1. SIZE: Which size would you accept?
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
2. BODY TYPE: Which body type would you accept?
These terms are used by cat fanciers to describe the range of cat body types.
Long slender bodies, fine bones, wedge-shaped angular heads (e.g., Siamese)
In between, but closer to the foreign description
In between, but closer to the cobby description
Heavy boned, short bodied, round head and usually a thick tail. (e.g., Persian)
Foreign--Long slender bodies, fine bones, wedge-shaped angular heads (e.g., Siamese)
Semi-Foreign--a little less slender.
Domestic--somewhat more weight.
Cobby--Heavy boned, short bodied, round head and usually a thick tail. (e.g., Persian)
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
3. COAT: Which of these coat characteristics would you prefer? Although hairballs and shedding are common cat issues, certain breeds will be more problematic than others in these areas---especially if they aren't brushed regularly.
Short Coat (including hairless)
Medium Coat
Long Coat
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
4. TAIL: What sort of tail would like your cat to have?
A nice long cat tail.
No tail or a bobtail
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
5. GROOMING: Would you like a cat that requires a minimal amount of grooming? Even though cats spend about 15 percent of their days grooming themselves, that doesn't mean that you're necessarily off the hook.
Yes, I don't fancy myself spending a lot time of acting as a cat beautician.
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
6. ALLERGIES: Would you prefer a cat that is among those rated as most easily tolerated by allergy sufferers? Some breeds are said to cause less of a reaction than others.
Yes, I am not into watery eyes and sneezing if I can avoid or minimize it.
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
7. ACTIVITY: Which cat activity level would you like? Some cats are perfectly content lounging in the sunshine all day long. Others may need exercise, such as chasing or a regular walk around the lawn.
Low. Lazing aroung the house is good.
Medium. A moderate amount of activity is preferred.
High. I want to be entertained by their athletic antics.
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
8. INTELLIGENT: Would you like a cat that is considered intelligent? IQ testing of cats is subjective at best. If you really want a smart pet get a dog or even a pig, both which rate smarter than cats.
Yes, although I realize cat breed intelligence is difficult to measure so probably not all that meaningful.
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
9. PLAYFULNESS: Would you prefer a cat that is predicted to be playful? Remember, this may mean that you'll have to keep your home well-stocked with catnip mice and other toys.
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
10. VOCALNESS: Would you like a cat that is noted as "talkative"? Some folks believe that cats have their own language. Purring and meowing is often interpreted as talking.
No, less is better
Yes, more is better
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
11. FRIENDLY: Would you prefer a cat that is people-friendly and social? While some cats are comfortable greeting new guests in your house, others will run and hide under your bed.
Yes, social cats preferred
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
12. COMPANIONSHIP: Would you prefer a cat that is likely to be a good companion? Cats have their own distinct personalities, with some breeds having a reputation for being loners.
Yes, I'd like a companion cat
No, I'd prefer a cat that's independent
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
13. KID APPROPRIATE: Would you like a cat that enjoys kids?
Yes, there will kids in my household.
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
14. PET TOLERANT: Would you prefer a cat that tolerates other pets?
Yes, a cat that tolerates other pets is what I want.
No, it's better that my cat is happy being the only pet.
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
15. HEALTH ISSUES: Would you prefer a cat that would tend to have fewer health problems?
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
16. COST: How much money are you willing to shell out for your cat?
Very little money. In fact, I'd prefer to get my cat for free.
A lot of money. You get what you pay for.
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Results button below.