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EPA head says he’ll roll back dozens of environmental regulations, including rules on climate change
By HatetheSwamp
March 13, 2025 6:22 am
Category: Government
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The "Green New Scam."
Here's what Curt's Holy Trinity and po's metaphorical Rachel aren't telling you: Trump's deregulations will save consumers more than tariffs will cost them.
“We are driving a dagger through the heart of climate-change religion and ushering in America’s Golden Age,’' EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin said in an essay in The Wall Street Journal.
If approved after a lengthy process that includes public comment, the Trump administration’s actions will eliminate trillions of dollars in regulatory costs and “hidden taxes,” Zeldin said, lowering the cost of living for American families and reducing prices for such essentials such as buying a car, heating your home and operating a business.
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Comments on "EPA head says he’ll roll back dozens of environmental regulations, including rules on climate change":
by oldedude on March 13, 2025 6:56 am These are interesting. Also great for farmers and ranchers (depending what stupid regulation they've changed). I was talking about some of these. When the rains came to CO farmlands (in this case), it was illegal for ranchers to get the dead livestock out of the low water areas. The livestock had gotten stuck in the much and died. The land was starting to drain (like the ranchers planned for), so the EPA automatically "assumed" the land and fined the ranchers because they didn't get the drainage approved. The land was "fenced" off and the ranchers couldn't touch it (legally, it's the EPA's land). So the livestock couldn't be recovered and gotten rid of. Here comes the EPA again. They fine the ranchers because now they have "contaminated" water because the animal is still in the water. This horrible cycle is a gold mine for the EPA. And, with many of these "regulations" make no sense how they're "enforced."
To note; EPA regulations do not go through congress or any other agency. They self- determine their own rules as they go along. They also make changes without consulting anyone. Like Lead said at the top, if someone else wants to change their rules, it can take up to two-five years easy. EPA puts up their "walls" and you can't get answers from them. Many times it's "because we said so."
I know there are folks here that will automatically support anything the EPA says. This is one of those great ideas that grew a really ugly head by being it's own enforcer.
by HatetheSwamp on March 13, 2025 7:04 am
"To note; EPA regulations do not go through congress or any other agency. They self- determine their own rules as they go along. They also make changes without consulting anyone."
Yes. And, our progressives don't care about democracy. They looove the bureautocracy created by The ONE and the Doddering Old Fool's string-pullers.
by oldedude on March 13, 2025 7:31 am That was kinda my point🤣. And again, they started out as concerned people that were trying to conserve the natural resources and lands.
But now? It's about kingdom building. It's interesting that sportsmen groups like "Ducks Unlimited" who are VERY concerned for wildlife for future generations aren't heard by the EPA. Until recently, when wasting disease hit hundreds of thousands of deer in the western states, they didn't believe culling herds or keeping the populations down. What you got were whole herds with the disease. And then of course, there's the apex predator re-introduction issue.
by HatetheSwamp on March 13, 2025 8:40 am
I know it was your point. You made it well. I couldn't agree more.
Trump's tariffs, especially on Canada, should be unpopular, IMO, but this Green New "scam" stuff? America may try to make him, President-for-life!!!!!
by meagain on March 13, 2025 2:49 pm How do you two manage to be so ignorant of your own country's legal machinery?
First, no country could function id agencies were not set up to deal with certain things and given the power to enact regulations within the scope of law. For Congrees to do to, it would need to be several thousand Representatives each with adequate staff and committees that functioned like those independent agencies.
Then, any regulation of the EPA can be appealed to the EPA Board. I think that is what it is called. Failing there, it can be appealed in Court.
That would be rare because all its Regulations are made with the intent of enforcing improvements and safety. If they get one wrong, appeal.
by oldedude on March 13, 2025 3:03 pm You realise of course, you're going to get stone-walled for at least 10 years. And in that time, you'll be visited by the EPA and charged with any slight infraction you may have. It costs more to stand up to them than it does to just take it. The truth is; nobody "wins" an EPA "appeal." Not in the "real world." It's just stupid to do. It costs so much, oil companies don't even do it often. They'll just take the $500,000 fine and be happy with it.
How do you manage to be so ignorant of your own posts?
Most of the appeals have to go through federal court. Again, the system is rigged against the citizen, and for the government.
by meagain on March 13, 2025 3:40 pm It won't take ten years. The Appeal Board is obligated to deal with it expeditiously. It could also be taken straight to Court. If the delay there would be too great and the need is urgent, any judge would order a holding injunction until it is heard.
However, this coincidentally just came out and is apt for this discussion.
by oldedude on March 13, 2025 4:21 pm You've never dealt with them. It takes a farmer/rancher at least $1MILLION to initiate a claim. And what I said about EPA is FACTUAL from experience with friends/family. Yours is hearsay at best and my guess your "expertise" was a "google search" that you're "quoting." Because you damn sure don't know a thing about these assholes.
"Expeditiously" and "through the courts" is an oxymoron. Obviously, you've never sued a bureaucracy. And have never worked against bureaucratic shitbag lawyers who can stall death if they wanted to. Like I said before, while you're on hold for this case, they pile up several hundred THOUSAND DOLLARS in additional fines. Payment due on demand. If you have to sell your ranch, they won. They turn you in to IRS and you're totally fucked. There is no recourse from them. I've seen people owe more than their ranch can sell for, so the family is fucked for the rest of the money the rest of their lives. Double suicides are common with farms/ranches go under.
To get on the docket in a lower court takes at least six months. Except the EPA will chickenshit you and create more charges. Thereby, pushing back the dates. The next level of courts takes about 9 months, and the one before the SCOTUS is almost a year. SCOTUS (if they take your case) will take a minimum of a year depending on when you apply. Could be up to two, if they take you.
So honestly, I really don't give a fuck what you "think" you know. These are the facts. Welcome to the real fucking world of the EPA/ IRS.
by meagain on March 13, 2025 4:26 pm It does not ake six months to seek an injunction, and it does not cost a fortune. And I have had many cases against bureaucracy here. You are assuming that the ones who have a beef are always in the right.
by oldedude on March 13, 2025 7:49 pmIt does not ake six months to seek an injunction, and it does not cost a fortune.
A single lawyer is typically $1000- $1500/hour to do this and that's very low. You have to have specialists in EPA regulations and countering that. You generally have a team of them. Do the math.
And I have had many cases against bureaucracy here.
First, that tells me a LOT. You've never done a court case in the US. Which means you don't know our laws as well as you "think" you do.
Secondly, when did you do your "case?" In the 1950s? Maybe '40s? Because you don't have any concept at all how long cases go here. Kind of like your "knowledge" of the "military" which is from the '50 also. A simple drug case takes at least 2 years. That is 2 years from the initial court date/ plea, to when defense gives closing arguments.
You are assuming that the ones who have a beef are always in the right.
Never. I used to prep dopers and cartel members prosecutions. They were NEVER in the right. Court prep would take us two? three months just on that. More depending on the circumstances.
What I'm saying is that in these cases, everyone will keep appeals going until they don't have one. Anyone who doesn't do appeal is a fool. Welcome to OUR system.
by meagain on March 14, 2025 9:40 am You are hopeless, OD. That case could be prepared in a week, and there are many lawyers who would do it pro bono. It would not need a team. All the arguments have been made in courts all over the world.
by HatetheSwamp on March 14, 2025 9:49 am
Re: "You are hopeless, OD."
How is it that it's you who becomes the focus of the ire of the progressive Swampcultists here. First Indy, now meagain!!!!!?
by meagain on March 14, 2025 11:23 am He isn't the focus for any particular reason. You and he are the only ones posting nonsense that can't be allowed to stand unchallenged.
by meagain on March 14, 2025 11:28 am In a sense, though, he is the focus because he actually posts some interesting arguments. It is just a pity that he cannot seem to think straight to do follow-ups when they are disputed or questioned.
by HatetheSwamp on March 14, 2025 11:34 am
You are unnecessarily vicious in your posts to and about OD.
by oldedude on March 14, 2025 12:14 pm Interesting that I'm still batting 99% on the challenges.
by meagain on March 15, 2025 2:32 pm "You are unnecessarily vicious in your posts to and about OD."
Oh! Dear! He has you to comfort him, though. OD is very good at handing it out and I notice that he raises no objections to getting it back. I do, though, try to be a little more subtle.
by oldedude on March 15, 2025 5:45 pm I treat people how I'm treated. Period. Think about it.
by HatetheSwamp on March 16, 2025 3:14 am
You are the SS curmudgeon-in-residence.
by oldedude on March 16, 2025 5:33 amOD is very good at handing it out and I notice that he raises no objections to getting it back.
If you think that, your self-awareness is in the minus column. I've raised objections several times. Sometimes, I thought I was talking to indy with his crass and off topic "remarks." (not being able to see the topic or the point about a post and picking a "word" or sentence to fight about). I think that says a lot about you and your relationship with human beings. I've tried agreeing with you and that doesn't even work. You still pick that word out of something and still fight. Like poking fun of your dementia.
by meagain on March 16, 2025 9:16 am You agree with me. OD, only when you would seem as foolish as Pb if you did not. Pick a sentence to fight? Do you think I am going to spend my life dissecting your word salads and irrelevant themes? I am not interested in fighting, either. I assure you would know it if I were fighting. You, in your conceit, think any disagreement with you, any contrary evidence, is fighting.
by oldedude on March 18, 2025 6:58 amDo you think I am going to spend my life dissecting your word salads and irrelevant themes?
You just did. Everything in your post was negative.
by Navy2711 on March 18, 2025 11:38 am OD: From your post on March 15th: "I treat people how I'm treated. Period."
Has anyone wished rape and murder on you, as you recently did to me?
by oldedude on March 18, 2025 11:46 am Navy cite?
by Navy2711 on March 18, 2025 11:52 am Are you denying you did this?
by oldedude on March 18, 2025 12:30 pm I don't remember doing it, and I'd like you to tell me what I said and where I said it so I might be able to explain it or apologize if I actually did. Or are you misconstruing or twisting what I said. You and wrong again are pretty good at that.
by HatetheSwamp on March 18, 2025 12:34 pm
Navy doesn't do links!!!!!?
by Navy2711 on March 18, 2025 12:38 pm It was an hour and a half ago, and OD can't remember it.
It's time this board start considering the possibility that OD really does have some sort of mental illness. And by "this board," I mean folks like myself who intentionally get him riled up.
by oldedude on March 18, 2025 12:44 pm So you lied. Good. I'm glad you admitted it. You just diverted and called me names. Kind of like a 12 year old little girl🤣. Now you'll be crying all the way under your daddies' skirts😢...
by HatetheSwamp on March 18, 2025 1:06 pm
"It was an hour and a half ago, and OD can't remember it."
And, you can't produce it. Hmmmm.
by oldedude on March 18, 2025 1:52 pm That was my thought. He's nothing but an EFFEN troll. (thank you po!)
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