Decades ago, we lived in the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania metropolitan area. Back in those days, nearly everyone listened to terrestrial radio in the morning for local news and weather.
There was one radio announcer who, according to Nielsen, was listened to by 54% of area adults. He was a cornball but, you got the news and weather.
Remember. Harrisburg is the state capital. During one blistering cold wave back in the day, he said, "It was so cold yesterday, I saw a politician with his hands in his own pockets." Baha.
So, enigmatic Joe Manchin is proposing a classic Dem tax and spend bill that just barely scales down the Doddering Old Fart's BBB monstrosity.
And, guess what?, in the legislation, West Virginia gets a pipeline. How Green New Deal is that?
Anyone want to know why there's an antiSwamp!!!!!?
DC totally sucks. And, the people who love Trump love him more.