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Inept Trump official attempting justify arrest of pro-Palestinian protest leader accidentally admits Trump did the same thing.
By Curt_Anderson
March 13, 2025 10:58 pm
Category: Government
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Troy Edgar, the deputy secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, defended Khalil's arrest on Morning Edition. When NPR's Michel Martin asked him to explain what Khalil did to be arrested, aligned with terrorist activity and potentially deported, Edgar did not give a clear answer.
Martin: How did he support Hamas? Exactly what did he do?
Edgar: Well, I think you can see it on TV, right? This is somebody that we've invited and allowed the student to come into the country, and he's put himself in the middle of the process of basically pro-Palestinian activity. And at this point, like I said, the Secretary of State can review his visa process at any point and revoke it.
Martin: He's a permanent resident. He's not a visa holder. He's a legal permanent resident. He has the green card, at least he did, until it's alleged that it was revoked.
If the allegation is that Mr. Khalil organized protests and made speeches after which other people engaged in prohibited activity, or, say, violent activity. Well, Mr. Trump gave a political speech on January 6, 2021, after which some individuals engaged in violent and illegal acts. How is this any different?
Edgar: President Trump's a citizen and the president of the United States. This is a person that came in under a visa. And again, the secretary of state at any point can take a look and evaluate that visa and decide if they want to revoke it.
Martin: He's a legal permanent resident. I have to keep insisting on that. He is a legal permanent resident.
So what is the standard? Is any criticism of the Israeli government a deportable offense?
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Comments on "Inept Trump official attempting justify arrest of pro-Palestinian protest leader accidentally admits Trump did the same thing.":
by HatetheSwamp on March 14, 2025 2:32 am
by oldedude on March 14, 2025 7:22 am Yes, NPR...
My guess is that he has a background from Syria that you don't know about. Something other countries would put him is some jail and scratch his name off the roster so he rots in there the rest of his life.
It's interesting that curt supports terrorism, and racism.
by HatetheSwamp on March 14, 2025 7:39 am
I don't know about support, but he's waaaaaaay more sympathetic towards terrorists than his own president.
by oldedude on March 14, 2025 7:51 am And, I don't know what State Department knows. You never do. Deportation may have been the best option other than an arrest for being a terrorist supporter. And I know nothing about the family, his ties, contacts, etc. The thing is they make moves based on what THEY know. NOT on what WE know. To "assume" does make an "ass" of you. Every time
by Ponderer on March 14, 2025 8:09 am
Freedom of speech does not extend to legal immigrants. Got it.
by Ponderer on March 14, 2025 8:19 am
"And I know nothing about the family, his ties, contacts, etc." -olde dude
Well, his American citizen wife is 8 months pregnant. I'm sure when Trump officials doing this to him learned that, their faces lit up with a sadistic glee like you'd never want to see on a human being's face.
It's not even about Khalil. What they are doing is trying to scare all immigrants into shutting the fuckup about this administration or anything that it does. They want legal immigrants to shiver in their boots with fear that they will be booted out of the country over the slightest word of public criticism against The Golden God of America.
It was the same thing with their recent flamboyantly asinine Guantanamo Bay debacle. It was all about the photo op. The image that they could use to scare people from coming here for any reason. All that money wasted for essentially nothing.
Honestly, this man and his motives are pretty damned obvious for all to see.
But it requires actually looking at him in the light of reality. I wish you MAGA Hats good luck with that.
by HatetheSwamp on March 14, 2025 9:46 am
"Freedom of speech does not extend to legal immigrants. Got it."
I don't get ALL of my news from the metaphorical Rachel so I know that the issue is not what he said, but what he did.
by Ponderer on March 14, 2025 9:55 am
What did he do?
Cough it up, you stupid, idiotic moron...
by Curt_Anderson on March 14, 2025 9:56 am I don’t know what Khalil said, it may have been antisemitic or not, he may have praised Hamas or not, but it doesn’t matter. I believe in the first amendment and the concept of protected speech. The first amendment is designed to protect unpopular speech. We do not need a first amendment to allow someone to say “nice weather we’re having Mrs. McGillicuddy!“.
The point of this post is that the Trump administration so far has not been able to cite a single crime that Khalil committed. As pointed out by the NPR reporter, Trump riled up a crowd that subsequently became violent and unruly. As for Khalil supposedly offering words of support for Hamas, Trump has offered his personal praise and support for despots, dictators and other enemies of America.
by HatetheSwamp on March 14, 2025 10:16 am
He led violent antisemitic protests. Now, I get it that qualifies him for canonization for Donna and you but it's enough to get him expelled.
by Ponderer on March 14, 2025 10:43 am
"He led violent antisemitic protests." -Hate
And of course, no he didn't. He didn't do any such thing.
You are such a fuckinggoddamned liar, Sloat. It literally sickens me how big of a fuckingliar you are.
You got nothing. You fuckingasshole bald-faced liar.
by HatetheSwamp on March 14, 2025 11:21 am
You are omniscient, as we know. However, that rube Secretary of State who's fixin to expel him says he did.
by oldedude on March 14, 2025 12:13 pm Mahmoud Khalil was born in Syria in 1995 to Palestinian refugees. He left Syria for Lebanon when he turned 18, two years after the onset of the Syrian civil war.
[So far, "maybe" one "yellow" flag*]
As a student, he interned for a United Nations relief agency that supports Palestinian refugees, UNRWA.(This is the same group that was ousted out of Gaza by the Israelis because the group was bringing in weapons, ammunition, and munitions. This is a pretty big "red Flag.")
[I would have to see the background information on him.]
Government officials have informally accused Khalil of leading "activities aligned with Hamas"; the government has not publicly provided any evidence of this claim.
[First, you don't need to be charged with a crime to lose your green card. The information from UNRWA may have been enough to deport him depending on his links to the group.]
*a fact that is "of interest," but in itself is not an issue.
by Ponderer on March 14, 2025 1:06 pm
There is no necessity for me to be omniscient in order for you to be a disgusting fuckingliar, Sloat.
by oldedude on March 14, 2025 3:39 pm Again, you have to be "omniscient" to know what state dept has or doesn't have. I'll bet right now, there's maybe 10 people that know what the reason is for sure. Don't get your panties in a wad over not knowing. I gave you the closest thing I could think of. AND, it may be that he's behind the scenes arranging for money and logistics for the protests. It's amazing they all had the same tents and sleeping bags, and stoves, etcetcetc. That tells me someone knows the "money guy." And whomever that is, is giving aid and support to terrorism. They don't have to be out front (which he kinda is) to be giving aid.
Just by what po, donna, wrongagain, and indy have said, I would have them under surveillance for aiding and abetting terrorism.
by Ponderer on March 14, 2025 11:31 pm
Ah yes. The old If Trump did it, he must have had a good, patriotic reason to! defense.
Saves on all that trouble thinking for yourself.
by HatetheSwamp on March 15, 2025 7:26 am
I think, by now, we'd be happy to let you think for us...
... if you could, baha.
by Ponderer on March 15, 2025 7:30 am
You already let Trump think for you. You're perfectly happy to continue with that.
by oldedude on March 15, 2025 9:35 amAh yes. The old If Trump did it, he must have had a good, patriotic reason to! defense.
First (to state an obvious fact that is being overlooked) Hamas is a designated terrorist group. Why are you fighting Lead, when the TITLE of the thread is "justify arrest of pro-Palestinian protest leader."
Mahmoud Khalil's tie in with UNRWA would put him in the position of "aiding and abetting" Hamas. So there's your answer. Those are facts that are open and stated by himself.
It's a known. Hamas has been declared a Terrorist Organization, per se. With the Radical Islamic groups, terrorism is a core value. He's their spokesman. That means he's been trained and vetted. He moved up the pecking order and is entrusted by Islamic Terrorist groups. He's not "just a student advisor."
My point is that he's not being arrested. He's not being charged. He didn't get "kidnapped" by some unknown agency with a hood over his head and isn't in some shithole cement cell in some unknown country. He's not in GITMO.
He's being deported. My bet is that if his wife (and kids) wants to go with him, the US will do that. He isn't being beaten (and then expunged from the earth) like he would have been in his native countries.
What's unfortunate for him is the US declaring Hamas an "International Terrorist Group."
by Ponderer on March 15, 2025 10:14 am
"First (to state an obvious fact that is being overlooked) Hamas is a designated terrorist group." -olde dude
First, Khalil has no connection to Hamas at all. He does not belong to Hamas, nor does he support it in any way.
"Mahmoud Khalil's tie in with UNRWA would put him in the position of "aiding and abetting" Hamas." -olde dude
UNRWA is not a part of Hamas. It is the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). Just because a world organization helps Palestinians does not mean that it is a part of Hamas. Even if it has to deal with Hamas to deliver its aid. Helping UNRWA is not ipso facto "aiding and abetting" Hamas.
"It's a known. Hamas has been declared a Terrorist Organization, per se." -olde dude
Fine. So what? And if there are any direct ties between Khalil and Hamas, then that statement would be relevant. But he doesn't, so it's not.
"He's their spokesman." -olde dude
He's a spokesperson for the Palestinian people. I realize that you are incapable of separating Palestinians from Hamas, so I expect you to make mistakes like that.
"That means he's been trained and vetted. He moved up the pecking order and is entrusted by Islamic Terrorist groups. He's not "just a student advisor."" -olde dude
Now you're just flailing wildly. Like you always eventually do. What baseless nonsense. Whose ass did you pull that out of?
"He's being deported." -olde dude
Unconstitutionally, illegally, and with extreme malice. That has been my point.
They aren't charging him with a crime because then they would have to give him due process. So they're doing it extra judiciously without being specific about any crime he supposedly committed. He's just "a threat to the United States" or some such flaming hogwash. They want to make an example of him. That is literally all this is about.
He has a life and family here. He has done absolutely nothing whatsoever to have it taken away from him.
Why doesn't this administration go after real terrorists instead of trying to make them up out of innocent people?
by HatetheSwamp on March 15, 2025 10:31 am
po, OD's accounting of the facts is 100% accurate, no matter how your metaphorical Rachel may be lying to you.
You claimed repeatedly that Mr Tangerine Man didn't have access to due process over your 14th Amendment kerfuffle. As we now know, he did.
But, your Mr Khalil has no claim to due process in this matter. Baha.
by oldedude on March 15, 2025 1:23 pmThey aren't charging him with a crime because then they would have to give him due process.
You're flat wrong. Taking away a VISA (which is what they're doing) is only an administrative action. No courts. Nothing like that. Of course, there isn't jail time to it either. Flat out. He worked for a Hamas organization. He is here at the "pleasure of the US government" which doesn't want him here. Kinda like when you scream and make a fool of yourself in a bar because there's a trumpster in there. The bar has the right to kick your ass out of the building. Simple as that.
He has a life and family here. He has done absolutely nothing whatsoever to have it taken away from him.
Most of his family is in Syria, and his parents came from Palestine. AND he's a card-carrying citizen of both countries. I would say "home" is (my guess) Syria.
Why doesn't this administration go after real terrorists instead of trying to make them up out of innocent people?
Because he's not innocent🤔? "Real terrorists" are also those collecting information, changing weak minded people to follow them (hint hint), exchanging cash to cells from the money people, being a logistics person as we saw on 9/11, or 7/10. You don't have to bomb buildings or slit throats (although that's more of a british thing) to be a "terrorist." Their media works rival big TV channels, or MSM. Propaganda units whose job is to do the web sites and steer the narrative that hoodwink the "stupid" Americans that can be hoodwinked (hint hint). They have that kind of following globally.
by meagain on March 15, 2025 2:03 pm "Mahmoud Khalil's tie in with UNRWA would put him in the position of "aiding and abetting" Hamas."
That explains a lot about you, OD. Navy expressed it well in his short analysis of your moral standing. Pondere told you what UNRWA actually is.
To make it clear:
Here is how it spends its funds. And 2. Its fields and areas of operation. The 'slimy' accusations about aiding Hamas are patently just that. The members of the UN would not be funding it if it were.
by HatetheSwamp on March 15, 2025 2:18 pm
Nevertheless, Marco Rubio is his prosecutor, judge, jury and sentencer.
by Curt_Anderson on March 15, 2025 2:30 pm Funny how Trump, his enablers and supporters are suddenly concerned about antisemitism. A few years ago when White supremacists descended upon Charlottesville chanting “Jews will not replace us!”, Trump said that they were “good people” on that side.
by oldedude on March 15, 2025 2:32 pm Obviously you didn't read my other post. You are one of the "weak minded 'people'" that fall for their propaganda like a catfish eating blood gel. And I'm not saying this. The brits are saying it, the UN is saying it, many other countries are pulling funding for the group. Sounds like you're one with one hand in his butt, and he's sucking on his thumb. You really need to keep up on the news for the past year or so, instead of relying on a questionable rag from 50 years ago.
to po, and wrongagain and "navy" and curt and donna and indy- i>"Real terrorists" are also those collecting information, changing weak minded people to follow them (hint hint), exchanging cash to cells from the money people, being a logistics person as we saw on 9/11, or 7/10. You don't have to bomb buildings or slit throats (although that's more of a british thing) to be a "terrorist." Their media works rival big TV channels, or MSM. Propaganda units whose job is to do the web sites and steer the narrative that hoodwink the "stupid" Americans that can be hoodwinked (hint hint).
How deep are UNRWA’s ties to Hamas? New bombshell report offers alarming insight
UN Watch accuses UNRWA of collaborating with Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, influencing policies and operations; report cites meetings with terror leaders, blocked reforms and staff retained despite terror ties
Israel exposes UNRWA’s deep ties to Hamas in ICJ testimony, citing hostage accounts
The Israeli Foreign Ministry on Friday submitted written testimony to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), detailing the close ties between the disgraced United Nations aid agency UNRWA and the Hamas terrorist organization in connection with the atrocities of Oct. 7, 2023.
The Israeli report also included testimony from freed Israeli hostage Emily Damari, where she confirmed that Hamas terrorists were holding her captive in an UNRWA facility in Gaza. Other Israeli hostages have also testified that they were held captive by UNRWA employees.
What is Unrwa and why has Israel banned it?
Israel's parliament voted on Monday evening to ban the UN's Palestinian refugee agency (Unrwa) from operating within Israel and occupied East Jerusalem.
Contact between Unrwa employees and Israeli officials will be banned, crippling its ability to operate in Gaza and the Israeli-occupied West Bank.
Israel has defended the move, repeating its allegation that a number of the agency's staff were involved in Hamas's 7 October attacks last year, which killed 1,200 people.
Israeli intelligence docs detail alleged UNRWA staff links to Hamas, including 12 accused in Oct. 7 attack
An Israeli intelligence document shared on Monday with CBS News and a number of other Western news outlets spells out allegations against a dozen U.N. employees whom Israel says participated in Hamas' Oct. 7 terror attack. The document claims seven staff members of UNRWA, the U.N. humanitarian agency that helps Palestinian refugees, stormed into Israeli territory during that attack, including two who participated in kidnappings.
The allegations against UNRWA staffers prompted the U.S. and some other Western countries to freeze funds vital to the work of the agency, which is a lifeline for desperate Palestinians in war-torn Gaza. The U.N. fired nine of the 12 accused workers and condemned "the abhorrent alleged acts" of staff members.
The accusations come after years of tensions between Israel and UNRWA over its work in Gaza, where it employs roughly 13,000 people.
by oldedude on March 16, 2025 7:50 pmA few years ago when White supremacists descended upon Charlottesville chanting “Jews will not replace us!”, Trump said that they were “good people” on that side.
He actually stated there were good people on BOTH sides. Which I understand that you'll lie about.
No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People'
On Aug. 15, 2017, then-President Donald Trump called neo-Nazis and white supremacists who attended the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, "very fine people."
In a news conference after the rally protesting the planned removal of a Confederate statue, Trump did say there were "very fine people on both sides," referring to the protesters and the counterprotesters. He said in the same statement he wasn't talking about neo-Nazis and white nationalists, who he said should be "condemned totally."
More shit you won't say.
Read President Trump’s Remarks Condemning White Supremacists
President Trump condemned the violent attack on a crowd of counterprotesters in Charlottesville, Va., that left one dead and 19 injured Saturday.
Speaking from the Diplomatic Reception Room in the White House Monday afternoon, Trump said plainly that “racism is evil” and that members of the Ku Klux Klan, neo Nazis and white supremacists are “repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”
“As I have said many times before, no matter the color of our skin, we all live under the same laws. We all salute the same great flag, and we are all made by the same almighty God,” he said.
by Navy2711 on March 17, 2025 11:58 am "He actually stated there were good people on BOTH sides."
Which is what Curt said. When Trump said that there are good people on both sides, he IS saying that there were good people on the fascist side. No one is talking about whether or not does or doesn't think that there were good people on the anti-fascist side.
So OD, what is your thought about the actual point — that Trump said there were good people on the fascist side?
by oldedude on March 17, 2025 1:59 pm You're lying as much as he is.
Trump said that they were “good people” on that side. Curt's statement indicated the lie that he said there were only good people on that side. Welcome to english 101, or didn't you get that in middle school?
by Navy2711 on March 17, 2025 5:47 pm OD,
"Curt's statement indicated the lie that he said there were only good people on that side."
That's not correct. Here are Curt's words again:
"A few years ago when White supremacists descended upon Charlottesville chanting “Jews will not replace us!”, Trump said that they were “good people” on that side."
Curt didn't say anything about "only". He only said that Trump said there were good people on the fascist side. And Trump DID, in fact, say that.
by oldedude on March 18, 2025 2:13 am As usual, you're on the wrong moral side of everything. Especially if you believe if there is "no one good" on the other side. You can make generalizations all you want. That's nothing more than me making generalizations that all libs should be murdered because they're trying to take down the government. You're no different than the TDS shitheads that say ALL this, or ALL that. Consider yourself much like the thinking of the KKK, ALL OF THEM ARE... you're no better than them. Much like your misogynist, transphobic, homophobic, pedophile self.
by Navy2711 on March 18, 2025 10:22 am You said, "Curt's statement indicated the lie that [Trump] said there were only good people on that side"
I observed that that statement was incorrect. The fact that you're no longer arguing that point, and instead trying to deflect by putting words in my mouth, indicates to me that you accept that you were wrong.
by meagain on March 18, 2025 10:41 am "all libs should be murdered because they're trying to take down the government."
I am not sure what that means, OD. It seems opposite to the tenor of most of your postings that suggest the "libs" want too much government.
by oldedude on March 18, 2025 11:15 am You should really take a course in reading comprehension.
"Especially if you believe if there is "no one good" on the other side. You can make generalizations all you want.
That's nothing more than me making generalizations that all libs should be murdered because they're trying to take down the government.
You're no different than the TDS shitheads that say ALL this, or ALL that.
Consider yourself much like the thinking of the KKK, ALL OF THEM ARE... you're no better than them. "
I was saying that as you generalize all conservatives, Christians, anyone that isn't "you." You're as wrong as me making that statement, and TDS is the same thinking as the KKK and other supremacists.
by Navy2711 on March 18, 2025 11:34 am OD, you're having difficulty, so I'll patiently reiterate:
You said, "Curt's statement indicated the lie that [Trump] said there were only good people on that side"
That was an incorrect statement. That is simply not what Curt said nor implied. The word "only" has been added by you.
by oldedude on March 18, 2025 12:40 pm Again, welcome to English 101. You're specifically leaving out context, which liars usually do. I thought it was an error when he said it. As usual, he should have just shut his mouth because people like you and curt would take it out of context and believe it the rest of their lives. I cited the snopes which you obviously wouldn't read because it would show that you're wrong.
No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People'
However, the accuracy of what Trump did claim – that there were "very fine people on both sides" of the 2017 Unite the Right debacle – is in question.
If you're that shallow of a human being, I pity you. I already know that curt has no empathy whatsoever for other human beings, so that's already established. I was hoping that you were different. I guess not.
by Navy2711 on March 18, 2025 1:07 pm Curt said that Trump said that there were good people on the fascist side.
YOU said that Curt said that Trump said there were only good people on that side.
Mistakenly or otherwise, you inserted "only" into Curt's statement.
You were wrong.
by oldedude on March 18, 2025 1:51 pm You are a troll as you admitted earlier.
by oldedude on March 19, 2025 8:40 am When I was reading the "Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)," I started thinking about Mahmoud Khalil. I think this is a much clearer case of this act than the Salvadorians. This guy ticks all the boxes for not only deportation, but a criminal case. Radical Islam routinely says they are "at war" with all western nations, and especially with the US. There is hard evidence regarding him supporting Hamas without any first amendment questions.
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