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Weight Loss Diet Plan Selector
Which diet is best for me? We hope you find this selector useful as one resource among many as you research diet plans. This selector, a weight loss program guide, is to help answer the question "what is the best way for me to lose weight?". Disclaimer*

Your first question is below.

1. I prefer a plan that generally follows USDA recommended proportions of carbohydrates, protein, and fat.
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

2. Some plans propose the best way to control appetite and weight gain is to greatly limit or avoid foods believed to spike your blood sugar levels. Do you prefer this?
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

3. Some plans offer pre-packaged meals designed to completely (or mostly) replace at least two of your plan's daily meals, plus snacks. Are you interested in this?
Yes, and I want to eat regular foods for my meals.
Yes, but I want to substitute my meals with single-item, nutrient-rich/enriched products such as bars and shakes.
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

4. If you answered "yes" to the previous question, check any of the following that reflects your preferences.
I want my meal replacements delivered to my home.
I want to be able to find the meals, or meal substitutions, at a local store. (Note: May not be available in all locations.)
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

5. Check any of the following that reflect your preferences or skip all.
I want a program that integrates an exercise plan with my diet, from the start.
I want to attend a physical center to receive face-to-face services. (Note: May not be available in all locations).
I want a plan with a recipe book(s) or a good number of recipes available online.
I want to avoid a weight-loss plan or substance that carries disturbing or potentially serious side-effects.
I prefer using a comprehensive do-it-yourself weight-loss book that is not tied to joining a plan or purchasing certain products.
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

6. Some programs offer online weight-loss "tools" and support such as a community, forum, calculators, calorie and nutrient counters, food tracking, progress charts, etc. Do you want this?
Yes, and I don't mind a membership fee and/or if these services are geared to a particular diet plan.
Yes, but I prefer an online program offering free do-it-yourself weight loss tools, not geared to a particular diet plan.
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

7. Some programs offer consultation with a weight loss expert (through internet chat, email, a forum, phone, and/or in person). Click your preference.
Yes, I want a personal consultant assigned to guide and monitor my progress (regular weigh-in might be expected).
No, but I do want access to program expert(s) to answer my questions as they arise.
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

8. Some plans offer a low (or very low) calorie plan or initial phase for rapid weight loss while others propose a more gradual weight loss as healthier. Which do you prefer?
Yes, I want a very low calorie plan, or intial phase (e.g. induction, kick-start, etc.).
No, I prefer a more gradual approach to weight loss, even to start - generally 1200 minimum calories.
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

9. Some diets involve counting and tracking certain quantities, for example: calories, points, grams of fats, protein, carbs, fiber, portions, etc. Check any of the following that reflect your preferences or skip all.
I don't mind counting calories.
I don't mind tracking other quantities.
I prefer a diet plan that emphasizes portion size to minimize (or avoid) counting.
I prefer a plan that offers menu planning to minimize (or avoid) counting and tracking.
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

10. Some plans require (or highly encourage) consumption of specific foods and/or drinks. Is this what you want?
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

11. Some diets prohibit (or highly discourage) specific foods and/or drinks. Is this what you want?
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

12. Do you want a plan that is designed, or easily adaptable, for vegetarians/vegans?
Yes vegetarian, and dairy is okay
Yes vegan; I don't eat dairy either.
No, I don't want a diet that is exclusively vegetarian.
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

13. I want to take/use a substance proposed to either block some fat absorption or suppress appetite. Check any of the following that reflect your preferences or skip all.
Yes, include over-the-counter (non-prescription) FDA approved for weight loss.
Yes, include prescription medication FDA approved for weight loss.
Yes, include herbal/dietary supplements and off-label prescriptions (CAUTION: Not FDA evaluated for weight-loss safety or effectiveness.)
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

14. Bonus question: Do you want extra weight (pun intended) given to diet plans rated among the top 10 out of 25 by a recent US News and World Report on "Best Diets"? (Note: Answering "yes" will also force a lower selector ranking to diets that US News didn't evaluate). Check one, both or neither.
Yes, regarding best diet for weight loss effectiveness
Yes, regarding best overall diet for weight loss and health combined.
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Results button below.

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Disclaimer: assumes no risk for use of this selector quiz. By using this selector quiz, you are assuring you understand the following: This selector was created for entertainment and information purposes only. Although we took our research for this selector seriously, we are not experts on this subject and do not promise completeness or accuracy of the selector nor safety and effectiveness of any of the diet plans. We urge the standard diet advice: ALWAYS CHECK WITH YOUR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER BEFORE EMBARKING ON A DIET PLAN. We urge you to check
the FDA website for alerts and recalls. As of this writing, for example (but not limited to), the FDA warns that HCG hormone products sold OTC (including homeopathic) for weight loss are illegal, and prescription HCG injections are not approved for weight loss. And, several companies selling Hoodia have been issued warnings for mislabeling or tainting. Some products falsely sold over the internet as "Alli" have been found to be tainted.

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