) and create roughly 3,900 direct construction jobs in Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas over what was expected to be two years of construction. 

Those numbers were shown to be false and misleading two years ago."

    They were an estimate, and the claim lacks context about the longevity of Keystone jobs, both TC (Trans Canada) Energy and the State Department have said the majority of those jobs would be temporary. That 2014 report actually said that the company would need only 50 employees to maintain the Keystone XL pipeline once it’s finished, 35 of them permanent.

    While the building of the pipeline itself would generate more jobs (almost 2,000 jobs over two years), these are temporary and still quite small-scale for a national jobs count. Conversely, the Department of Energy reports that in the last year the economy has created 230,000 new clean energy and efficiency jobs, accounting for 10% of the nation’s job growth.

    Keep in mind...The Keystone XL is in the United States but not for the United States...TC Energy is a Canadian Corporation not an American Company and this foreign corporation wants to construct their pipeline across land owned by, and is opposed by Native Americans. According to the Treaties our country made with those Native Americans, no outside entity can use the land without the consent of the tribe. And it’s not only Native American land they want to take, but land owned by and also opposed by American Farmers and ranchers.

    From Anthony Swift, staff attorney for the Natural Resources, "On top of potential damage to crops, farmers and landowners alike from Texas to Montana have been threatened with land repossession by eminent domain, the law that says a private company can come in and take part of your property if it can prove to the government that doing so will benefit the general public. Julia Crawford, a Texan landowner, says: “As a landowner, property rights are key to my livelihood and family legacy. A foreign corporation pumping foreign oil simply does not qualify as a common carrier under Texas law. Trans Canada does not get to write their own rules. I look forward to the Supreme Court hearing our case and our plea to protect the fundamental rights of property owners.” The U.S. will have to choose to either support the development of “one of the most carbon-intensive sources of energy in the world” or move toward seriously cutting greenhouse gases.

    And with regard to both ecology and the environmental impact of this project, od and Hate have shown us how little they know, understand. or even care about it. Witness od’s ignorant definition of what a swamp is on the other thread which accounts for, in large part, why they are so easily manipulated by the extreme right wing entertainers posing as newscasters, huckster politicians, and their political pundits.

  10. by Donna on January 7, 2023 5:29 pm

    And there we have the other side of the story.

  11. by oldedude on January 7, 2023 7:37 pm
    If that is actually true, why did the EPA approve it? Because ALL of those would be automatic disapprovals. I'd say you fell in, hook line and sinker. Other than the 50 people to run it in three+ years. That's why I prefaced my post with the two years having "x" people. So again, I was truthful, as my article said. You could have read that in the article I cited. You just got GONGED.

    I'd say that you got hoodwinked.

    Better luck next time.

  12. by oldedude on January 7, 2023 7:54 pm
    Since you're on a bitch rant...

    "Witness od’s ignorant definition of what a swamp is on the other thread which accounts for, in large part, why they are so easily manipulated by the extreme right wing entertainers posing as newscasters, huckster politicians, and their political pundits."

    If you had ANY fukking sense of humour, and IF you would have read my post, it was tongue in cheek.

    Like I have said many times before, I don't listen to "extreme" anything. Well I do check out al Jazeera every now and then, but it's more BBC than the old AJ. MSN sometimes. Der Spiegel, and some of the Latin American stuff. Both papers in DC and NYC. Along with some sources that won't let you subscribe. I actually watch about 1.5 hours of news per day. The rest is printed or electronic. I don't listen to any podcasts. I may listen to Dana Perino every now and then

    You have no idea what we're talking about. You've admitted that. You are an extremely low information voter. And you don't even pretend to know. Until you're proven either in a bald-faced lie, or you're dead wrong. Then like curt, you pull some unknown editorial that you probably made up. What about your hard core leftist news you listen to? You know, that one that hypnotizes you in to believing that everything they say is the absolute truth? Like those stupid masks that don't work. Or the steadfast 6' rule between people that some office clerk invented.

    My point in this is that you absolutely do not care about families. You're an immediate gratifier. You can't stand who aren't down your Marxist line of thought and that want to destroy our constitution.

  13. by HatetheSwamp on January 8, 2023 3:14 am

    If you had ANY fukking sense of humour, and IF you would have read my post, it was tongue in cheek.

    I have been forced to the conclusion that in order to be woke, as po, Donna and isle, especially,'s not enuff not to have no sense of humor, you have to believe that humor is hate.

  14. by oldedude on January 8, 2023 4:58 am
    I admit it was pretty dry, but if you're going to comment, at least read the context. I do admit that sometimes it's hard to do with the written word alone, but I try to make it evident without inflection.

  15. by oldedude on January 8, 2023 5:01 am
    FYSA, you might want to check this out.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on January 8, 2023 6:05 am

    Yikes, OD!

    How DARE you cite the authority of Jeffersonian democracy!!!!!? You are proving that you yourself are evil. And, to suggest that there's anything of truth in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution among our Blue MAGAs! I'm embarrassed for you. It's like you fart out loud in public.


  17. by oldedude on January 8, 2023 6:33 am
    I know.... Forgive me Father, for I have sinned... Isn't that how it starts?

    What's really interesting was this was considered extremely "liberal" at the time. Since the antithesis was the "standard," monarchy. Now the libs love the idea of a strong central government the states have to kiss up to get anything. It works in the Euro welfare democracies, but you have to understand their "constitutions" and know where that comes from. That was a huge issue between Jefferson and Hamilton (who hated each other).

    Anyway, it's an interesting read, and a good comparison against "The Federalist Papers." I read that once, then got the Cliff Notes because of the background info in it. If you do comparative governments, those two are good starts.

  18. by HatetheSwamp on January 8, 2023 6:52 am


    The compelling notion in American thinking, in my mind and I guess yours too, is Jefferson's "all men are created evil," picked up by Lincoln at Gettysburg, that ours is a government "of the people, by the people and for the people." Every time, in bringing up either here, my sense is that, for our progressives, this elevation of the status of the people is a thorn in their sides...and that don't really believe in it and, actually, hate it.

    Covid proved to me that, generally, progressives worship at the altar of Big Brother and that the rights of people should be subverted to further empower the state...the SWAMP!

  19. by oldedude on January 8, 2023 9:05 am
    I find it interesting that an open and transparent government is a threat to them, and they consider that a "treat to our 'democracy.'"

    Maybe it's a tad more than sad when there are so many excuses for CDC lying to us during COVID (just as one example), or DOJ/ IN in vast over-reach.

    I think it's more than scary that clapper and friends who know what was happening with the Russian hoax, put out that letter of misinformation and lies. These are people we're supposed to trust. People that are supposed to be in positions of trust for the American PEOPLE. I guess that shows how deep the swamp really is. When this goes so far beyond JE Hoover in the lies, deceit, and disinformation, something is wrong with that system.

    My daughter in law and I were talking one day. She was shocked the people in ROK did not eat their babies. That was something told to her for years. How far away are we from that in our government?

  20. by HatetheSwamp on January 8, 2023 9:56 am


    These differences splain why it's so difficult people who hate the Swamp and SwampLovers are so much at odds.

    If they wouldn't be so wrong!!!!!

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