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White House accidentally texted reporter its secret plans for strikes on Houthis in Yemen
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Is love thy neighbor and WWJD passé among Republican Christians?
Religion by Curt_Anderson     March 23, 2025 2:45 pm (Rating: 5.0) Last comment by: oldedude (20 comments) [196 views]

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Around 23,000 Tucsonans Show Up for Bernie and AOC's FIGHT OLIGARCHY Tour
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Surrendering to Authoritarianism
Education by Donna     March 24, 2025 4:39 pm (Rating: 5.0) Last comment by: Curt_Anderson (2 comments) [20 views]

My prediction and a question about Usha Vance's visit to Greenland.
International by Curt_Anderson     March 24, 2025 9:06 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: meagain (7 comments) [86 views]

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Trump’s lackluster jobs report shows increase in frustrated workers stuck in part-time jobs.
By Curt_Anderson
March 8, 2025 11:05 am
Category: Government

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Republicans love discrediting Biden’s jobs reports by claiming it included many part-time jobs. The number of part-time workers just went up in Trump’s first jobs report in his second administration.

More part-time workers want full-time jobs, monthly report shows
Some of the numbers in Friday’s report on the February employment situation suggest that the labor market may be softening a bit. To wit: The number of people who basically said they’re stuck in part-time jobs when they’d prefer full-time work went up about 10%.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics actually has six different ways of measuring unemployment, named — memorably — U1 through U6. The official unemployment rate, U3, came in at 4.1%.

“But they also have a broader measure, which includes discouraged workers, marginally attached workers and people who are involuntarily working part time,” said Jeremy Reynolds, a Purdue University sociologist who studies work and organizations.h

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Comments on "Trump’s lackluster jobs report shows increase in frustrated workers stuck in part-time jobs.":

  1. by oldedude on March 8, 2025 11:35 am
    We waited FOUR YEARS for pedojoe to correct the families "stuck in part time jobs" and all you did was LIE about the jobs report, and you still do.

    You should have self-corrected that screwup in the past administration!

  2. by HatetheSwamp on March 9, 2025 9:05 am

    I'm guessing that it will be at least Labor Day until voters begin to blame Trump for a bad economy.

  3. by Curt_Anderson on March 9, 2025 9:30 am
    Guess again.

    WASHINGTON, March 4 (Reuters) - Just one in three Americans approve of President Donald Trump's handling of the cost of living in the U.S., a sign of unease as he enacts steep tariffs on imports that are stoking inflation worries, a Reuters/Ipsos survey that concluded on Tuesday found.

    The two-day poll, carried out just before the Republican president was due to address a joint session of Congress, showed Trump's approval ratings below 40% on a range of issues - including the economy, foreign policy and corruption - with the notable exception being his 49% rating on immigration policy.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on March 9, 2025 9:51 am

    I don't think that's the same thing as assigning blame.

  5. by oldedude on March 9, 2025 10:31 am
    I'm also looking at the dims gaslighting this like they lied to us about the pedojoe "employment" for four years. It's no different. They don't have a "dang" thing to be "for" so they just gaslight everyone. One of the issues though is they are losing their media that would "support" them, simply because of the blatant lying for the past four years.

    I really wish they could get together enough to be "human" again (instead of inhumane), understand this is a "Republic." They lost just like we did the last election. Suck it up buttercup. Again, I appreciate a difference of "opinion." The issue I have is this is EXACTLY what the founders didn't want. Oligarchy of the masses, where a small percentage are nothing but a bunch of violent thugs that just want to be the Sturmabteilung (assault division or "Brown Shirts"). In this case though, it's a small portion of the left, that even the dims don't like. So they're not even liked by their own "supporters." But these are die- hard troops and will keep the "revolution" going. Much like the Nazi's did pre WWII.

    And their slogan? "Violence for me, but not for thee." "Bedenken Kristallnacht!"

  6. by Curt_Anderson on March 9, 2025 11:40 am
    Disapproval is followed closely by its close cousin blame, sooner I would think than Labor Day. Even Trump voters will realize that he didn’t keep his promise to lower prices on “day one”.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on March 9, 2025 12:03 pm


    You are a glass-half-full practitioner of deranged TrumpHate.

    I think your "feckless dementia-ridden" Flatulent Fool has coat tails on our economic woes as far as moderate and independent common sense voters are concerned, and will through the summer. People were making cost of eggs jokes long before Carrie Underwood sang AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL. This'll be the Former Trucker's mess for a while.

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  8. by oldedude on March 9, 2025 12:08 pm
    Perhaps it's the left that isn't that smart about the economy. It's them that actually believes that you can step in and PooF! something in the gov'mnt "fixed." Perhaps there's metaphors the left is missing. AND he's also said the oil reserves that pedojoe destroyed are going to take time to start them working again. That's because even though pedojoe 'allowed oil drilling' in the last days of his presidency, he still left the same EPA standards in place. That means it's going to take at least six months to get the operations and certifications approved.

    So maybe if you just gaslight us enough, we might believe that YOU believe the world as we know it is ending.

  9. by Curt_Anderson on March 9, 2025 12:39 pm
    I get that cult members will never blame Trump. Not all voters, even all Trump voters, are cultists. Some will remember Trump taking credit for positive economic news that happened upon his just entering office and even before.

  10. by meagain on March 9, 2025 12:54 pm
    " moderate and independent common sense voters "

    "Common sense" voters are voters who lack any information to make a decision. Voters who vote for the representative who promises the most whether it is attainable or not. Voters who vote for the one who gives them comfort instead of reality.

  11. by oldedude on March 9, 2025 4:37 pm
    And we're thinking of all the other facets of the last "administration." Those are some really hard issues for the dims to dodge.

    Men in women's sports, men in women's showers and restrooms FORCED on the 80% of the people that don't believe in that. Lying to the voters about pedojoe being "sane" enough to serve when that was an unadulterated LIE. Not having any platform that agreed with any major percentage of the American people AND LYING ABOUT IT. Watching pedojoe LIE about virtually everything he was about, including criminal activity.

    pedojoe FAILURES:
    The Border (you said no one could control it- LIE it's being controlled)
    Men in women's sports
    Men in women's showers and restrooms
    DEI (Racist)
    "Green New Deal" which the money went to other programs (pedojoe raided Medicare to pay for it, sucking money from those who need it the most. The "act" shifted prescriptions from the individual to the "insurance companies" which if you know or understand anything about business, the end consumer will end up paying more. asshole)[1]

    What you libtards are doing right now is trying to gaslight the world, and create shit that doesn't exist. Unless you actually want to call out your own party on it (which you NEVER WILL). You are showing yourselves as you are.

    WTF is the dim platform then? WTF do YOU and your little Nazis stand for? I understand you're TDS, and you hate all Jews. That's a given.

    Answer me this. Is there anything POSITIVE you wish to do in your party the rest of the nation will vote for?

    If not STFU. You have nothing to say that makes any sense.

    Since assuming office, I've been critical of the trumpster administration. My post here is not about defending trumpster. It's about reality of the libtards and their complete lack of morality and ethics. If you want to claim you have any morals whatsoever, then just say it. Otherwise, you're an empty little Nazi, beating Jews because someone told you to. Nothing more.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on March 10, 2025 3:28 am

    "Common sense" voters are voters who lack any information to make a decision. Voters who vote for the representative who promises the most whether it is attainable or not. Voters who vote for the one who gives them comfort instead of reality.

    "Moderate and independent common sense voters" is a phrase I created here to point out Donna's sanctimony in insulting people who are not news junkies "low information voters..." because I respect those people, I don't judge them, and because I'm not self-righteous.

    Those people are not ideologues as all of us here are.

    I strongly suspected, in 024, that the majority of them would break for Mr Tangerine Man because of common sense... and, of course, they did.

    It was common sense to protect girls and women and to keep their private spaces safe and to insure girls and women can compete fairly and safely in sports.

    It was common sense to enforce our border laws.

    It was common sense to focus on lowering energy prices and to promote the shrinking of the deficit and to promote moving jobs back into our economy.

    Because our political middle votes based on what makes sense, I think of them as moderate and independent common sense voters.

  13. by Curt_Anderson on March 10, 2025 9:15 am
    people who are not news junkies [are not] "low information voters..." because I respect those people, I don't judge them, and because I'm not self-righteous. —HtS

    With good reason in your case. Most of what you call common sense is really unreasonable fear. Some people fear immigrants, fear transgender people, fear the loss of their job, etc.

    I know some people would have loved for there to be impenetrable wall along our southern border. This even though Hispanic immigrants are a large share of hotel, restaurant, nursing home and agricultural workers.

    A trade deficit simply means a country imports more goods than it exports, and this is beneficial as it allows consumers access a wider range of products at lower prices (attention Walmart, shoppers). A person does not have to make “goods” to make money. I make money off this website, for example. Same goes for the billions made off Google, Facebook and PayPal.

    So what else are you afraid of? Perhaps I can assuage your fears.

  14. by oldedude on March 10, 2025 9:30 am
    Even a lot of dems voted for trumpster because of the men in their daughters' restrooms and showers. That was a very viable, core moral issue for many people.

    I also agree with both the border and immigration. And he won over more votes when people saw he was booting gang members, murderers, rapists, and child sex offenders. Again, to any parent, these are core moral issues.

    And then they saw demonstrations FOR both of those. That made the moderate dems NOT support the dim party at all, because the party went hook, line, and sinker for those issues.

    Although curt is making this all about trumpsters failure, I don't think it's "just" what trumpster is doing. And I'm very suspicious of anything anti- trumpster in the media after they've put out so many lies it's just easier to wait until others say it's true.

    I've said since pedojoe was in power and the dims (even here) were lying for the party. That was something that had the power to control, and they chose to defend him and cover it up and LIE. That did not endear them to the voters. And the voters were scared of the party enough they lied in the polls about it.

  15. by meagain on March 10, 2025 10:06 am
    "Because our political middle votes based on what makes sense, I think of them as moderate and independent common sense voters."

    It is not common sense at all to support those things. Some of those problems do not exist, and they are manufactured to lure those low income voters.

    What Fentanyl crosses the Canadian border is mostly from the USA into Canada.

    As Curt said, a trade deficit with one country can be - is beneficial to customers and the economy. Trade is not nation to nation. It is nations to nations. Deficits with one and surpluses with another. Foreign investment also follows that. A country that has a surplus with yours may invest money in yours. It all balances out internationally. For example, you have a substantial trade surplus with one of Trump's targets, Panama and your shipping tolls even that out. Trump wants to end the toll on US shipping and have a surplus on both.

  16. by oldedude on March 10, 2025 12:19 pm
    I gave you example of "common sense" voter core issues that dems jumped to vote for trumpster on. It makes sense if you want to allow men in womens' restrooms and showers, because that's where you get the last of your jollies. And honestly, it doesn't matter what you think about the US. You hate us anyway and that will never change. I do think it's funny that you can not only let trumpster live rent free in your head, but also your hatred of the US. I don't have that much hate in me to allow that to happen.

  17. by meagain on March 10, 2025 12:30 pm
    Common sense is always guesswork. Always from the lack of information and expert guidance.' It has a 50/50 chance of being right in the best circumstances. Less when the guesser is deciding based on the blandishments of a serial liar like Trump.

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