Newest History Titles
Title Author Type Created *
1. How the growing economy and church strengthened the power of the French Monarch.bristolFlowchart8/31/2020
2. Rise of Communism in ChinanfnffFlowchart1/19/2018
3. Napoleon's Rise To Powerdestiny-gFlowchart10/16/2017
4. Napoleon and the French Revolution dimensionFlowchart3/22/2016
5. What Caste Would You Belong To?drmichnaYes-No12/21/2015
6. Bible Timelinepossitive1Flowchart12/4/2015
7. Endocrine SystemchristaFlowchart7/9/2015
8. ArtifactsloberFlowchart10/6/2014
9. Causes and effects of the Revolutionary Warenrico45Flowchart9/18/2014
10. Lesson 7 putting it all togethercarly1130Flowchart8/1/2014
11. how a bill is passed in WA statebiggjoeFlowchart4/12/2014
12. Materials and MethodskandyFlowchart4/3/2014
13. civil right movement kassie07Flowchart3/28/2014
14. Presidential race of 1912 worldruler10Flowchart3/26/2014
15. Washington States Billsabsteroonie123Flowchart3/20/2014
16. World war 1 powersmatt1266Yes-No2/10/2014
17. Jackson ErawlangletFlowchart2/4/2014
18. The Texas Revolutionsammy219Flowchart2/4/2014
19. Era of RevolutionslawFlowchart1/15/2014
20. Who Were You In a Past Life?M4xximus7Multi-Choice1/12/2014
21. FCCLA historyrebbeccaFlowchart12/13/2013
22. FCCLA HistoryrebbeccaFlowchart12/11/2013
23. Cold Warrashad12345Flowchart11/21/2013
24. Cold WarrashadFlowchart11/20/2013
25. Side-LineabcdefgFlowchart11/10/2013
26. DemocracysteamzFlowchart11/10/2013
27. DemocracysteamzFlowchart11/10/2013
28. DemocracysteamzFlowchart11/7/2013
29. DemocracysteamzFlowchart11/7/2013
30. DemocracysteamzFlowchart11/7/2013
31. War and Peace cdemanssFlowchart11/4/2013
32. Who are you in da LeaderLiamv3Yes-No10/9/2013
33. What Greek City are youLiamv3Multi-Choice10/9/2013
34. Bill becomes a LawkeatonFlowchart10/8/2013
35. Graphic Organizer Chapter 10makaginFlowchart10/4/2013
36. Events of the RevolutionfowlerFlowchart9/9/2013
37. Essential question #4peyton2423Flowchart8/28/2013
38. Historical FiguresmichelleclayFlowchart8/8/2013
39. How a Law is Made.childFlowchart7/30/2013
40. How Bills are Introduced in Washingtonharader3014dFlowchart7/30/2013
41. Chandragupta MauryakeatoboyFlowchart7/21/2013
42. Rulers of BritainchuckFlowchart7/20/2013
43. Renaissance renaissanceFlowchart7/18/2013
44. Republican Presidents of the 20th CenturyEditorMulti-Choice2/26/2013
45. Great Leaders (and not so great leaders)EditorMulti-Choice2/25/2013
46. Democratic Presidents of the 20th CenturyEditorMulti-Choice2/25/2013
47. Which Hominid Are You?Yes-No6/22/2012
48. Which Constitutional Amendment Are You?Yes-No12/10/2011
49. Which Member Of The Kennedy Family Are You?Yes-No4/8/2011
50. Which European superpower are you?SergeiMulti-Choice1/20/2011
51. Napoleonic Era leadersYes-No7/4/2010
52. who would you be in the Sumner-Brooks affair?UNKYes-No8/6/2009
53. Which Severan Roman Emperor Are You?Yes-No12/31/2008
54. Bourbon kingsUNKYes-No8/30/2008
55. A Founding FatherUNKYes-No8/27/2008
56. Which Pharaoh from Ancient Egypt Are You Most Like?UNKYes-No8/22/2008
57. Which Founding Father are you most like?UNKYes-No8/9/2008
58. Which revolutionary war figure are you most like?UNKYes-No7/30/2008
59. Welke historische persoon zijt gijUNKYes-No7/4/2008
60. Which of my favorite people in world history are you?UNKYes-No6/28/2008
61. Which Leader are you?UNKYes-No6/23/2008
62. Which World War 2 protagonist are you?UNKYes-No5/10/2008
63. Which World War II Firearm are you?UNKYes-No4/7/2008
64. WW2 Leader SelectorUNKYes-No3/9/2008
65. What war should you fight inUNKYes-No3/2/2008
66. Which Famous Historical Communist Are You?UNKYes-No2/11/2008
67. The Plantagenet KingUNKYes-No2/3/2008
68. Great Nations & Empires Of History.UNKYes-No2/1/2008
69. Gettysburg Union Corps Commander Selector UNKYes-No1/16/2008
70. Norman kingsUNKYes-No1/2/2008
71. Historical Figure SelectorUNKYes-No12/28/2007
72. Invaders of EnglandUNKYes-No12/10/2007
73. Benedict Arnold ParticipantUNKYes-No10/19/2007
74. WW2 Axis WeaponsUNKYes-No10/3/2007
75. Who is your ideal historical woman?UNKYes-No9/19/2007
76. What kind of leader would you be?UNKYes-No9/14/2007
77. would you be killed by nazis?UNKYes-No8/27/2007
78. What kind of warrior are you?UNKYes-No7/7/2007
79. areyouapiratepirates, blaineYes-No6/1/2007
80. Your Ideal Medieval JobMedieval Job careerYes-No4/20/2007
81. Civilization3 TribeUNKYes-No3/25/2007
82. Which Medal of Honor Character are you?UNKYes-No3/11/2007
83. Which Samurai warlord are you?samurai,japan,japanese,ninjaYes-No2/26/2007
84. Trojan War SelectorUNKYes-No2/22/2007
85. Who is your secret Nazi boyfriend?UNKYes-No2/4/2007
86. What Event From World History Are You?UNKYes-No1/2/2007
87. What Medieval Social Class Would You Have Been?UNKYes-No11/2/2006
88. Would you be a knight?UNKYes-No11/1/2006
89. Which Medieval Weapon Should You Use?UNKYes-No10/28/2006
90. Medieval CharactorsUNKYes-No10/26/2006
91. What era do you belong in?UNKYes-No9/19/2006
92. Which Real Pirate of the Caribbean Are You?pirates, pirates of the caribbeanYes-No8/30/2006
93. Which communist/socialist fits you?UNKYes-No8/18/2006
94. Which branch of Napoleonic Cavalry are you in?NapoleonYes-No8/14/2006
95. History RepeatsUNKYes-No8/1/2006
96. Which Person from Thomas Jefferson's Life Are You? UNKYes-No6/28/2006
97. Which of Augustus Caesar's women are you?julio_claudianMulti-Choice6/17/2006
99. Which nation are youUNKYes-No5/23/2006
100. Post-1945 World Leader SelectorUNKYes-No4/1/2006
101. Greek personality selectorgreek personalityYes-No3/28/2006
102. Roman and Greek writer selectorroman greek writer poetYes-No3/20/2006
103. Roman Emperor Selectorroman emperorYes-No3/3/2006
104. Civil War Unit SelectorUNKYes-No1/20/2006
105. World War 2 FighterUNKYes-No12/16/2005
106. If you were a ruler in history, who would you be?UNKYes-No11/18/2005
107. How High Are You?UNKYes-No10/22/2005
108. Which Byzantine Empress Are You?byzantine empress women queen princessYes-No10/21/2005
109. which historical war figure are you?scott jessaMulti-Choice10/6/2005
110. Which ROTK (Dynasty Warriors) General are you?character quizYes-No10/6/2005
111. Royalty QuizUNKYes-No9/19/2005
112. Your Leadership StyleUNKYes-No9/15/2005
113. Nazi leader selectornazi leader ww2Yes-No8/10/2005
114. Which Greek politician are you?UNKYes-No6/23/2005
115. Past Life SelectordaisukeMulti-Choice6/22/2005
116. Which Romanov Grand Duchess Are You?UNKYes-No5/30/2005
117. Random History TriviaHistory_NerdMulti-Choice4/29/2005
118. Which Amazon Warrior Are You?UNKYes-No4/8/2005
119. Great LeadersSerrinnMulti-Choice3/19/2005
120. Are you a Liberty's Kid?liberty kids pbs 1776Yes-No12/29/2004
121. Which WW2 Dictator Are You?UNKYes-No12/22/2004
122. The six wives of Henry VIIIUNKYes-No12/17/2004
123. Which Liege are you most like?Three KingdomsYes-No12/8/2004
125. The German General StaffUNKYes-No9/10/2004
126. Which of the World's 20 Main Civilizations do You Belong in?torquemadafanMulti-Choice7/12/2004
127. What Medieval Weapon are youUNKYes-No6/25/2004
128. Which Figure From Early Soviet History Are You?TeganMulti-Choice5/9/2004
129. What World Leader Are You Most Like?UNKYes-No3/7/2004
130. Famous Conqueror SelectionWalpurgaBrothelrattenMulti-Choice2/29/2004
131. Which WWII figure are you most likeHitler, WWIIYes-No2/1/2004
132. What Generation Are You In?UNKYes-No1/18/2004
133. Who is your Faire Identity?UNKYes-No11/25/2003
134. Which of the five Tiger Generals are you most like?UNKYes-No10/17/2003
135. Which Tudor?UNKYes-No10/15/2003
136. Which tudor?UNKYes-No10/8/2003
137. World War 2 Personality SelectorWorld War 2, War, American, Canadian, Soldier, MilitaryYes-No8/23/2003
138. Which of Nicholas II's daughters are you?UNKYes-No8/17/2003
139. Mexican Revolutionary Peasant Army SelectorUNKYes-No8/10/2003
140. What Medieval Hero are you?UNKYes-No8/1/2003
141. What famous person in history do you most identify with? UNKYes-No6/14/2003
142. Leaders during the RoTK Period.UNKYes-No5/14/2003
143. Which Shu-Han hero are you?MelloniYes-No4/18/2003
144. What type of American General Are You SelectorUNKYes-No4/5/2003
145. Which of Henry VIII's Six Wives are You?Herny VIII six wivesYes-No10/31/2002
146. Famous Dead Person SelectorUNKYes-No10/25/2002
147. Which Classic Social Theory Are You?UNKYes-No6/24/2002
148. Medieval Figure SelectorUNKYes-No6/21/2002
149. Which Russian Grand Duchess Would You Be?UNKYes-No5/30/2002
150. What type of American Revolutionary War Unit should you join?UNKYes-No5/14/2002
151. Are you a Tory, a Whig, or just want to be left alone?revolutionary war, history, whig, tory, loyalist, revwar, american revolution, nationalismYes-No5/10/2002
152. Old Testament ProphetsUNKYes-No5/4/2002
153. Which Queen Are You?cleopatra, elizabeth, marie antoinette, isabellaYes-No3/24/2002
154. The 'World War 2 Generals' TimewasterUNKYes-No3/18/2002
155. MedievalUNKYes-No2/23/2002
156. What Torture Method Would You Be?Medieval torture devices is not a pleasant topic, but who knew the results would be informative, entertaining and include historic woodcuts as illustrations?Yes-No1/25/2002
157. Which Founding Father Are You?Founding FathersYes-No1/20/2002
158. Henry VIII wive selectorUNKYes-No10/9/2001
159. The Romanov SelectorUNKYes-No10/6/2001
160. Which Ancient Civilization are You?ancient civilization eyenotYes-No9/30/2001
161. Which Nazi is most like you?UNKYes-No9/29/2001
162. What Communist Dictator Are You?UNKYes-No9/10/2001
163. Which Nazi are You??UNKYes-No7/17/2001
164. Which military leader would make the best coach for your team?UNKYes-No5/21/2001
165. Medieval Class SelectorUNKYes-No4/20/2001
166. Är du en hatt eller mössa?UNKYes-No4/9/2001
167. Empire SelectorUNKYes-No4/8/2001
168. Post Medieval English British Monarch selectorUNKYes-No3/12/2001
169. Cleopatra & CompanyUNKYes-No2/17/2001
170. Pirate SelectorUNKYes-No2/4/2001
171. Ancient Civilisation selectorUNKYes-No1/31/2001
172. People in History SelectorUNKYes-No1/4/2001
173. Roman personality selectorroman personalityYes-No11/16/2000
174. What's your inner Goddess?UNKYes-No10/24/2000
175. 20th Century Knowledge QuizKPGYes-No5/15/2000
176. Historical Individual SelectorAlexander StrubYes-No5/11/2000
177. Medieval 'Class' (occupation) SelectorUNKYes-No4/6/2000
178. Which historical figure do you relate to? UNKYes-No2/29/2000
179. Your Favorite WarBy Jasen TracyYes-No2/16/2000
180. Confederate Feelings SelectorBy The North Carolina Confederate Anti-Hate PageYes-No2/13/2000
181. Medieval Weaponry and YouBy The King of DucksYes-No2/12/2000
182. Who was the greatest President?By Christopher PowellYes-No1/28/2000
183. Choose Your Favorite US President of All TimeBy Kevin L. WisneskiYes-No1/28/2000
184. What Civil War General are you like?By JamesYes-No1/25/2000

*Dev display only, for sort check.