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Fitness Activity Tracker
An activity tracker, also known as a fitness tracker, is a device for monitoring and tracking fitness-related metrics such as distance walked or run, calorie consumption, and in some cases heartbeat and quality of sleep. This selector provides recommendations from a list of three dozen models. Answer the questions below for a list of recommendations and information about the trackers that best match your preferences. For greater accuracy, place "high" importance on a few issues that matter most to you.

Your first question is below.

1. How much are you willing to pay? Check any or all. As with most electronic items, more features cost more money.

Lowest priced $20-$70 list price range.
Low priced $80-$95 list price range.
Mid-priced $100-$125 list price range.
High priced $130-$180 list price range.
Highest priced $200-$250 list price range.

Prioritize your choice above:

Low Priority High Priority

2. Style

Clip-on type Clip-ons are attached onto the user's clothing. Limited or no display ability.
Band type Bands have a limited or no display ability.
Watch type features a smartwatch-style data display.
No preference

Prioritize your choice above:

Low Priority High Priority

3. Step counter

Yes, I want this pedometer type function.

Prioritize your choice above:

Low Priority High Priority

4. Stairs counter

Yes, I want to know how many stairs I've climbed.

Prioritize your choice above:

Low Priority High Priority

5. Heart rate monitor

Yes, I want to know my pulse rate as I work out.

Prioritize your choice above:

Low Priority High Priority

6. Distance tracker

Yes, I want to know how far I've gone. Some, but not all, use GPS technology.

Prioritize your choice above:

Low Priority High Priority

7. How dry do you need to your fitness tracker to be?

Water-resistant Runners, walkers and others who work out in inclement weather, like this feature.
Waterproof Swimmers and triathletes, in particular, need this feature.
Not important

Prioritize your choice above:

Low Priority High Priority

8. Food log

Yes. This feature allows you to document what you ate.

Prioritize your choice above:

Low Priority High Priority

9. Calories used counter

Yes, I want to know how many I've burned. While studies show that most calorie counters tend to overestimate, they are good relative measures of the amount and intensity of your activities

Prioritize your choice above:

Low Priority High Priority

10. GPS distance tracking. Using satellites, it measures how far and maps where you've traveled.

Yes, I want this. This feature is available only on the high and highest priced fitness trackers.

Prioritize your choice above:

Low Priority High Priority

11. Sleep tracker. They often use sensors called accelerometers, which detect a wearer's motion, along with the speed and direction of that motion.

Yes, I'd like to be informed of the amount of shut-eye that I get.

Prioritize your choice above:

Low Priority High Priority

12. Display size. The diagonal or diameter measure of the display area.

Over one inch
Half inch to one inch
No display
No preference

Prioritize your choice above:

Low Priority High Priority

13. Weight.

Under an ounce
One ounce and over
No preference

Prioritize your choice above:

Low Priority High Priority

14. Touchscreen

Yes, I want a screen that is responds to my fingers.

Prioritize your choice above:

Low Priority High Priority

15. Color Display

Yes, I want the display to be in color.

Prioritize your choice above:

Low Priority High Priority

16. Bright light readability

Yes, I want to be able to read my tracker on a sunny day.

Prioritize your choice above:

Low Priority High Priority

17. Low light readability

Yes, I want to be able to read my tracker at night

Prioritize your choice above:

Low Priority High Priority

18. How would you like to read your activity data?

Built-in data readout
Data readout via app only
No preference

Prioritize your choice above:

Low Priority High Priority

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Results button below.

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