Hate goes on and on about it, but he has never once been able to give any kind of specific definition of it, or what it is exactly that the "Anti Swamp" is actually fighting against. They and Hate just blabber on about "The Swamp!", "McCarthy is The Swamp!", "Biden is The Swamp!", "Media is The Swamp!", "I'm against The Swamp!", "Anyone who isn't like me is The Swamp!".
I just wanted to post this thread so that we can all watch how amusingly lame Hate will be in addressing it. He will give no specifics. There will be no details. All he will do, if he responds at all, is give vague, amorphous generalities and cliche bumper sticker lines. Just like all the Anti-Swamp deplorables do. They can't explain what they mean either!
So the system is "broken", they say? Okay, in what way exactly is it broken, and how will tearing down the whole system in an act of treasonous nihilism magically fix it? Hate says this chaotic disaster going on in the House is good for the Republican party, but he is incapable of saying how it can be seen as such by any stretch of a same imagination.
Hate won't answer that.
He has said many times that I ask him "Do you still beat your wife?" questions, when all I am doing is trying to do is get him to state his position rationally and logically and show his work.
But he never does. And never will.