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Best Career For Me Selector
Are you on the education path that will lead you to the career that best suits your talents, interests and needs? Are you in the right job now? Answer these questions for a job recommendations and information that may surprise you and help you in your career suitability search. The 200 jobs that will appear on your results page were those jobs analyzed by CNN/Money magazine for their article, "Best Jobs In America".

Your first question is below.

1. Which of these salary ranges you would accept?
According to, the median income for people aged 18-25 is $34000, for people aged 25-44 it is $48000, for people aged 44-65 it is $54080, for people over 65 it is $50171.

$25,000 to $40,000
$40,000 to $55,000
$55,000 to $70,000
$70,000 to $85,000
$85,000 to $100,000
$100,000 to $115,000
$115,000 to $130,000
$130,000 and up

Low Priority High Priority

2. Can you handle workplace stress?
Some stress is normal. It is often what provides us with the energy and motivation to meet goals such as deadlines, sales or production targets, or finding new clients.

Stressful jobs are OK
Avoid stressful jobs
No preference

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

3. What about workplace flexibility and predictability?

Flexible but unpredictable jobs preferred
Predictable but inflexible jobs preferred
No preference

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

4. How important is creativity in a job?

Creative jobs preferred
No preference

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

5. Would you accept a job considered by most to be difficult?

Relatively easy jobs preferred
No preference

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

6. What would your teachers say you were you best at in school?

Verbal Reasoning-your ability to reason logically
Numerical Ability
Mechanical Reasoning-your ability to understand machines
Spatial Relations-the ability to visualise three dimensions
Abstract Reasoning-recognition of patterns and similarities between shapes and figures
Language Usage
Not sure

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

7. What work environment do you like?

Mostly indoors
Mixed indoors and outdoor
Mostly Outdoors

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

8. Do you like to travel or would you prefer to work in one location?

Frequent travel
Usually minimal or no travel

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

9. What sort of work clothes would you prefer?

Formal (suit and tie, etc.)

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

10. Where would you prefer to work?

Urban areas
Rural areas
No preference

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

11. Check ALL the education levels that you've completed or will complete.

Trade school
Post college

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

12. In which of these do you have a strong aptitude?

Outdoor activities
Practical issues
Social service
Clerical skills

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

13. Is high potential of job growth in your career important to you?
In contemplating your response to this question, remember that selecting high job growth potential reduces your job possibilities. If you don't intend to stay in one profession for long, this may not be an important factor.

Yes, it's important
No, it's not important

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

14. Which of the following groups of words best describe your personality?

Entrepreneurial, go-getter, aggressive
Gregarious, affable, extroverted, outgoing
Commonsensical, down-to-earth, practical, pragmatic
Detail-oriented, careful, precise
Cerebral, inquisitive, systematic
Expressive, intuitive, imaginative

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

15. Some jobs have the possibility of being outsourced, either abroad or to a remote location domestically. Some jobs are at risk of being replaced by robots.

Avoid jobs that have the potential of being outsourced.
Avoid jobs that have the potential of being automated.

Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Recommend A Gig For Me! button below.

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