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Crime selectors, pages, etc.
Manchin secures commitment to complete Mountain Valley Pipeline
By HatetheSwamp
August 1, 2022 2:56 pm
Category: Crime

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Decades ago, we lived in the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania metropolitan area. Back in those days, nearly everyone listened to terrestrial radio in the morning for local news and weather.

There was one radio announcer who, according to Nielsen, was listened to by 54% of area adults. He was a cornball but, you got the news and weather.

Remember. Harrisburg is the state capital. During one blistering cold wave back in the day, he said, "It was so cold yesterday, I saw a politician with his hands in his own pockets." Baha.

So, enigmatic Joe Manchin is proposing a classic Dem tax and spend bill that just barely scales down the Doddering Old Fart's BBB monstrosity.

And, guess what?, in the legislation, West Virginia gets a pipeline. How Green New Deal is that?

Anyone want to know why there's an antiSwamp!!!!!?

DC totally sucks. And, the people who love Trump love him more.

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Comments on "Manchin secures commitment to complete Mountain Valley Pipeline":

  1. by Donna on August 1, 2022 3:16 pm
    Environmentalists are gonna hate that. I hate it. But you know what? In a democracy, often you have to compromise to get something good accomplished, and this bill will still help a lot of Americans.

  2. by Donna on August 1, 2022 3:37 pm
    What’s in the bill

    Drastically scaled back from the Democrats’ initial spending proposals, the bill would allow Medicare to negotiate the cost of certain prescription medications, limit the price growth of certain drugs to inflation and cap what Medicare enrollees pay out of pocket for medications bought at the pharmacy.

    It would also extend the expanded Affordable Care Act subsidies through 2025 and provide $369 billion in tax credits and investments aimed at combating climate change, the biggest such effort in US history.

    And the legislation would create a new 15% minimum tax on the corporate profits that large companies report to shareholders, as well as close the carried interest loophole, which lets certain investment managers pay lower capital gains tax rates on a portion of their compensation. It would also give the Internal Revenue Service about $80 billion to increase enforcement.


    The importance of the new agreement struck by Schumer and Manchin is how it will incentivize American consumers and businesses to pivot toward clean energy.

    "The tax credits that help drive renewables onto the system can also help reduce the rates consumers [have] on their electric bill," Ben King, a senior analyst at nonpartisan think tank Rhodium Group told CNN. "The transition to something like wind or solar helps mitigate against future price spikes like the ones we're in today."

    The deal is meant to spur businesses to invest in electricity and power that is lower emissions; the very design of the tax credits is to reward those who reduce their emissions the most, according to a statement from Senate Finance Chair Ron Wyden.

    The parts of the new deal that will most directly impact everyday Americans are consumer tax credits that will lower the price tag of energy-efficient appliances and technologies like heat pumps, rooftop solar and electric vehicles.

    It would also extend consumer tax credits for a full decade and extend electric vehicle tax credits. Consumers looking to buy an electric car could get up to $4,000 for a used electric vehicle and $7,500 for a new EV. However, there will be a lower income threshold for people who can use the tax credits -- a key demand of Manchin's.

    It also puts $60 billion toward domestic clean energy manufacturing and $30 billion for a production credit tax credit for wind, solar and battery storage.

    Schumer's office estimated the package would reduce US emissions 40% by 2030. A preliminary independent analysis from Rhodium Group seemed to agree. King told CNN the group's first-look analysis showed the new deal could "plausibly" hit that goal.

    King told CNN the 10-year clean energy tax credits pack the biggest punch for emissions reductions. Another big piece is funding to keep the country's aging fleet of nuclear power plants online, continuing to produce electricity with zero-emissions energy.

    Another key piece of the puzzle: the deal will help bring down both the cost of energy and the energy-efficient appliances Americans need to decarbonize their daily lives, King said. The bill promotes the manufacturing and purchase of heat pumps, for instance -- home heating and cooling appliances that run on electricity and can replace gas or oil furnaces and separate air conditioning units.

    "All those things can combine to help get more heat pumps deployed," King said. "A heat pump is more energy efficient than something like a furnace. The less electricity you're consuming, the better off you are."

  3. by HatetheSwamp on August 1, 2022 3:47 pm

    Environmentalists are gonna hate that. I hate it. But you know what? In a democracy, often you have to compromise...

    No doubt. What's the form of government where you have to grease the palms of a legislator who needs to be motivatCy?


  4. by Curt_Anderson on August 1, 2022 3:56 pm
    I have no doubt that Manchin negotiating to complete the pipeline was very popular with his WV constituents. That's not greasing a palm. That's listening to your voters. Maybe you think that's too much of concession. But if this bill passes, the Democrats--and America--got a good deal.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on August 1, 2022 4:03 pm

    You are such a Good German.

  6. by Donna on August 1, 2022 4:17 pm
    Among WVians polled, 53% support the pipeline, 33% oppose it, and 14% are undecided.

    People who support it, though, don't understand what they're getting into.

    As Gillian Giannetti, an NRDC attorney who focuses on energy issues at the Federal Energy Regulation Commission (FERC), explains, MVP has likely received less national attention because it passes through a rural, low-income part of Virginia, through places even many Virginians themselves haven’t visited.

    Still, if completed, its impact would be felt far beyond those areas. MVP would transport fracked gas in an unprecedented 42-inch-wide pipe—double the diameter of Keystone XL’s proposed pipe—through properties in West Virginia and Virginia as well as in North Carolina (via the MVP’s proposed Southgate extension). Along the way, the pipeline would travel under more than 500 local rivers, streams, and wetlands, down dangerously steep slopes, over sensitive and unpredictable karst terrain, and through active seismic zones. MVP is also slated to cut through the public lands of Jefferson National Forest and the Appalachian Trail.

    This is why concerned citizens—including landowners, youth activists, and community leaders—have been fighting the project for years, pointing out how it would devastate lands, waterways, and wildlife, while further fueling the climate crisis. (MVP doesn’t deny the harm it’s already caused: To date, it has agreed to pay millions in penalties for more than 300 water-quality violations in West Virginia and Virginia.) Community members have also witnessed the pipeline’s owners seize land via eminent domain from dozens of residents along its route, upending lives and livelihoods, and adding insult to injury.

  7. by Curt_Anderson on August 1, 2022 4:26 pm
    The Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) project is a natural gas pipeline system that spans approximately 303 miles. Did you know that within pipes natural gas is a liquid? However when it's released into a heater, oven or even an accidental leak it becomes a lighter than air gas. So even pipeline rupture won't pollute some stream or pristine valley.

  8. by Donna on August 1, 2022 4:52 pm

    The construction of the MVP will have a severe impact on the environment.

    The State Water Control Board issued a water quality certificate for the MVP project in December 2017. Scientists and engineers warned them that it wouldn’t be possible to build a 42-inch pipeline through the mountains without irrevocably harming the water...

    At the beginning of the project MVP made a terrible error with its stormwater analysis. The incorrect stormwater runoff rates assumed post-construction soil and groundcover conditions would be the same as pre-construction, forested conditions, even though FERC staff found the project would cause a significant, permanent loss of forest. This explains why MVP continues to pollute waterways with sediment.

    The waterways being polluted by the MVP are the habitat for endangered fish. Paul Angermeier, assistant unit leader, U.S. Geological Survey, Virginia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, and a leading expert on the federally-listed endangered Roanoke logperch, warned that sediment-loading to waterways could adversely affect the fish. He also said sediment-loading would occur during project operation and maintenance, not just construction.

  9. by Curt_Anderson on August 1, 2022 5:09 pm
    I am sure all that's true. I am also sure that all construction projects generally including roads, powerlines and buildings have the potential of environmental damage. That's why there is oversight including fines and penalties for violations.

  10. by Donna on August 1, 2022 7:35 pm
    Fines and penalties didn't prevent mountaintop removal from devastating rivers and streams in WV. The fossil fuel industry has turned WV into a massive toxic wasteland.

  11. by Curt_Anderson on August 1, 2022 8:26 pm
    I am not sure that it's fair to tar the Mountain Valley Pipeline and mountaintop removal mining with the same brush (see what I did there?). It seems logically that a pipeline stretched over 300 miles would have less impact on streams than dumping a mountain into the "holler" below.

    Why Trump just killed a rule restricting coal companies from dumping waste in streams
    (Vox)In early February [2017], the House and Senate voted to repeal the so-called “stream protection rule” — using a regulation-killing tool known as the Congressional Review Act. On Thursday, President Trump signed the bill, which means the stream protection rule is now dead. Coal companies will have a freer hand in dumping mining debris in streams.

    Killing this regulation won’t exactly fulfill Trump’s goal of reversing the coal industry’s decline; that decline has more to do with cheap natural gas than anything else. Instead, Republicans are mostly focusing on this rule because they can. Because the stream protection rule wasn’t finished until very late in 2016, it’s much, much easier to kill than most of the other Obama-era rules around coal pollution.

  12. by Donna on August 2, 2022 12:38 pm
    The pipeline will involve removing lots of old growth trees. Without them, sediment will destroy the fish.

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