Re Politico: Insider poll: The Democratic Party has ‘lost its way’
By HatetheSwamp March 7, 2025 5:40 am Category: Politics (0.0 from 0 votes)
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I'm curious because I agree. What does SS think? The bingo paddles and the dissing of the 13 year old cancer survivor tells me the the SwampDems at least, has lost the plot.
The DC Dems have, collectively, become po. It's fine if there are radical haters among the grassroots of a party if there's responsible engagement in party leadership. But, as this poll suggests, people know that that's not the case.
A liberal pollster finds just 10 percent of voters think Democrats have a good plan for opposing the president.
A plurality of voters — 40 percent — said the Democratic Party doesn’t have any strategy whatsoever for responding to Trump, according to the survey by the liberal firm Blueprint that was shared first with POLITICO. Another 24 percent said Democrats have a game plan, but it’s a bad one.
A paltry 10 percent said that the party has a solid technique for dealing with Trump. And that’s coming from a Democratic outfit’s survey.
The unsparing findings, issued by a group backed by mega-donor Reid Hoffman, amount to a major rebuke of the party’s approach to the dawn of Trump’s second term. And they come at a moment when Democrats are already feeling despondent after their roundly mocked response to Trump’s address to Congress on Tuesday, which was lambasted as unproductive and amateurish.
“Voters correctly identified that the Democratic Party has lost its way,” said Evan Roth Smith, the top pollster for Blueprint. “The Democratic response [Tuesday] night was more or less a continuation of what we’ve seen from Democrats so far. Which is, there was nothing overtly wrong about it, but it didn’t actually do anything to ameliorate this core issue Democrats face, which is voters aren’t quite sure what we stand for and would like us to get back to the basic principles of the party.”
Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.), who has been one of the most vocal critics of his party’s approach to Trump, said in an interview that the spectacle from Democrats was “sad AF.” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) said that while he understands “the emotion behind” such outbursts, they are “not my style.”
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