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Lawn Grass Selector
Best lawn grass seed for my area Are you considering planting a lawn? Get unbiased decision-making information based on your climate requirements and preferences. This interactive database will help you to select the right lawn grass seed for your geographic area.

Your first question is below.

1. Cost of the lawn
Low preparation costs, low seed costs, low maintenance costs, etc. preferred.
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

2. Disease resistance
Grass that is naturally disease resistant preferred.
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

3. Insect resistance
Grass that is naturally insect-resistant preferred.
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

4. Time to establish a lawn
Lawns that takes hold quickly preferred.
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

5. Shade tolerance
Lawns that do well in shade preferred.
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

6. Wear tolerance
Lawns that handle foot traffic preferred.
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

7. Precipition and lack of it
Lawn grasss that does well in droughts preferred
Lawn grasss that does well in rainy areas preferred
No Preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

8. Temperature tolerance
Grass that thrives in the cold preferred.
Grass that thrives in the heat preferred.
No Preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

9. Mowing heights
Lawns that do well when mowed high preferred.
Lawns that do well when mowed short preferred.
No Preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

10. Weed tolerance
Lawns that resist weeds preferred.
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

11. Which zone do you live in?
Northeast US, Southeast Canada (Violet)
Midwest US, Central Canada (Light Blue)
Great Plains (Bright Green)
Pacific Northwest (Dark Blue)
Middle US belt (Orange)
Arid Southwest US (Hot Pink)
Southern US Belt (Yellow)
Gulf Coast & HI (Red)
No Preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Results! button below.

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